This is a backend for the Lager Erlang logging framework.
This backend will send all your logs to the configured email addresses. Specially useful for warning/errors logs. You can throttle the number of emails received per min. Setting the limit to 0, disables throttling.
Include this backend into your project using rebar:
{lager_email_backend, ".*", {git, "", "master"}}
You can pass the backend the following configuration (shown are the defaults):
{lager, [
{handlers, [
{lager_email_backend, [
{level, warning},
{from, "<[email protected]>"},
{to, ["<[email protected]>", "<[email protected]>"]},
{username, "[email protected]"},
{password, "hidden_pass"},
{smtp_server, ""},
{emails_per_min, 10}