Java Full stack training :
File Git.ppt has been added to understand the following :
- What is Git
- Git History
- Git Commands
- Types of VCS -> CVCS and DVCS
- Case study for better understanding
- Trunk based development.
- How to revamp Git profile
- Self learning link
File BigO.ppt has been added to understand the following :
- What is BigO notation
- Time and Space complexity
- Case Study and rules
- refernce link
File OOAD.ppt has been added to understand the following :
- About Grady Booch
- Complexity
- Complex system
- Algorithmic vs Object Decomposition
- Wahat is OOA
- What is OOD
- What is OOAD
- What is Object Model
- Object based vs Object oriented Programming
- What are different kinds of relationship
- UML diagrams
- C++ Standards