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This is a command line tool designed to report broken link and their status, such as good, bad, redirect, unknown and not exist.

To install fbl,

$ npm i findbrokenurl

Now, you can run npx fbl with any available options from your project.



  • Identify different types of URL with status code in colour coded:
    • Good link - status code 200
    • Redirect link - status code 301, 307, 308
    • Bad link - status code 400, 404
    • Unknown link - status code except above ones
    • Not exist link - status code with timeout and DNS issues
  • Find broken links for one or more file
  • Find broken links for one or more file in one or more directory
  • Find broken links directly from one or more URL
  • Find archvied version of link directly from one or more URL
  • Accepts configuration file for customizing result (good, bad, all links) and report format (JSON)
  • Check the links in the last 10 posts indexed by your local Telescope


fbl [options] <argument>

To check broken links in one or more files:

$ fbl -f [path to file1] [path to file2]...

To check broken link for one or more file in one or more directories:

$ fbl -d [path to directory1] [path to other directory2]...

To check broken link directy for one or more URL:

 $ fbl -u [url1] [url2]...

To find an archived version of one or more URL:

$ fbl -a [url1] [url2]...

To print specific type of URL(good/bad/all):

$ fbl -c [path to Config file] <another option>

The Config file must be a valid json with following structure:

    "resultType" : "[type]",
    "isJsonFormat" : boolean

where type can be good or bad or all and isJsonFormat is boolean : true or false. You can change the resultType and isJsonFormat while testing.


  • -f, --fileName: path to one or more files you want to check for broken link
  • -d, --dir : path to one or more directories you want to check for broken link
  • -u, --url: one or more URL you want to check for broken link
  • -a, --archived: one or more URL you want to check for archived version
  • -c, --config: uses the configuartion from specified file
  • -t, --telescope : Check the links in the last 10 posts indexed by your local Telescope
  • -v, --version: prints current version number of the CLI with tool name
  • -h, --help: prints the options available for the CLI with the example of how to use it


For testing purposes, two test files(test.txt, test2.html), one test directory, and a Config file have been provided.


I am actively working on this project and hoping to add more improved features in future. Any suggestion will be appriciated. Please do a pull request or open an issue with any suggestions you want to share.

For contribution information, please check the contributiors documentation.



This tool reports the broken link in a file or a url







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