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Nov 19, 2024
Nov 19, 2024

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Sam's Fishing Lifelist

I decided to start lifelisting since it's fun and I mostly catch and release -- my photos were becoming quite disorganized and I was curious to find out how many different kinds of fish I've caught. Unfortunately this led me to a few realizations:

  1. I didn't take pictures of every species I've ever caught. I'm regretting it now, because I would feel bad if I included those fish. I'll have to get them again.
  2. Some fish look different within the same species; e.g male vs female, barred vs unbarred, anadromous vs freshwater only.
  3. I've hooked up with some fish but failed to land and get a picture of them.

At any rate I'll catch, photograph, and release the fish I missed / failed to get pictures of in due time.

Note: This list contains (usually) the first fish of each species that I managed to photograph, chronologically. The fish pictured is not usually the largest of the species that I caught, nor is it the first of that species that I ever caught -- it's just (usually) the first to get on film. This list is also not that reflective of how much I fish, because I mostly do catch the same kinds of fish at my local spots. I don't go super out of my way to add species to this list. I haven't been bitten by the microfishing game just yet, for example :)

Unique Species List (Photographed)

61 unique species caught and fully identified as of November 19, 2024. 4 additional species caught but not fully identified, and more caught but not recorded in pictures (thus omitted here).

# Date Fish Species Latin Name Method Location Tags Notes
1 2016-05-01 California Halibut Paralichthys californicus Live-lined anchovy SF bay Inshore, Flatfish, Gamefish On a live-lined anchovy. Caught in SF bay on a charter boat.
2 2016-06-17 Pacific Mackerel Scomber japonicus Sabiki rig Pacifica Pier Pelagic, Baitfish On a sabiki rig. Caught at Pacifica Pier.
3 2016-07-24 Pacific Pompano Peprilus simillimus Sabiki rig Pacifica Pier Inshore, Special/Rare On a sabiki rig. Caught at Pacifica Pier; almost mistook it for a surfperch! These things are rare in NorCal.
4 2017-05-13 Walleye Surfperch Hyperprosopon argenteum Sabiki rig Santa Cruz Wharf Inshore On a sabiki rig. Caught at Santa Cruz Wharf.
5 2017-05-26 Yellow Perch Perca flavescens Inline spinner Charles River, Cambridge MA Freshwater On an inline spinner. Caught in the Charles River, Cambridge MA.
6 2017-05-26 White Perch Morone americana Inline spinner Charles River, Cambridge MA Freshwater On an inline spinner. Caught in the Charles River, Cambridge MA. Darker variety.
7 2017-05-28 Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides Inline spinner Charles River, Cambridge MA Freshwater, Gamefish On an inline spinner. Caught in the Charles River, Cambridge MA.
8 2017-07-03 Bat Ray Myliobatis californica Cutbait (mackerel) Near Channel Islands Ray On cutbait (mackerel). Caught near the channel islands in a sailboat. Fuzzy image was screencapped from video.
9 2017-08-16 Mahi Mahi (Dorado) (Dolphin) Coryphaena hippurus Wood plug (trolled) Todos Santos, MX Pelagic, Gamefish On a wood plug, trolled. Caught off the coast of Todos Santos, MX on a panga boat.
10 2017-08-16 Pacific Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares Wood plug (trolled) Todos Santos, MX Pelagic, Gamefish On a wood plug, trolled. Caught off the coast of Todos Santos, MX on a panga boat.
11 2017-09-23 Green Sunfish Lepomis cyanellus Inline spinner Guadalupe River, San Jose CA Freshwater On an inline spinner. Caught in the Guadalupe River, San Jose CA.
12 2018-05-04 Queenfish Seriphus politus Shrimp San Diego, CA Inshore On shrimp. Caught off a pier in San Diego, CA.
13 2018-06-08 Northern Pike Esox lucius Inline spinner Bay Lake, MN Freshwater, Gamefish On an inline spinner. Caught in Bay Lake, MN.
14 2018-06-08 Rock Bass Ambloplites rupestris Inline spinner Bay Lake, MN Freshwater On an inline spinner. Caught in Bay Lake, MN.
15 2018-06-09 Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus Inline spinner Bay Lake, MN Freshwater On an inline spinner. Caught in Bay Lake, MN.
16 2018-11-22 Spotted Bay Bass Paralabrax maculatofasciatus 3/8oz underspin San Diego Bay, CA Inshore On 3/8oz underspin. Caught in San Diego Bay, CA.
17 2018-12-24 Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Nightcrawler Rogue River, OR Freshwater, Gamefish On a nightcrawler. Caught in the Rogue River, OR.
18 2019-03-30 Jacksmelt Atherinopsis californiensis Sabiki rig Santa Barbara, CA Inshore, Baitfish On sabiki rig. Caught in Santa Barbara, CA.
19 2019-07-05 Yellow Bullhead Catfish Ameiurus natalis Hot dog on bottom Gompers Lagoon, Chicago IL Freshwater On hot dog on the bottom. Caught at Gompers Lagoon, Chicago IL.
20 2019-07-06 Black Crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus Hot dog under bobber Gompers Lagoon, Chicago IL Freshwater, Gamefish On hot dog under a bobber. Caught at Gompers Lagoon, Chicago IL.
21 2019-08-18 Barred Surfperch Amphistichus argenteus Half Moon Bay, CA Inshore, Gamefish Caught at Half Moon Bay, CA.
22 2019-08-30 Northern Pikeminnow Ptychocheilus oregonensis Rogue River, OR Freshwater Caught in the Rogue River, OR.
23 2019-09-29 Leopard Shark Triakis semifasciata Squid/salmon combo bait SF Bay Shark On squid/salmon combo bait. Caught in the SF Bay, on a friend's boat.
24 2019-09-29 Sevengill Shark Notorynchus cepedianus Squid/salmon combo bait SF Bay Shark On squid/salmon combo bait. Caught in the SF Bay, on a friend's boat.
25 2019-10-20 Common Carp Cyprinus carpio Whole kernel corn Stevens Creek Reservoir, Cupertino CA Freshwater On whole kernel corn. Caught at Stevens Creek Reservoir, Cupertino CA.
26 2019-11-23 Bluefin Trevally Caranx melampygus Whipping rig, curly tailed grub Anini Beach, Kauai Inshore On a whipping rig, curly tailed grub. Caught at Anini Beach, Kauai.
27 2019-11-24 Pacific Jack Crevalle Caranx caninus Whipping rig, curly tailed grub Anini Beach, Kauai Inshore On a whipping rig, curly tailed grub. Caught at Anini Beach, Kauai.
28 2019-11-25 Bluespotted Cornetfish Fistularia commersonii Whipping rig, curly tailed grub Anini Beach, Kauai Inshore, Special/Rare On a whipping rig, curly tailed grub. Caught at Anini Beach, Kauai.
29 2020-02-29 Gray/Bermuda Sea Chub Kyphosus sectatrix/bigibbus Bait Riviera Maya, MX On bait. Caught at Riviera Maya, MX.
30 2020-03-01 Atlantic Blue Tang Acanthurus coeruleus Bait Riviera Maya, MX On bait. Caught at Riviera Maya, MX.
31 2020-03-01 White Grunt Haemulon plumierii Bait Riviera Maya MX On bait. Caught at Riviera Maya MX.
32 2020-03-01 Mangrove Snapper Lutjanus griseus Bait Riviera Maya, MX On bait. Caught at Riviera Maya, MX.
33 2020-03-02 Sergeant Major Abudefduf saxatilis Bait Riviera Maya, MX On bait. Caught at Riviera Maya, MX.
34 2020-08-22 White Croaker Genyonemus lineatus Sand crab Aptos, CA Inshore On a sand crab. Caught in Aptos, CA.
35 2020-09-09 Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis Fly East Gallatin River, Bozeman, Montana Freshwater, Gamefish On the fly. Caught in Bozeman, Montana.
36 2020-09-09 Mountain Whitefish Prosopium williamsoni Fly East Gallatin River, Bozeman, Montana Freshwater On the fly. Caught in Bozeman, Montana. The adipose fin is the giveaway that it isn't a sucker -- it's actually a salmonid!
37 2020-09-10 Shellcracker Lepomis microlophus Lake Josephine, Montana Freshwater Caught on a little worm in Montana's Lake Josephine.
38 2020-09-19 Smallmouth Bass Micropterus dolomieu 1/8oz jig w/ paddletail swimbait Allegheny River, Pittsburgh, PA Freshwater, Gamefish On a 1/8oz jig w/ paddletail swimbait. Caught in the Allegheny River from the banks of Pittsburgh, PA.
39 2020-10-03 Atlantic Menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus Deadly dick spoon Sandy Hook, NJ Inshore, Baitfish Snagged on my deadly dick spoon when going for stripers; normally don't count snags but you can't really catch Menhaden any other way + it was unintentional. Caught on the surf in Sandy Hook, NJ.
40 2020-10-10 Striped Bass Morone saxatilis Bucktail Quonochontaug, CT Gamefish Note to those silly striper guys: I mainly use a fish grip for their benefit. Much easier to get the hook off and avoid touching them with dry hands. On a bucktail in Quonochontaug, CT.
41 2020-11-08 Tautog Tautoga onitis Sand crab on high-low rig Manasquan Inlet, NJ On a sand crab on a high-low rig. Released quickly, sad I didn't have wet hands but was high up from the water. Caught in the Manasquan Inlet, NJ.
42 2020-11-09 Hickory Shad Alosa mediocris Sand eel fly as bucktail teaser Sandy Hook, NJ Inshore, Baitfish On a sand eel fly used as a bucktail teaser. Caught on the surf in Sandy Hook, NJ.
43 2020-11-26 Guadalupe Bass Micropterus treculii Drop shot worm Colorado River, Austin, TX Freshwater, Gamefish On a drop shot worm. Caught in the Colorado River from Austin, TX.
44 2020-11-26 Longear Sunfish Lepomis megalotis Tiny drop shot Colorado River, Austin, TX Freshwater On a tiny drop shot. Caught in the Colorado River from Austin, TX.
45 2021-08-09 Stocky Hawkfish Cirrhitus pinnulatus Whipping rig with grub Anini Beach, Kauai HI Scorpionfishes Caught on a whipping rig with a grub. Anini Beach, Kauai HI.
46 2021-08-10 Bluestripe Snapper Lutjanus kasmira Hawaiian Angler Strip Kalihiwai beach, Kauai HI Caught on a Hawaiian Angler Strip, blue, with tiny hook. Kalihiwai beach, Kauai HI.
47 2021-08-10 Christmas Wrasse Thalassoma trilobatum Shrimp Tunnels beach, Kauai HI Wrasse Caught on shrimp. Tunnels beach, Kauai HI. Note: as of August 2021 there were not yet regulations for fishing on this beach, but in the future it will probably require a permit.
48 2021-08-11 Blackspot Damselfish Abudefduf sordidus Shrimp Tunnels beach, Kauai HI Caught on shrimp. Tunnels beach, Kauai HI.
49 2021-08-11 Saddle Wrasse Thalassoma duperrey Shrimp Tunnels beach, Kauai Wrasse Caught on shrimp. Tunnels beach, Kauai.
50 2021-08-12 Bigeye Scad Selar crumenophthalmus Hawaiian Angler Strip Moloaa beach, Kauai HI Baitfish Caught on a hawaiian angler strip in aqua blue, with 4lbs test leader about 8ft long, at Moloaa beach, Kauai HI. Very tricky fish to catch.
51 2022-10-30 Spotted Bass Micropterus punctulatus Keitech paddletail Lexington Reservoir, CA Freshwater, Gamefish Caught on a keitech paddletail in Lexington Reservoir, CA, near the dam but not on it.
52 2023-04-11 Californian Anchovy Engraulis mordax Tiny sabiki rig Pacifica, CA Inshore, Baitfish Caught on a tiny sabiki rig off the pier. Pacifica, CA.
53 2023-09-07 Ladyfish Elops Saurus 3/8oz orange/white goofy jig Pensacola, FL Inshore Caught on a 3/8oz orange/white goofy jig tipped with orange/white sand flea "fish bites." Jigged with pop-pop-pause pattern.
54 2023-09-08 Gulf Flounder Paralichthys albigutta Olive/white sand eel teaser Pensacola, FL Flatfish, Inshore Caught on an olive/white sand eel teaser tied above my goofy jig. Identify this using the dark spots near the tail - they form a triangle.
55 2023-09-08 Florida Pompano Trachinotus carolinus Goofy jig Pensacola, FL Inshore Caught on goofy jig tipped with sand flea fishbites. Orange/white.
56 2023-09-09 Crevalle Jack Caranx hippos Goofy jig Pensacola, FL Inshore, Gamefish Caught on goofy jig tipped with sand flea fishbites. Orange/white.
57 2023-09-09 Leatherjacket Oligoplites saurus Goofy jig Pensacola, FL Inshore In the Jack family; caught on goofy jig tipped with sand flea fishbites. Orange/white.
58 2023-09-10 Hardhead Catfish Arius felis Size 16 sabiki Pensacola, FL Inshore Caught a lot of these on size 16 sabiki tipped with finger mullet, at night.
59 2023-09-12 Northern Kingfish Menticirrhus saxatilis Sand flea fishbites Pensacola, FL Inshore Caught mostly on sand flea fishbites on size four hook.
60 2023-09-12 Gulf Kingfish Menticirrhus littoralis Various methods Pensacola, FL Inshore There were a lot of these and I caught them on goofy jigs, size 0.75L silver holo deadly dick, and sand flea fishbites on a size four hook.
61 2024-09-05 Summer Flounder Paralichthys dentatus Drop-shot bunker chunk Sandy Hook, NJ Flatfish, Inshore, Gamefish Caught on a drop-shot bunker chunk (lol) near a rocky bottomed stretch of Sandy Hook, NJ. This was a keeper.


These are not unique species but are different versions of species on the unique list.

  • Rainbow Trout - Steelhead - Caught at Stevens Creek Reservoir, Cupertino CA. Rare native (not stocked).
  • Barred Surfperch - unbarred Version - Caught on the northern california coastline near Daly City.
  • Black Crappie - light colored version - Caught at Stevens Creek Reservoir, Cupertino CA. Despite being light in color, this is indeed a black crappie (7-8 dorsal spines vs 5-6 on a white crappie; not barred pattern).
  • Gray/Bermuda Chub - different color - It's actually impossible to tell the difference between a Bermuda (Kyphosus sectatrix) or Gray chub (Kyphosus Biggibus) without counting gill rakers, so I will never know which one I caught -- I'm counting them as a single species since they're a complex now. The one on my lifelist is more mature.

Not on the list because no picture but fish I've definitely caught

  • Vermillion Rockfish
  • Blue Rockfish
  • Black Rockfish
  • Pumpkinseed Sunfish
  • Redbreast Sunfish
  • Atlantic Stingray (when I was young)
  • Topsmelt silverside
  • Channel Catfish (high school, Holmdel Park Pond)

Fish I hooked up with but did not land

  • Barracuda - 6ft ate the 4-5lbs fish at the end of my line, pulled out drag until my 20lbs line frayed from its teeth.
  • Cutthroat trout - Jumped out of the water when it hit my hopper near mammoth lakes.

Species Specific Size Records

Fish Caught on Special Techniques / Lures

Yet to be identified

How I identify fish

I haven't caught that many rare fish, so mostly they are easy to recognize. But a few times now I've had to defer to experts or scour through indices. Here are some of the tools I use:


My fish catching lifelist






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