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A Node.js backend for a video streaming platform, focused on implementing core backend concepts.

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wavyTV Backend

A Node.js-powered backend for a video streaming platform, providing essential features like user authentication, video uploads, playlists, comments, likes, and subscriptions. The project follows a structured approach with controllers handling logic, models managing data, middlewares ensuring smooth processing, and routes defining API endpoints.

The backend is deployed and available at:

Tech Stack

This project is built using the following technologies:

  • Node.js - JavaScript runtime for backend development
  • Express.js - Web framework for handling routes and middleware
  • MongoDB - NoSQL database for storing user and video data
  • Cloudinary - Media storage and management for video uploads
  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens) - Authentication and authorization mechanism

Notable Directories and Files

  • src/controllers: Functions handling incoming requests and preparing responses.
  • src/models: Database schemas and methods for different entities.
  • src/routes: Express route definitions.
  • src/middlewares: Reusable functions that run before controllers (e.g., error handling, logging).
  • src/utils: Utilities for handling API response and error, and Cloudinary integration.
  • src/db/db.js: Database connection logic.
  • app.js: Initializes the Express app, routes and middleware.
  • index.js: Main application entry point.

API Endpoints


  • POST /api/auth/signup - Create a new user
  • POST /api/auth/login - Login a user
  • POST /api/auth/logout - Logout user
  • POST /api/auth/token - Generate new access token


  • GET /api/user - Get current user details

  • PATCH /api/user - Update current user details (i.e fullName, username, password)

  • GET /api/user/channel/:username - Get user channel details

  • PATCH /api/user/channel/:username - Update user channel details (i.e avatar, coverImage)

  • PATCH /api/user/security - Change password

  • GET /api/user/history - Get user watch history


  • GET /api/video - Get all videos

  • POST /api/video - Upload a video

  • GET /api/video/:videoId - Get a video by id

  • POST /api/video/:videoId - Update video details (i.e title, description, thumbnail)

  • DELETE /api/video/:videoId - Delete video and its related data

  • PATCH /api/video/:videoId - Toggle video publish status (i.e public or private)


  • POST /api/tweet - Create a new tweet

  • GET /api/tweet/:tweetId - Get a tweet by id

  • PATCH /api/tweet/:tweetId - Update a tweet

  • DELETE /api/tweet/:tweetId - Delete a tweet

  • GET /api/tweet/user/:username - Get all tweets by a user


  • GET /api/playlist - Get all playlists created by a user

  • POST /api/playlist - Create playlist

  • PATCH /api/playlist/:playlistId - Update playlist details (i.e title, description)

  • DELETE /api/playlist/:playlistId - Delete a playlist

  • POST /api/playlist/video - Add a video to playlist

  • GET /api/playlist/video - Remove a video from playlist


  • GET /api/subscription - Get channels which are subscribed by user
  • GET /api/subscription/subscribers - Get details of all subscribers of channel
  • POST /api/subscription/:channelId - Toggle channel subscription (i.e subscribe and unsubscribe)


  • GET /api/comment/video/:videoId - Get a video's comments

  • POST /api/comment/video/:videoId - Add comment on video

  • GET /api/comment/tweet/:tweetId - Get a tweet's comments

  • POST /api/comment/tweet/:tweetId - Add comment on tweet

  • PATCH /api/comment/:commendId - Update a comment

  • DELETE /api/comment/:commendId - Delete a comment


  • GET /api/like/video - Get videos which are liked by user
  • POST /api/like/video/:videoId - Toggle video like
  • POST /api/like/tweet/:tweetId - Toggle tweet like
  • POST /api/like/comment/:commentId - Toggle comment like

Connect & Learn

For any feedback or suggestions, feel free to reach out to me on X/Twitter

Also checkout this amazing Backend Playlist by @hiteshchoudhary. I’ve learned a lot about backend development from this playlist.


A Node.js backend for a video streaming platform, focused on implementing core backend concepts.






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