The fannieapi
package is an R interface to Fannie Mae's public API. The package may be used to access Fannie Mae's publicly available datasets on macroeconomic and housing industry specific indicators, as well as survey results from the national housing survey and data points for the home purchase sentiment index.
This package is not available on CRAN and is under development. You may install it via devtools::install_github
The interface can currently interact with the housing and economic indicators data. This may be utilized using the get_indicator
function. The first argument specifies whether you'd like economic or housing indicators. The second argument specifies the indicator within the housing/economic category.
You must first create an account for free at the API's website. Once an account is created, you must set your API key via the set_api_key
function before pulling any data.
Once this is done, you may run the get_indicator
function to get, for example, single family housing starts:
sf_starts <- get_indicator('housing', 'housing-starts-single-family')
#> # A tibble: 6 x 6
#> report_date indicator_name forecast indicator_val_dt eoy_flag value
#> <date> <chr> <lgl> <date> <lgl> <dbl>
#> 1 2019-02-11 housing-starts-sing… FALSE 2004-02-15 FALSE 1558.
#> 2 2019-02-11 housing-starts-sing… FALSE 2004-05-15 FALSE 1608
#> 3 2019-02-11 housing-starts-sing… FALSE 2004-08-15 FALSE 1640.
#> 4 2019-02-11 housing-starts-sing… FALSE 2004-11-15 FALSE 1611.
#> 5 2019-02-11 housing-starts-sing… FALSE 2005-02-15 FALSE 1705.
#> 6 2019-02-11 housing-starts-sing… FALSE 2005-05-15 FALSE 1697
Economic indicators are typically broader macroeconomic indicators such as GDP or unemployment rate:
ur_data <- get_indicator("economic", "unemployment-rate-percent")
#> # A tibble: 6 x 6
#> report_date indicator_name forecast indicator_val_dt eoy_flag value
#> <date> <chr> <lgl> <date> <lgl> <dbl>
#> 1 2019-02-11 unemployment-rate-p… FALSE 2004-02-15 FALSE 5.7
#> 2 2019-02-11 unemployment-rate-p… FALSE 2004-05-15 FALSE 5.6
#> 3 2019-02-11 unemployment-rate-p… FALSE 2004-08-15 FALSE 5.4
#> 4 2019-02-11 unemployment-rate-p… FALSE 2004-11-15 FALSE 5.4
#> 5 2019-02-11 unemployment-rate-p… FALSE 2005-02-15 FALSE 5.3
#> 6 2019-02-11 unemployment-rate-p… FALSE 2005-05-15 FALSE 5.1
Functionalities also exist for obtaining data from the following data sources:
- Mortgage Lender Sentiment Survey --
- National Housing Survey --
- Home Purchase Sentiment Index --
For the survey data, I stored details on the survey questions into two different datasets: nhs_questions
for the National Housing Survey and lender_sentiment_questions
for the Mortgage Lender Sentiment Survey.