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Paper is the extremely legible light theme for a variety of applications.


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Paper Theme

The original way to read.


Introduction & Philosophy

Paper is an extremely legible, light colour palette “based on the colour of paper as found in various notebooks,” and originally created by Yorick Peterse. As a result, Paper is healthier for our eyes, making it the optimal choice for long-term viewing and a necessity in digital life.

Keeping to the minimalist spirit of the original vim plugin, only the most essential information is differentiated with colour. By using fewer colours reminiscent of a multi-pen, only the important is clearly identified, further enhancing Paper’s legibility in many applications.

Please note that the palette has been designed with the following display properties in mind:

  • An LCD/TFT display
  • A display temperature range of 4000K-5200K
  • A low display brightness

Supported Applications

To submit application requests please raise an issue or feel free to contribute via a pull request. Cheers!


  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Vieb (It’s pronounced ‘veep’ like ‘sheep’)
    • Available out of the box: run :colorscheme paper or :colorscheme paper-compact and enjoy.
    • Screenshots

File Managers

File manager palettes are applied in line with exa’s File Class Colours.

  • Midnight Commander
    • Installation
      1. Download the latest release here and place it in your ~/.local/share/mc/skins folder
        • You may need to create this folder: mkdir -p ~/.local/share/mc/skins
      2. Run mc; press F9, then oa, and select paper-true as your skin
      3. Remove your sunglasses (or don't 😎)
    • Screenshots

  • vifm

Resource Monitors

  • Bashtop
    • Installation
      1. Download the latest release here and place it in your ~/.config/btop/themes folder
        • You may need to create this folder: mkdir -p ~/.config/btop/themes
      2. Run btop, press Esc, open ‘Options’, and select paper as your theme
      3. Consider a lower SPF sun cream 🏖️
    • Screenshot


  • Alacritty
  • Hyper
    • Available via npm: simply run hyper i hyper-paper inside Hyper.
    • Screenshot

  • iTerm2
    • Installation
      1. Download the latest release here
      2. Run iTerm2, press ⌘,, open ‘Profiles’ and select the ‘Colors’ tab
      3. Click the ‘Color Presets’ drop-down, click ‘Import’ and select the paper.itermcolors file
      4. Select ‘Paper’ from the ‘Color Presets’ drop-down
      5. Seek out the sun elsewhere ☀️
    • Screenshot

  • Kitty
    • Installation
      1. Download the latest release here and place it in your ~/.config/kitty/ folder
      2. Add include ./paper.conf to your kitty.conf
      3. Enjoy!
  • Tilix
    • Installation
      1. Execute the following command to download the theme:
        • wget -qO $HOME"/.config/tilix/schemes/paper.json"
      2. Open Tilix and select ‘Paper Theme’ via Preferences -> Default -> Color -> Color scheme
      3. Enjoy!

Text Editors

The Palette

Color Normal Bright GNOME Terminal color index
Black #000000 #555555 0, 8
Red #CC3E28 #CC3E28 1, 9
Green #216609 #216609 2, 10
Yellow #B58900 #B58900 3, 11
Blue #1E6FCC #1E6FCC 4, 12
Purple #5C21A5 #5C21A5 5, 13
Cyan #158c86 #158c86 6, 14
White #AAAAAA #AAAAAA 7, 15

For the text color, highlight color, etc, use:

Color Foreground Background
Text #000000 #F2EEDE
Highlight #000000 #D8D5C7


  • This project would not be possible without Yorick’s work -- cheers mate!
  • The Dracula project has provided useful starting places for the Chrome, Firefox, and Tilix themes.
  • Tilix’ installation instructions were sourced from the Tilix-Themes project c/o @storm119.
  • The light theme from the vim-airline-themes originally written in July, 2013 by @bling, provided the base for paper.vim.
  • The Kitty Theme was kindly contributed by @ryanerwin.


All source code in this repository is licensed under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0, unless stated otherwise. A copy of this license can be found in the file "LICENSE".


Paper is the extremely legible light theme for a variety of applications.





