A search engine and note taking tool for screenshots, links, and text notes.
🏠 Homepage
✨ Demo
cd memosearch/src/backend/src
pip install -e .
flask --app memosearch run (ensure server can start)
cd memosearch/src/frontend
npm install src
npm start (ensure server can start)
cd memosearch/src
./MemoSearch.command (run servers together)
I like to set the MemoSearch.command script as an alias like this: (in my .zshrc)
alias ms="bash [path/to/Memosearch.command]"
then in my terminal I run:
cd memosearch/src/backend/src
coverage -m pytest
coverage report (view code coverage)j
👤 Ryu Parish
- Website: https://ryuparish.github.io/ryus_website/
- Github: @ryuparish
- LinkedIn: @https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryu-parish-b8894b15b/
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
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