The lightest Javascript calendar out there, without any dependency (no jQuery). This is a work in progress, but it is ready to be used in production.
The development files are using es2016, so I used babel with the es2015 preset and babily to minify the whole thing. Distribution files can be found under ./dist/
. There are both normal and minified files.
If other kind developers want to lend a hand, I will obviously stop pushing directly to master and switch to a dev branch ;)
EDIT : This now has a dev branch. Thanks to @jamacon36, I will probably be maintaining this library again.
git clone
npm install --save vanilla-js-calendar
bower install --save vanilla-js-calendar
var elem = document.getElementById("myCalendar");
var calendar = new JSCalendar(elem, { /* options */ }).init().render();
import * as LibName from "vanilla-js-calendar"
var elem = document.getElementById("myCalendar");
var JSCalendar = LibName.JSCalendar;
var JSCalendarEvent = LibName.JSCalendarEvent;
var calendar = new JSCalendar(elem, { /* options */ }).init().render();
Option name | Usage | Default |
views | Array of available views | ["day", "week", "month"] |
viewsVocab | Object of words used to represent the views { view : "display name" } | {day : "Day", week : "Week", month : "Month" } |
buttons | Available buttons in the top control bar | ["previous", "today", "next"] |
buttonsActions | JSCalendar function, or user-defined function object for top buttons { action : "functionName" || function } | { previous : "goBack", today : "goNow", next : "goNext" } |
buttonsVocab | Object of words used to represent the buttons { action : "display name" } | {previous : "<", today : "Today", next : ">"} |
monthsVocab | Array of display names for every months | ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] |
daysVocab | Array of display names for every week day | ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] |
emptyDayVocab | Display phrase when no event is found for a partical day | "Nothing here." |
noDate | Word used when an event has no time at a certain date | "Somewhen" |
nonameEventVocab | Words used when an event does not have a name | "Event without a name" |
globalSelector | Query Selector used to search for JSCalendars in the DOM | ".js-calendar" |
eventBackground | Default event background color | "rgb(126, 156, 193)" |
titleCropSize | Number of letter max for events in the month view | 20 |
datasource | URL used to request matrix data | "" |
datasourceHeaders | Headers to be sent to the data source on every request | {} |
ampm | Flag, setting it to true will use 12h system, false will use 24h | true |
displaySeconds | Flag, setting it to true will display the seconds for the events in the calendar | false |
dayviewGapMinutes | Number of minutes between each block in day view | 30 |
dayviewNoTimeGapSize | Number of block used in day view for events without a time | 2 |
alwaysFetch | Wether to always fetch from server or not | false |
fetchReplaces | Wether to replace the entire matrix after fetching, false for append | false |
dayviewGapHeight | Height of a block in day view, in pixels | 38 |
height | Maximum height for the calendar, if it goes beyond, scroll bars are added | 700 |
width | Maximum width for the calendar, if it goes beyond, the rest will be hidden. Can also be "full" for responsive full width. | 1024 |
Hooks can be used to customize certain events and alter the way data is fetched, processed and rendered.
// Hooks on a specific instance
var calendarInstance = new JSCalendar(elem);
calendarInstance.on('eventName', (calendar, extra) => {
// calendar is the current calendar instance
// extra contains various data depending on the event
// Hooks on all instances
JSCalendar.on('eventName', (calendar, extra) => {
// Arguments are the same as above
Hook name | Context |
new | Fired when a JSCalendar object is built using the default constructor. |
init | Fired when the initialization logic is being processed for a newly built object. Fired before the DOM structure is created. |
willPush | Fired before adding an item to the calendar dynamically. |
pushed | Fired after adding an item to the calendar dynamically. |
didNotPush | Fired after failing to add an item to the calendar dynamically. |
willRender | Fired before rendering the calendar, also before fetching data from the data source if specified. |
rendered | Fired after the render logic was processed. |
dragging | Fired when an event is grabbed and ready to be moved around. |
dropped | Fired when an event is dropped, the event cellMightMove will be triggered right after this one. |
cellMightMove | Fired when a cell movement is validated. |
cellMoved | Fired after an event was moved from a cell to another. |
cellDidNotMoved | Fired when a cell could have moved, but the validation failed or the event was dropped onto its original cell. |
matrixWillSet | Fired when a matrix is sent to replace the current one in the calendar's state. |
matrixSet | Fired after a matrix was set as the current matrix state. |
matrixWillAppend | Fired when another matrix is about to be inserted into the current matrix state |
matrixAppended | Fired after another matrix was inserted into the current matrix state |
willFetch | Fired before sending a fetch request to a data source. |
fetched | Fired after receiving data from the data source. |
viewWillChange | Fired before rendering a new view (month, week, day). |
viewChanged | Fired after changing view. This will not fire if the view was set to the current one (wasn't changed). |
Those can be called using the class directly
// Will instanciate all calendars found under a certain wrapper
// Will return an instance of a calendar automatically generated using JSCalendar.find()
// Fires an event to all calendars from a specified instance, instance, extra);
Returns an object :
numberOfDays : number, // Total number of days in the month
firstDay : number // Week day of the 1st of the month
JSCalendar.getDaysInMonth(year, month);
Associated with all JSCalendar instanciated objects. Chainable functions return "this" so you can chain multiple functions on one line.
// Must be called after instanciating [chainable]
// Previous, today, next [chainable]
// Those are called when pressing the direction buttons on the top bar.
// The calendar will be rendered at the end
// Adding an item to the matrix [chainable]
The first parameter is an object :
at : Date,
event : JSCalendarEventTemplate {
at : Date,
displayname : string,
duration : number,
color : string
// Destroy calendar reference [chainable]
// Switch from current view to another [chainable]
First parameter is on of the following strings :
// Refresh and rebuild current view [chainable]
// Merge a new matrix into the current state matrix [chainable]
A matrix is an object formatted like the following :
matrix[year][month][day] = [JSCalendarEventTemplate];
The second parameter is a flag (true|false). If true,
the calendar will render after setting the new matrix
calendar.appendMatrix(matrix, rerender);
// Set the current state matrix, and destroy the old one if any [chainable]
calendar.setMatrix(matrix, rerender);
// If a data source is specified, fetch a new matrix to append [chainable]
This will request to the data source specified with query parameters
like the following :
year = current state year
month = current state month
day = current state day
Once finished, the provided callback will be executed
The second parameter is a flag (true|false), if set to true, will
fetch even is a cached version of the matrix exists.
calendar.fetch(callback, force);