This repository contains the source code for our manuscript Quality Measures for Dynamic Graph Generative Models. Our JL-Metric provides a principled approach to evaluating generative models for continuous-time dynamic graphs (CTDGs). This repository contains both the metric implementation for practical use and the experimental code from our paper.
To evaluate the quality of your generated dynamic graphs, follow the instructions below:
pip install jl-metric
Our evaluator accepts graphs in the form of PyTorch Geometric TemporalData objects. These should contain temporal interactions with source nodes (src
), destination nodes (dst
), timestamps (t
), and optionally messages/features (msg
from jl_metric import JLEvaluator
# Initialize the evaluator
evaluator = JLEvaluator()
# Prepare your graphs as PyG TemporalData objects
# reference_graph = your ground truth or reference graph
# generated_graph = your model's generated graph
# Create input dictionary
input_dict = {
'reference': reference_graph,
'generated': generated_graph
# Evaluate and get results
result_dict = evaluator.eval(input_dict)
print(f"JL-Metric score: {result_dict['JL-Metric']}")
The evaluator accepts several optional parameters:
evaluator = JLEvaluator(
node_dim=100, # Dimension for node embeddings
graph_dim=100, # Dimension for graph embeddings
seed=42 # Random seed for reproducibility
The experiments from our paper can be reproduced using the code in the experiments/
# Install additional requirements for experiments
cd experiments
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Follow experiment-specific README
For details on our experimental methodology and to reproduce the results from our paper, please refer to the experiments README.
If you use JL-Metric in your research, please cite our paper:
title={Quality Measures for Dynamic Graph Generative Models},
author={Ryien Hosseini and Filippo Simini and Venkatram Vishwanath and Rebecca Willett and Henry Hoffmann},
booktitle={The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations},