An XML-based video editor targeted at technical presentation. No UI, seriously. Powered by FFmpeg.
- Simple and versatile syntax for scene description
- Full command-line interface
- Remote preview via online streaming
git clone
cd veddy
docker build -t veddy .
docker run -v ${PWD}:/veddy --rm veddy examples/concat.xml
docker run -p ${PORT}:8020 -v ${PWD}:/veddy --rm veddy scene.xml --preview
ffplay http://${SERVER_HOST}:${PORT}
- Concatenation
- Side-by-side split half
- Re-using the same track
- Text annotation
- Using images
- Stacking two videos horizontally
- Overlaying videos and inserting audios
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root version="0.0.1">
<!-- import video materials -->
<material name="cat" path="videos/cat.mp4"/>
<material name="dog" path="videos/dog.mp4"/>
<!-- define video scene -->
<stream transition="fade">
<composite name="title-slide" text="Cat"/>
<reference name="cat"/>
<composite name="title-slide" text="Dog"/>
<reference name="dog"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root version="0.0.1">
<!-- import image sequences -->
<material name="mesh" path="videos/water_mesh/image_%d.jpg" fps="30"/>
<material name="transparent" path="videos/water_transparent/image_%d.jpg" fps="30"/>
<!-- define video scene -->
<composite name="sidebyside-split">
<reference name="mesh"/> <!-- left -->
<reference name="transparent"/> <!-- right -->
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root version="0.0.1">
<!-- import image sequences -->
<material name="mesh" path="videos/water_mesh/image_%d.jpg" fps="30"/>
<material name="transparent" path="videos/water_transparent/image_%d.jpg" fps="30"/>
<!-- define video scene -->
<!-- pipe enables consecutive filters -->
<composite name="sidebyside-split">
<reference name="mesh"/>
<reference name="transparent"/>
<set name="bottom" value="0.9"/> <!-- define a local variable -->
<composite name="drawtext" text="Mesh View" scale="0.5" shift_x="-w/4" y="$bottom*h"/>
<composite name="drawtext" text="Transparent View" scale="0.5" shift_x="w/4" y="$bottom*h"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root version="0.0.1">
<!-- import image sequences -->
<material name="mesh" path="videos/water_mesh/image_%d.jpg" fps="60"/>
<material name="transparent" path="videos/water_transparent/image_%d.jpg" fps="60"/>
<!-- build comparison scene -->
<stream name="comparison">
<composite name="sidebyside-split">
<reference name="mesh"/>
<reference name="transparent"/>
<set name="bottom" value="0.9"/>
<!-- draw annotation texts -->
<composite name="drawtext" text="Mesh View" scale="0.5" shift_x="-w/4" y="$bottom*h"/>
<composite name="drawtext" text="Transparent View" scale="0.5" shift_x="w/4" y="$bottom*h"/>
<!-- define main stream -->
<stream transition="fade">
<composite name="title-slide" text="Water Simulation"/>
<reference name="comparison"/>
<composite name="title-slide" text="Repeat"/>
<composite name="changespeed" factor="0.5">
<reference name="comparison"/>
<composite name="drawtext" text="Repeat (0.5x faster)" scale="0.5" x="0.05*w" y="0.05*h"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root version="0.0.1">
<!-- import single images -->
<material name="cover-1" path="images/cover-1.jpg" duration="1" fps="30"/>
<material name="cover-2" path="images/cover-2.jpg" duration="1" fps="30"/>
<material name="cover-3" path="images/cover-3.jpg" duration="1" fps="30"/>
<!-- define video scene -->
<stream transition="fade">
<composite name="title-slide" text="Nature"/>
<reference name="cover-1"/>
<reference name="cover-2"/>
<reference name="cover-3"/>
<composite name="title-slide" text="End"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root version="0.0.1">
<!-- explicitly declare video size -->
<config name="shape" value="800x400"/>
<!-- import image sequences -->
<material name="implicit" path="videos/mpm/implicit/image_%d.jpg" fps="60"/>
<material name="explicit" path="videos/mpm/explicit/image_%d.jpg" fps="60"/>
<!-- define video scene -->
<stream transition="fade">
<composite name="title-slide" text="Side-by-Side Comparison"/>
<!-- stitch two videos horizontally -->
<composite name="hstack">
<reference name="implicit"/> <!-- left -->
<reference name="explicit"/> <!-- right -->
<set name="ceiling" value="0.1"/>
<composite name="drawtext" text="Implicit Time Integration" scale="0.5" shift_x="-w/4" y="$ceiling*h"/>
<composite name="drawtext" text="Explicit Time Integration" scale="0.5" shift_x="w/4" y="$ceiling*h"/>
( Resources provided by Daichi Namatame )
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root version="0.0.1">
<!-- import materials -->
<material name="implicit" path="videos/mpm/implicit/image_%d.jpg" fps="60"/>
<material name="explicit" path="videos/mpm/explicit/image_%d.jpg" fps="60"/>
<!-- define video scene -->
<composite name="sidebyside-float">
<reference name="implicit"/> <!-- left -->
<reference name="explicit"/> <!-- right -->
<set name="bottom" value="0.89"/>
<composite name="drawtext" text="Implicit Time Integration" scale="0.5" shift_x="-w/4" y="$bottom*h" color="white"/>
<composite name="drawtext" text="Explicit Time Integration" scale="0.5" shift_x="w/4" y="$bottom*h" color="white"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root version="0.0.1">
<!-- explicitly declare video size -->
<config name="shape" value="900x540"/>
<!-- import videos -->
<material name="swim" path="videos/swim.mp4" />
<material name="fishing" path="videos/fishing.mp4" />
<material name="grill" path="videos/grill.mp4" />
<!-- define video scene -->
<!-- lay background color -->
<composite name="color" duration="12"/>
<composite name="overlay" x="w/5" y="h/3" scale="0.7" effect="dissolve">
<reference name="swim"/> <!-- overlay fish video at the start -->
<composite name="overlay" x="1.5*w" y="h" at="3.5" scale="0.7" effect="dissolve">
<reference name="fishing"/> <!-- overlay fishing video at 3.5 seconds -->
<composite name="overlay" x="w/5" y="1.7*h" at="7" scale="0.7" effect="dissolve">
<reference name="grill"/> <!-- overlay grill video at 7 seconds -->
<composite name="drawtext" shift_x="w/4" shift_y="0.45*h" text="Narrated by https\://" color="white" scale="0.45"/>
<!-- insert audio narration -->
<insert at="0">
<audio path="audios/swim.mp3"/>
<insert at="3.5">
<audio path="audios/fishing.mp3"/>
<insert at="7">
<audio path="audios/grilled.mp3"/>
<audio path="audios/poor.mp3"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root version="0.0.1">
<!-- import a video -->
<material name="cat" path="videos/cat.mp4"/>
<!-- define video scene -->
<stream transition="fade">
<composite name="title-slide" text="Original Footage"/>
<reference name="cat"/>
<composite name="title-slide" text="Cropped Footage"/>
<composite name="color" duration="5"/>
<composite name="overlay" x="0.25*main_w" y="0.25*main_h">
<composite name="crop" x="0.35*iw" y="0.35*ih" width="0.5*iw" height="0.5*ih">
<reference name="cat"/>
<composite name="drawtext" shift_y="0.35*h" text="Cropped" color="white" scale="0.85"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root version="0.0.1">
<!-- import a video -->
<material name="cloud" path="videos/cloud.mp4"/>
<!-- define video scene -->
<stream transition="fade">
<composite name="title-slide" text="Original (10 seconds)"/>
<reference name="cloud"/>
<composite name="title-slide" text="Trimmed (3 seconds)"/>
<composite name="trim" start="5" end="8">
<reference name="cloud"/>
<composite name="color" duration="1"/>