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Mar 25, 2025
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File metadata and controls

1270 lines (895 loc) · 80 KB

version 1.8-39

bug fixes

  • min/max statistics computed when writing raster files did not exclude the user provided NA flag. #1752 by Agustin Lobo
  • installation failed for GEOS < 3.7 #1754 by Robert Butler
  • extract with points for rasters accessed over http could return NAs for some cells if the raster was large #1504 by Krzysztof Dyba
  • writeCDF now supports writing an empty crs #1759 by ForChimneySwifts
  • resample on flipped SpatRasters failed. #1760 by Andrew Gene Brown
  • spatSample<SpatRaster>(method="regular", xy=TRUE) ignored the second "size" number when using two numbers (row, col) #1766 by Barnabas Harris
  • plet<SpatRaster> failed when trying to display multiple layers #1787 by Emanuele Cordano


  • georeferenced rasters that are flipped are now identified as such that there no longer is a need for flip(r, "vertical") after opening the file. #1753 by enatijohnson
  • metags now supports raster metadata domains
  • extract with a vector of two non-integers triggers a warning (possible point vs cellnumber confusion) #1757 by Michael Sumner
  • writeCDF now supports four dimensions (x, y, depth and time) #1756 by ForChimneySwifts
  • vect and svc now have argument "dialect" to select an SQL dialect #1750 by Michael Sumner
  • extract<SpatVector,SpatVector> now has argument "count" to get point-in-polygon counts
  • spatSample can now take a random or regular sample along lines
  • plot gained arguments to control the legend title (including leg.title.x, leg.title.y, and some tweaks to the defaults to improve the default title position of horizontal continuous legends #1774 by Fengyu Fu
  • plot gained argument "reverse" (more general then argument "decreasing" that it replaces) to reverse the order of a legend SO 79515400 by Laura Roich
  • spatSample<SpatRaster>(method="stratified") now also finds cells for very small strata in big rasters (suggested by Andrea Duane).
  • plot<SpatVector> now also has argument "fun" #1786 by Márcia Barbosa
  • plot<SpatRaster/Vector> now also has argument "sub" to set a subtitle #1790 by Agustin Lobo



version 1.8-29

Released 2025-02-26

bug fixes

  • cover<SpatRaster> did not work well if multiple replacement values were supplied #1741 by Tim Howard
  • ext<-<SpatRaster,SpatExtent> made a shallow copy. Reported on SO 79440691 by katefull06 and as #1743 by Agustin Lobo
  • extract<SpatRaster> with cells only used the NA flag for the first data source. GSE 490433 by MartinL


  • spatSample<SpatRaster> and spatSample<SpatExtent> gain argument "exact=FALSE" to request the exact (but perhaps less regular) sample size for a regular sample. Currently pnly for planar crs.
  • spatSample<SpatRaster> gains argument "each=TRUE" to request, when using stratified sampling, a sample size for each stratum, or for all strata combined.
  • focal now maintains categories with "fun=modal", "min", "max", or "first" SO 79449904 by Sophie Père


  • clearVSIcache. Suggested by Shannon Albeke

version 1.8-21

Released 2025-02-10

bug fixes

  • sieve failed with large rasters #1729 by Reed Humphrey
  • extractRange only worked for SpatVector, not for matrix or vector #1733 by Victor Van der Meersch
  • extract<SpatRaster> over https with a multilayer SpatRaster returned the values for the first layer for all layer #1736 by Shannon Albeke


  • new argument xyz="" to the rast<SpatVector> method
  • new arguments "type" and "breaks" to plet<SpatRaster> method #1187 by Augustin Lobo
  • new argument "cores" in lapp<SpatRasterDataset> #1190 by kel44
  • aggregate<SpatRaster> now handles fun="table" #1662 by Fernando Aramburu.


  • is.flipped<SpatRaster> method #1627 by Timothée Giraud
  • as.array<SpatRasterDataset> method
  • distance<SpatRaster,missing> now has argument "values". If TRUE, the values of the nearest non-target cell is returned instead of the distance #1243 by Simon Dedman
  • thresh<SpatRaster> #1233 by Agustin Lobo

version 1.8-15

Released 2025-01-24

bug fixes

  • readRDS failed for rasters with timestep="seconds" #1711 by Pascal Oettli
  • divide<SpatVector> always returned NULL #1724 by Márcia Barbosa
  • erase failed in some cases #1710 by erkent-carb


  • bestMatch now has argument "fun" to allow the use of different distance measures, and a method
  • wrap (and writeRDS) now captures varnames/longnames #1719 by Andrew Gene Brown
  • improved raster metadata writing #1714 by Andrew Gene Brown
  • vect and writeVector now properly read and write date and datetime data. #1718 by Andrew Gene Brown
  • improved estimate of available memory on linux systems #1506 by Cedric Rossi

version 1.8-10

Released 2025-01-13

bug fixes

  • expanse<SpatRaster>(transform=TRUE) crashed R when the crs was "local". #1671 by Michael Chirico
  • patches(values=TRUE) wrapped around the edges #1675 by Michael Chirico
  • spin now correctly handles spherical coordinates #1576 by jeanlobry
  • mosaic sometimes crashed R #1524 by John Baums, Dave Klinges, and Hugh Graham.
  • spatSample ignored argument "exp" when taking a random sample with na.rm=TRUE on a large raster #1437 by Babak Naimi
  • split<SpatVector,SpatVector> did not work properly #1619 by Michael Sumner
  • autocor improved handling of NA cells for global Moran computation #1992 by Nicholas Berryman
  • shade is more memory-safe. #1452 by Francis van Oordt and Chris English
  • fixed bug in rasterize revealed when using crop(mask=TRUE) #1686 by edixon1
  • fixed to_id = NA bug in nearest #1471 by Mats Blomqvist
  • better handling of date/unit #1684 and #1688 by Andrew Gene Brown
  • spatSample(method="regular") on a raster with one column returned too many samples #1362 by Daniel R Schlaepfer


  • plot<SpatVector> now uses the same default viridis color palette as plot<SpatRaster> #1670 by Márcia Barbosa
  • relate now accepts relation="equals" #1672 by Krzysztof Dyba
  • init now accepts additional arguments for function "fun"
  • better handling of the 32 connections limitation set by the HDF4 library #1481 by Dimitri Falk
  • When using RStudio a once per session warning is given when using draw, sel or click #1063 by Sergei Kharchenko
  • distance<SpatRaster> from lon and lat lines/polygons computes distance to the edges instead of the nodes #1462 by Derek Friend
  • distance<SpatVector,SpatVector> now works for lon/lat data #1615 by Wencheng Lau-Medrano
  • using overviews for faster plotting of COGs over http #1353 by Michael Sumner and #1412; and argument plot(x, overview=) to change the default behavior.
  • extract with points is now faster for rasters accessed over http #1504 by Krzysztof Dyba
  • extract with many points on very large rasters was slower in compared to doing the same with "raster" (which uses terra for that!) #1584 by Hassan Masoomi
  • merge now has three alternative algorithms 1366 by Hassan Masoomi and #1650 by Agustin Lobo


  • $<SpatRaster> can now be used to get a categorical SpatRaster with a different active category
  • scale_linear<SpatRaster> method for linear scaling of cell values between a minimum and maximum value such as 0 and 1
  • distance and related methods get argument "method" to choose the distance algorithm for lon/lat data #1677 by Márcia Barbosa
  • divide<SpatRaster> and divide<SpatVector> methods
  • nseg counts the number of segments in a SpatVector #1647 by Michael Chirico
  • extract argument "search_radius" to extract values from the nearest raster cell that is not NA #873 by matthewseanmarcus
  • combineLevels to combine the levels of all layers link on SO by Sam

version 1.8-5

Released 2024-12-12

bug fixes

  • spatSample(method='stratified', ext=e) returned the wrong sampling coordinates #1628 by Barnabas Harris
  • spatSample(method='stratified') could fail with small sample sizes #1503 by karluf
  • transparency (alpha) did not work with RGB plotting. #1642 by Timothée Giraud
  • rasterization failed on very large rasters #1636 by Mary Fisher, #1463 by Nic Spono and #1281 by Sebastian Dunnett
  • tmpFiles only looked in the default temp files folder #1630 by smckenzie1986
  • where.min did not work well if there were negative values #1634 by Michael Sumner
  • plet<SpatRaster> now works for RGB rasters and rasters with a color table #1596 by Agustin Lobo
  • vect<MULTIPOINT WKT> did not work properly #1376 by silasprincipe
  • compareGeom<SpatVector> did not work #1654 by Jason Flower
  • buffer<SpatVector> is now more accurate buffers for lonlat polygons #1616 by Roberto Amaral-Santos
  • terra:interpNear used square windows, not circles, beyond 100 points #1509 by Jean-Luc Dupouey
  • vect read INT64 fields as integers, sometimes leading to overflows. #1666 by bengannon-fc
  • plot showed a legend title even if none was requested if title parameters were specified . #1664 by Márcia Barbosa


  • improved documentation of writeVector overwrite when using layers. #1573 by Todd West
  • improved treatment of (supposedly) flipped rasters by Timothée Giraud #1627 and fchianucci #1646
  • added map.pal("random") #1631 by Agustin Lobo
  • expressions can now be used in legend titles #1626 by Noah Goodkind
  • app and tapp now emit a warning when factors are coerced to numeric #1566 by shuysman
  • plet<SpatRaster> now has argument "stretch" for RGB rasters #1596 by Agustin
  • %% and %/% now behave the same for SpatRaster as for (base R) numbers #1661 by Klaus Huebert


  • patches with option valus=TRUE can now distinguish regions based on their cell values (instead of only NA vs not-NA) #495 by Jakub Nowosad and #1632 by Agustin Lobo
  • rowSums, rowMeans, colSums and colMeans for SpatRaster
  • metags for SpatRasterDataset #1624 by Andrea Manica
  • metags for layers (bands) of SpatRaster are now saved to and read from GTiff files #1071 by Mike Koontz
  • global has new effcient functions "anyNA" and "anynotNA" #1540 by Kevin J Wolz
  • wrap, saveRDS and serialize for SpatExtent. #1430 by BastienFR
  • vect<SpatGraticule> method suggested in relation to tidyterra #155 by Diego Hernangómez
  • toMemory<SpatRaster> and <SpatRasterDataset> methods #1660 by Derek Friend

version 1.7-83

Released 2024-10-14

bug fixes

  • flip(direction="vertical") failed in some cases #1518 by Ed Carnell
  • zonal(as.raster=TRUE) failed when the zonal raster was categorical 1514 by Jessi L Brown
  • distance<data.frame,data.frame> and <matrix,matrix> ignored the unit argument. #1545 by Wencheng Lau-Medrano
  • NetCDF files with month time-step encode from 0-11 made R crash #1544 by Martin Holdrege
  • split<SpatVector> only worked well if the split field was of type character. #1530 by Igor Graczykowski
  • gridDist (and probably some other methods) emitted a "cannot overwrite existing file" error when processing large datasets #1522 by Clare Pearson
  • terrain did not accept multiple variables #1561 by Michael Mahoney
  • rotate was vulnerable to an integer overflow #1562 by Sacha Ruzzante
  • getTileExtents could return overlapping tiles or tiles with gaps due to floating point imprecision. #1564 by Michael Sumner
  • rasterize with points failed when using update=TRUE #1611 by Jordan Adamson
  • buffer on a lonlat multipoint SpatVector returned a buffer around a single point. #1607 by Márcia Barbosa
  • buffer<SpatVector> no longer crashes (for particular cases and unknown reasons) on windows #1331 by Julian090601, #1363 by Rupert Overall and #1531 by Igor Graczykowski


  • as.list<SpatRasterDataset> sets the names of the list #1513
  • a SpatVectorCollection can now be subset with its names; and if made from a list it takes the names from the list. 1515 by jedgroev
  • argument fill_range to plot and plot<SpatVector> to use the color of the extreme values of the specified range #1553 by Mike Koontz
  • plet<SpatRaster> can now handle rasters with a "local" (Cartesian) CRS. #1570 by Augustin Lobo.
  • geom can now return "wkb" #1609
  • faster plotting when color names are used. In response to question by Olle on


  • map_extent returns the coordinates of the axes position of a map created with plot<Spat*> #1517 by Daniel Schuch
  • polys<leaflet> method #1543 by Márcia Barbosa
  • plot<SpatVectorCollection> method #1532 by jedgroev
  • add_mtext to add text around the margins of a map. #1567 by Daniel Schuch

version 1.7-78

Released 2024-05-22

bug fixes

  • writeVector and readVector better handle empty geopackage layers #1426 by Andrew Gene Brown.
  • writeCDF only wrote global variables if there was more than one #1443 by Daniel Schlaepfer
  • rasterize with "by" returned odd layernames #1435 by Philippe Massicotte
  • convHull, minCircle and minRect with a zero-row SpatVector crashed R #1445 by Andrew Gene Brown
  • rangeFill with argument circular=TRUE did not work properly #1460 by Alice
  • crs(describe = TRUE) returned an mis-ordered extent #1485 by Dimitri Falk
  • tapp with a custom function and an index like "yearmonths" could shift time for not considering the time zone. #1483 by Finn Roberts
  • plot<SpatRaster> could fail when there were multiple values with very small differences #1491 by srfall
  •<SpatRaster> with "xy=TRUE" and "wide=FALSE" could fail if coordinates were very similar #1476 by Pascal Oettli
  • rasterizeGeom now returns the correct layer name #1472 by HRodenhizer
  • cellSize with "mask=TRUE" failed if the output was to be written to a temp file #1496 by Pascal Sauer
  • ext<SpatVectorProxy> did not return the full extent #1501 by erkent-carb


  • extract has new argument "small=TRUE" to allow for strict use of "touches=FALSE" #1419 by Floris Vanderhaeghe.
  • as.list<SpatRaster> has new argument "geom=NULL"
  • rast<list> now recognizes (x, y, z) base R "image" structures stackoverflow by Ignacio Marzan.
  • inset has new arguments "offset" and "add" #1422 by Armand-CT
  • expanse<SpatRaster> has argument usenames #1446 by Bappa Das
  • the default color palette is now terra::map.pal("viridis") instead of terrain.colors. The default can be changes with options(terra.pal=...) #1474 by Derek Friend
  • as.list<SpatRasterDataset> now returns a named list. #1513 by Eric R. Scott


  • bestMatch<SpatRaster> method
  • argument "pairs=TRUE" to cells #1487 by Floris Vanderhaeghe
  • add_grid to add a grid to a map

version 1.7-71

Released 2024-01-31

bug fixes

  • k_means did not work if there were NAs #1314 by Jakub Nowosad
  • layerCor with a custom function did not work anymore #1387 by Jakub Nowosad
  • plet broke when using "panel=TRUE" #1384 by Elise Hellwig
  • using /vis3/ to open a SpatRaster did not work #1382 by Mike Koontz
  • plot<SpatRaster>(add=TRUE) sampled the raster data without considering the extent of the map. #1394 by Márcia Barbosa
  • plot<SpatRaster>(add=TRUE) now only considers the first layer of a multi-layer SpatRaster 1395 by Márcia Barbosa
  • set.cats failed with a tibble was used instead of a data.frame #1406 by Mike Koontz
  • polys argument "alpha" was ignored if a single color was used. #1413 by Derek Friend
  • query ignore the "vars" argument if all rows were selected. #1398 by erkent-carb.
  • spatSample ignored "replace=TRUE" with random sampling, na.rm=TRUE, and a sample size larger than the non NA cells. #1411 by Babak Naimi
  • spatSample sometimes returned fewer values than requested and available for lonlat rasters. #1396 by Márcia Barbosa.


  • vect<character> now has argument "opts" for GDAL open options, e.g. to declare a file encoding. #1389 by Mats Blomqvist
  • plot(plg=list(tic="")) now allows choosing alternative continuous legend tic-mark styles ("in", "out", "through" or "none")
  • makeTiles has new argument "buffer" #1408 by Joy Flowers.


  • prcomp<SpatRaster> method #1361 by Jakub Nowosad
  • add_box to add a box around the map. The box is drawn where the axes are, not around the plotting region.
  • getTileExtents provides the extents of tiles. These may be used in parallelization. See #1391 by Alex Ilich.

version 1.7-65

Released 2023-12-15

bug fixes

  • flip with argument direction="vertical" filed in some cases with large rasters processed in chunks 0b714b0 by Dulci on stackoveflow
  • SpatRaster now correctly handles NA & FALSE and NA | TRUE #1316 by John Baums
  • set.names wasn't working properly for SpatRasterDataset or SpatRasterCollection #1333 by Derek Friend
  • extract with argument "layer" not NULL shifted the layers #1332 by Ewan Wakefield
  • terraOptions did not capture "memmin" on stackoverflow by dww
  • rasterize with points and a built-in function could crash if no field was used #1369 by anjelinejeline


  • mosaic can now use fun="modal"
  • rast<matrix> and rast<data.frame> now have option 'type="xylz" #1318 by Agustin Lobo
  • extract<SpatRaster,SpatVector> can now use multiple summarizing functions #1335 by Derek Friend
  • disagg and focal have more optimistic memory requirement estimation #1334 by Mikko Kuronen


  • k_means<SpatRaster> method #1314 by Agustin Lobo
  • princomp<SpatRaster> method #1361 by Alex Ilich
  • has.time<SpatRaster> method
  • new argument "raw=FALSE" to rast, sds, and sprc to allow ignoring scale and offset 1354 by Insang Song

version 1.7-55

Released 2023-10-14

bug fixes

  • mosaic ignored the filename argument if the SpatRasterCollection only had a single SpatRaster #1267 by Michael Mahoney
  • Attempting to use extract with a raster file that had been deleted crashed R. #1268 by Derek Friend
  • split<SpatVector,SpatVector> did not work well in all cases. #1256 by Derek Corcoran Barrios
  • intersect with two SpatVectors crashed R if there was a date/time variable #1273 by Dave Dixon
  • "values=FALSE" was ignored by spatSample<SpatRaster>(method="weights") #1275 by François Rousseu
  • coltab<- again works with a list as value #1280 by Diego Hernangómez
  • stretch with histogram equalization was not memory-safe #1305 by Evan Hersh
  • plot now resets the "mar" parameter #1297 by Márcia Barbosa
  • plotRGB ignored the "smooth" argument #1307 by Timothée Giraud


  • argument "gdal" in project was renamed to "use_gdal" #1269 by Stuart Brown.
  • SpatVector attributes can now be stored as an ordered factor #1277 by Ben Notkin
  • plot<SpatVector> now uses an "interval" legend when breaks are supplied #1303 by Gonzalo Rizzo
  • crop<SpatRaster> now keeps more metadata, including variable names #1302 by rhgof
  • extract(fun="table") now returns an easier to use data.frame #1294 by Fernando Aramburu.


  • metags<- and metags to set arbitrary SpatRaster/file level metadata #1304 by Francesco Chianucci

version 1.7-46

Released 2023-09-06

bug fixes

  • plot<SpatVector> used the wrong main label in some cases #1210 by Márcia Barbosa
  • plotRGB failed with an "ext=" argument #1228 by Dave Edge
  • rast<array> failed badly when the array had less than three dimensions. #1254 by andreimirt.
  • all.equal for a SpatRaster with multiple layers #1236 by Sarah Endicott
  • zonal(wide=FALSE) could give wrong results if the zonal SpatRaster had "layer" as layername. #1251 by Jeff Hanson
  • panel now support argument "range" #141 by Jakub Nowosad
  • rasterize with by= returned wrong layernames if the by field was not sorted #1266 by Sebastian Dunnett
  • mosaic with multiple layers was not correct #1262 by Jean-Romain


  • wrap<SpatRaster> now stores color tables #1215 by Patrick Brown
  • global now has a "maxcell" argument #1213 by Alex Ilich
  • layerCor with fun='pearson' now returns output with the layer names #1206
  • vrt now has argument "set_names" #1244 by sam-a-levy
  • vrt now has argument "return_filename" #1258 by Krzysztof Dyba
  • project<SpatRaster> has new argument "by_util" exposing the GDAL warp utility #1222 by Michael Sumner.


  • compareGeom for list and SpatRasterCollection #1207 by Sarah Endicott
  • is.rotated<SpatRaster> method #1229 by Andy Lyons
  • forceCCW<SpatVector> method to force counter-clockwise orientation of polygons #1249 by srfall.
  • vrt_tiles returns the filenames of the tiles in a vrt file #1261 by Derek Friend
  • extractAlong to extract raster cell values for a line that are ordered along the line. #1257 by adamkc.

version 1.7-39

Released 2023-06-23

bug fixes

  • the tempdir option did not use path.expand. #1195 by Alex Ilich
  • the layer names returned by predict where inconsistent when using argument "index". #1194 by Michael Mahoney
  • compilation failed with older compilers because of use of std::filesystem #1191
  • Small changes to RGB<- and coltab<- so that terra can be installed with R-devel (after a bug fix

version 1.7-37

Released 2023-06-18

bug fixes

  • rasterize with points and a custom function did not work for large rasters. #1127 by Skip Woolley
  • crop<SpatRaster, SpatVector> with "mask=TRUE" did not work well if the raster had a scale/offset #1128 by Monika Anna Tomaszewska
  • zonal<SpatRaster> with a custom function always removed NAs. #1133 by Matthias Weigand
  • wrap<SpatRaster> lost changed layer names if the source was from disk; and information on some time-step in some cases. #1144 by Pascal Führlich
  • global(fun="isNA") was not correct when the SpatRaster had multiple layers #1141 by Robin Freeman
  • interpIDW with near=TRUE did not work properly (near=TRUE is now the default). #1186 by Hugh Graham
  • "YYYY-1-1" was sometimes encoded as "YYYY-13-1". #1168 by Colin Brust


  • panel for categorical SpatRasters. #1143 by Jason Flower
  • argument "ext" in plot<SpatRaster> can now also expand the plot. #1136 by Jakub Nowosad.
  • argument overwrite=FALSE to makeTiles. #1167 by Gray Martin.
  • legend options for <plet,SpatVector>. #1177 by Agustin Lobo.
  • better handling of mixed geometry type vector data by vect and svc. #1160 by Mike Sumner.
  • new argument sql to query<SpatVectorProxy>. #1157 by Carl Boettiger
  • support for writing raster data to a vitual file system #1209 by Carl Boettiger


  • wrap<SpatRasterDataset> and wrap<SpatRasterCollection> methods. #954 by James Camac

version 1.7-29

Released 2023-04-22


  • regress<SpatRaster,numeric> to get regression model coefficients for each cell, with a fixed "X".
  • regress<SpatRaster,SpatRaster> to get regression model coefficients for each cell.


  • lapp<SpatRasterDataset> is now more flexible in that it can now also use functions that are vectorized by cell, not by chunk. See #1029
  • project<SpatVector> has new argument "partial=FALSE" that can be used to keep geometries that can only be partially included in the output crs.
  • extracting a SpatVector column with a non-existing variable name now returns NULL (because that is what a data.frame does) instead of throwing an error. #1118 by Derek Friend.

bug fixes

  • a problem with reading empty categories in .img files created buggy SpatRasters
  • global with fun="notNA" was wrong #111 by Jeffrey Hanson
  • extract<SpatRaster,SpatVector> with "bind=TRUE" did not work
  • extract<SpatRaster,SpatVector> with point geometries and a "fun" returned values in the wrong order
  • plot<SpatRaster> argument "colNA" did not work when "alpha" was also set #1102 by Márcia Barbosa
  • crop<SpatRaster> with "extend=TRUE" did not extend the SpatRaster if the input had no cell values. #1114 by Jasper van Doninck
  • setting a factor or date/time variable in a SpatVector did not work #1117 by MK Schneider
  • focalMat did not work well when using terraOptions(todisk=T) #1116

version 1.7-23

Released 2023-04-08


  • The halo function for adding halo-ed text to plots is now exposed
  • add_legend to allow using a keyword such as "topleft" to position a custom legend. #1053 by Márcia Barbosa
  • the function is now exported
  • countNA<SpatRaster> method
  • split<SpatVector,SpatVector> to split polygons with lines


  • better support for other color spaces than RGB #1060 by Dominic Royé
  • path expansion in writeVector #1055 by Andrew Gene Brown.
  • clamp<SpatRaster> now also accepts SpatRasters to set the lower and upper boundaries.
  • freq has new arguments "zones=NULL" and "wide=FALSE", to allow tabulation of values by zone.
  • expanse<SpatRaster> has new arguments "zones=NULL" and "wide=FALSE", to allow tabulation of values by zone.
  • unique<SpatRaster> has new argument "digits=NA"
  • rasterize<SpatRaster,SpatVector> now accepts fun="table" to tabulate cells by cell value
  • rast<character> has new argument "snap" to snap the window in or out. #1094 by Derek Friend
  • plot has new argument "clip=TRUE" that can be set to FALSE to avoid clipping the axes to the mapped area #1080 by Márcia Barbosa
  • better error message when coercing an sf object that is not fully formed #1098 by Brandon McNellis
  • writeCDF<SpatRaster> had new argument "split" allowing to treat each layer as a subdataset #1077 by Andrea Manica
  • global now accepts multiple summarizing functions

bug fixes

  • A SpatRaster with RGB layers was forced to INT1U when writing #1051 by Cesar Aybar
  • In files with multiple vector layers, the crs of the first layer was always used; ignoring that the crs could be different for other layers #1052 by Andrew Gene Brown
  • sieve was not able to write to file #1061 by leo
  • rasterize did not work with sf objects #1054 by Jakub Nowosad
  • query did not work for hyphenated layer names #1058 by Robbie Price
  • focal3D na.policy did not work #1057 by Flávio Mota
  • layerCor with na.rm=TRUE failed for a SpatRaster with more than 2 layers #1056 by Alex Ilich.
  • inset with keyword positioning did not work well #1053 by Márcia Barbosa
  • yearmonths time stamps were not read from file for years <1970 and >2037 #1062 by Colin Brust
  • compareGeom did not work for multiple SpatRasters #1063
  • viewshed could not handle a filename argument. #1100 by kamistick

version 1.7-18

Released 2023-03-06


  • argument order=FALSE to sort<SpatRaster>
  • sort<SpatVector> (and <data.frame> method
  • argument by=NULL to rasterize> #986 by Sam Weber
  • meta<SpatRaster> method to get metadata
  • compare<SpatRaster> and logic<SpatRaster> methods
  • vect<SpatExtent> method
  • panel<SpatRaster> for "panel" plots (multiple layers, single legend)


  • it is now possible to save terra options across sessions #995 by Guillaume Patoine.
  • better warnings for is.lonlat #1006 by Andrew Gene Brown
  • argument na.rm to merge<SpatRaster>
  • the axes of maps created with plot are now snug around the mapped area, instead of at the limits of the graphics figure region.
  • C++ cleaning to avoid warnings by clang-tidy (e.g. now using .empty() instead of .size()==0). [#1013-1017] by Michael Chirico
  • rasterize with lines and polygons can now use the "fun" argument (for min, max, mean, and sum) #1041 by Bart Huntley

bug fixes

  • the legend created by plet was not always correct. #983 by Simon Rolph
  • spatSample<SpatRaster>(regular=TRUE) failed with providing two numbers (row, col) as sample size. #991 by srfall
  • merge<SpatRaster> did not ignore NAs #1002 by jmmonnet.
  • writeCDF failed when using argument force_v4 #1009 by R. Kyle Bocinsky
  • predict better handling of rasters with many NAs #988 by Lucas Johnson
  • layerCor did not handle NAs well if they were in different cells across layers #1034 by François Rousseu.

version 1.7-3

Released 2023-01-24


  • argument w to zonal<SpatRaster,SpatRaster> to compute weighted means
  • zonal<SpatRaster,SpatVector> method
  • clamp_ts method

bug fixes

  • in the previous version, a bug was introduced such that the order of operation in arithmetic operations with SpatRasters was ignored. #978 by Andrew Marx
  • Fixed split<SpatVector>. #979 by srfall
  • spatSample with as.df=FALSE returned a data.frame instead of a matrix #982 by Alex Ilich

version 1.6-53

Released 2023-01-17


  • arithmetic and logical operations between a SpatRaster and a matrix, to allow for using cell-varying and cell/layer-varying scalars. layer-varying scalars were already supported via vectors.


  • shade is now vectorized for arguments angle and direction to facilitate generating multiple hillshades that can be combined for a better result #948 by Jürgen Niedballa
  • sharedPaths now uses spatial indices #960 by Jeff Hanson
  • predict has better support for models such as ranger that do not return anything for missing values #968 by Alex Ilich

bug fixes

  • writeCDF now supports writing yearly time steps #926 by Andrea Manica
  • as.contour now works for a single level #966 by Johannes Signer
  • subsetting a SpatRaster with a window returned a SpatRaster with the dimensions of the non-windowed raster, thus changing the resolution. #964 by Derek Friend
  • removing a factor variable from a SpatVector crashed R. #969 by Andrew Gene Brown
  • median did not always return the correct number for a SpatRaster with 3 or more layers #970 by MatteaE

version 1.6-47

Released 2022-12-02


  • roll<SpatRaster> method for rolling (moving) average and other rolling functions
  • noNA<SpatRaster> method to identify cells that are not NA (across layers)
  • rangeFill<SpatRaster> method


  • argument exhaustive to spatSample<SpatRaster> for large sparse rasters. [#905] by PetiteTong.
  • focalPairs and focalReg can now use the values in custom windows as weights. [#907] by Fabian Fischer.
  • focalReg now has additional argument "intercept=TRUE". [#916] by Jordan Adamson
  • crs(x, warn=TRUE)<- now emits a warning about the difference between transforming and setting a crs when x already had a crs. [#897] by Márcia Barbosa.
  • it is now possible to write a scale and offset with writeRaster [#900] by Kyle David
  • crosstab now shows the labels names for a categorical SpatRaster. [895] by Derek Corcoran Barrios
  • makeTiles can now take a SpatVector to define the tiles. [920] by Tristan Goodbody

bug fixes

  • focalPairs and focalReg now work for custom windows [#907] by Fabian Fischer
  • argument "alpha" in plot<SpatVector> was not working properly. [#906] by Márcia Barbosa.
  • time<- with time-step "years" could not handle negative years. [#911] by Andrea Manica
  • wrap/unwrap (and by extension saveRDS/readRDS) did not handle categorical rasters well [#912] by Christine Anderson.
  • interpIDW failed with GDAL 3.6 [#910] by Roger Bivand
  • spatSample with strata bug fix "unable to find an inherited method for function 'trim'" [#919] by Alfredo Ascanio
  • it is possible to slice a SpatRaster with a SpatExtent [#914] by Jakub Nowosad.
  • merge/mosaic did not handle NAs when using two layers [#913] by Joao Carreiras.

name changes

  • focalCor -> focalPairs to reflect its possible use beyond correlation

version 1.6-41

Released 2022-11-18


  • [ and [<- for SpatRaster now have a third index k for subsetting or assigning values by layer
  • anyNA and allNA for SpatRaster
  • unwrap to restore a PackedSpatVector or PackedSpatRaster
  • rasterizeWin method for rasterization with a moving window (circle, ellipse, rectangle, buffer)
  • interpIDW method for inverse-distance-weighted interpolation of points with a moving window
  • interpNear method for nearest neighbor interpolation of points with a moving window
  • viewshed method for SpatRaster
  • update method for SpatRaster to write new names or a new extent or crs to an existing raster file.
  • sieve filter for SpatRaster
  • argument segments=FALSE to disagg<SpatRaster>
  • sprc<character> method to create a SpatRasterCollection from a file with subdatasets
  • graticule function to create a SpatGraticule and related methods plot<SpatGraticule> and crop<SpatGraticule>
  • elongate method for SpatVector lines


  • faster mosaic and merge<SpatRaster> [#577] by Jean-Romain
  • wrap<SpatRaster> now uses file references if the data is deemed too large to all load into memory. [#801] by Jean-Romain
  • readRDS and unserialize now return a SpatRaster or SpatVector (instead of a PackedSpat*)
  • better support for a "local" arbitrary Euclidean crs [#797] by Agustin Lobo
  • clamp can now take low and high values for each layer
  • The pax argument in plot now provides more control over what to draw on each axis via parameters side, tick and lab
  • The pax argument in plot now has argument retro to use a sexagesimal notation of degrees
  • extend has a new argument fill=NA
  • A warning is now given when combining SpatRasters with different CRSs. [#818] by Andrew Marx
  • plotRGB now accounts for the value of zlim when stretching; allowing to use the same coloring scheme across SpatRasters [#810] by Agustin Lobo.
  • the center of rotation for spin is now vectorized

bug fixes

  • The annoying garbage collection messages Error in x$.self$finalize() : attempt to apply non-function is now suppressed in most cases. [#218] by Charlie Joey Hadley. This problem should go away altogether when a new version of "Rcpp" is released (ETA Jan 2023) thanks to a fix by Kevin Ushey [#30]
  • spatSample with na.rm and SpatRasters with multiple layers did not work. [#800] by Andrea Manica
  • adjacent<SpatRaster> with pairs=TRUE, include=TRUE ignored include=TRUE [#808] by Joseph Lewis
  • rasterize did not accept "NA" as value for updating [#809] by Márcia Barbosa
  • extract with a perfectly vertical or horizontal line failed in some cases [#823] by Dimitri Falk
  • wrap<SpatVector> failed if there was a single point geometry [#815] by Patrick Schaefer
  • extract<SpatRaster> with weights=TRUE did not return values [#814] by Jean-Luc Dupouey.
  • x[["newname"]] <- r for SpatRasters x and r did not work [#795] by Jim Shady
  • fixed support for some non-conventional netCDF files [#869] by Mike Sumner, [#864] by eleanorecc, and [#851] by Philippe Massicotte.

name changes

  • costDistance -> costDist to avoid conflict with {gdistance}
  • gridDistance -> gridDist for consistency

version 1.6-17

Released 2022-09-10


  • droplevels for SpatRaster. [#757] by Rodolfo Jaffe.
  • normalize.longitude for SpatVector.
  • scoff to get and scoff<- to set the scale (gain) and offset of a SpatRaster.


  • new argument raw=FALSE to extract<SpatRaster> [#776] by Thomas Roh.
  • now takes na.rm=NA to only remove rows that are NA for all layers. The default value changed from TRUE to NA. [#792] by Ed Carnell
  • faster plotting of SpatVector data [#774] by Krzysztof Dyba
  • distance<SpatRaster> has new arguments "target" and "exclude". [#560] by Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr
  • new argument sparse=FALSE for `relate<SpatVector,SpatVector>.
  • new argument usenames=FALSE for lapp<SpatRasterDataset> [#793] by Colin Brust.
  • vect<character> now reports that a file is non-existent [#784] by John Baums
  • faster relate [#716] by Krzysztof Dyba
  • focal3D now checks if all the window's dimensions are odd [#772] by Neander Marcel Heming

bug fixes

  • all.equal bug [#756] fixed by John Baums
  • extract<"SpatRaster","sf"> ignored the ID argument. [#755] by Dainius Masiliūnas.
  • There is now (in all cases) a check to avoid overwriting (one of) the input file(s) when writing a raster file [#760] by John Baums
  • vrt is no longer constrained by the maximum number of files that can be opened [#780] by 8Ginette8
  • weighted.mean crashed with numeric weights and na.rm=TRUE [#777] by David Holstius
  • project<SpatRaster> did not consider an extent that was set by the user [#775] by Philippe Massicotte
  • focalCor failed for large rasters [#607] by John Clark
  • focal with expand=TRUE was prone to run out of memory [#610] by Nathan Elliott
  • crop<SpatVector> did not work well when the second argument were points or lines [#782] by Márcia Barbosa
  • adjacent with pairs=TRUE now respects the include=TRUE argument [808] by Joseph Lewis

version 1.6-7

Released 2022-08-07


  • method blocks to guide reading raster data in chunks. [#748] by John Baums


  • A warning is given when writing raster values that are outside the limits of the requested datatype [#752] by Jim Shady
  • Arguments to extract were simplified. [#736] by François Rousseu

bug fixes

  • values of focal where not correct if the input SpatRaster had multiple layers and a "custom" function. [#727] by Jean-Luc Dupouey.
  • plot<SpatRaster> did not honor argument legend=FALSE. [#738] by Grzegorz Sapijaszko
  • expanse failed when processing in chunks [#741] by Gareth Davies
  • crop<SpatRaster,SpatExtent> with argument snap="out" could lead to a crash if the extent was beyond the SpatRaster. [#740] by Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini

version 1.6-3

Released 2022-07-25

bug fixes

  • subst no longer uses values that it changed earlier on. [#639] by Paul Smith
  • as.points<SpatRaster> could return wrong factor labels. [#640] by Attilio Benini
  • mask<SpatRaster,SpatVector> crashed when the results were written to disk. [#646] by Monika Anna Tomaszewska
  • extract<SpatRaster,SpatVector(points)>(xy=TRUE) returned the locations of the points, not the xy-coordinates of the cells. [#650] by Ward Fonteyn
  • wrap<SpatRaster> did not return the correct labels for some categorical rasters. [#652] by Jakub Nowosad
  • better support for non-latin characters in the legend [#658] by Krzysztof Dyba
  • holes in small lon/lat polygons are now properly buffered [#689] by David Hofmann


  • subst can now substitute the values from multiple input layers with a single output value (layer)
  • subset<SpatVector> now behaves like subset<data.frame> [#648] by Andrew Gene Brown
  • setting category labels with a vector of names is now deprecated. A data.frame with at least two columns should be used. The first column should have the cell values (IDs).
  • It is now possible to "drop" a layer from a SpatRaster by setting it to NULL [#664] by Daniel Valentins
  • freq now provides the labels of factors, even if bylayer=FALSE. It now always returns a data.frame (it used to return a matrix in some cases. [#687] by Rodolfo Jaffé
  • disagg and aggregate now return a warning instead of an error when using a (dis)aggregation factor of 1.[#684] by Justin Fain.
  • project crashed when erroneously projecting raster data from one celestial body to another [#688] by Mike Sumner
  • you can now set a color table with a two column (value, ID) data.frame
  • categorical rasters can now be updated more easily [#667] by Alex Ilich
  • more control over matching values with colors when using plot. [#673] by Jakub Nowosad.
  • SpatVector attributes can now also be a factor, date, or POSIXct. [#697] by Grant Williamson
  • improved handling of missing values in extract(method="bilinear"). [#693] by swooping-magpie


  • argument as.raster to unique<SpatRaster> to create a categorical raster with the unique combinations in the layers of the input raster. The default for argument na.rm was changed to FALSE
  • sort<SpatRaster> to sort cell values across layers.
  • has.colors and has.RGB for SpatRaster
  • cover can now combine categorical rasters
  • concats to combine the levels of two SpatRaster into new categories [#663] by Alex Ilich
  • zonal<SpatVector,SpatVector> method to aggregate SpatVector attributes by polygons

version 1.5-34

Released 2022-06-09

bug fixes

  • "flipped" rasters were not always handled well. [#546] by Dan Baston
  • better reading of GTiff with subdatsets. [#601] by Kyle Doherty
  • better handling of multi-layer categorical rasters and extract. [#580] by André M. Bellvé
  • weighted.mean did not adjust the weights if there were NAs in the values. [#574] by Lars Dalby
  • bug in masking. [#552] reported by Márcia Barbosa and [565] by Jakub Nowosad.
  • fixed stretch option in plotRGB [#550] by Agustin Lobo
  • unwrap of a SpatRaster failed with a crs including a "'". [#602] by Jean Romain.
  • spatSample with cells=TRUE failed for planar data [#544] by Benjamin Misiuk
  • compareGeom(x, y, stopOnError=FALSE) did not remove the error messages stored in x leading to unexpected warnings later on. [#568] by David Hofmann.


  • Using & or | with SpatRasters now returns a boolean SpatRaster. [#594] by Dan Baston
  • SpatVector now supports logical values. [#593] by Derek Friend
  • Attempt to create SpatRaster with an invalid number of rows now gives an error. [#544] by Dan Baston
  • layerCor does not create temp files anymore. [#551] by Christine Anderson
  • not using the same iterator symbols in nested loops to avoid warnings on the Intel compiler. [#573] by Gareth Davies.


  • new arguments res and origin to project<SpatRaster> method. [#596] by Alex Ilich
  • new argument inside=TRUE to centroids to get a centroid-like point that is guaranteed to be on the geometry ("point on surface"). [#588] by Márcia Barbosa
  • new argument keepgeom=FALSE to vect<data.frame> that allows setting (keeping) the geometry as an attribute. [#586] by Márcia Barbosa
  • saveRDS and serialize methods for SpatRaster and SpatVector. [#549] by Andrei Mîrț
  • xFromCol and yFromCol now have a <SpatRaster,missing> method. [#583] by Michael Sumner.
  • svc<sf> method to deal with GeometryCollection types. [#585] by Sarah Endicott
  • as.points<SpatRaster> and as.polygons<SpatRaster> have a new argument na.all=FALSE that affects the interpretation of na.rm. [#548] by Jean-Luc Dupouey.
  • setGDALconfig and getGDALconfig to set GDAL configuration options. [#608] by Erik Bolch.
  • new argument circular to rapp to allow the start to be after the end (for if layers represent days of the year)
  • new method costDistance<SpatRaster>
  • new methods where.min and where.max for SpatRaster to get the cell numbers for the extreme values in a SpatRaster.
  • new method emptyGeoms<SpatVector> to get the indices of empty (null) geometries
  • new method rasterizeGeom to rasterize the geometry count or the area of (small) polygons or the length of lines.
  • new method for SpatRaster which is a shortcut for !
  • as.list implemented for <SpatRasterDataset>.
  • sources implemented for <SpatRasterDataset>, <SpatVector> and <SpatVectorProxy> [#638] by Andrew Gene Brown

name changes

  • delauny -> delaunay [#627] by Derek Friend

version 1.5-21

Released 2022-02-17

  • writeVector and vect now work with GPGK if the path has non-ascii characters [#518]
  • The results of predict with cores > 1 and more than one output variable were garbled
  • zonal dropped category names when using an external (R) function [#527] by Jakub Nowosad
  • focal/focalCpp showed strange patterns when the window size was larger than the block size [#519] by Alex Ilich
  • using xy=TRUE in normalized the names [#538] by Kodi Arfer
  • new argument options to vrt [#629] by Monika Tomaszewska.


  • makeTiles has new arguments extend and na.rm [#520] by by L. Dalby
  • project<SpatRaster> now uses nearest neighbor as default method for RGB rasters
  • new argument na.rm=TRUE to unique. [#561] by Matthieu Stigler

version 1.5-17

Released 2022-01-30

bug fixes

  • app<SpatRasterDataset> ignored the filename. [#498] by jszhao
  • vect<data.frame> failed silently if xy coordinates were integers [#496] by Márcia Barbosa
  • The output of aggregate<SpatRaster> was malformed when nrow(x) %% fact != 0. [#492] by Jean-François Bourdon
  • Integer NAs in SpatVector attributes where only recognized on Windows [#491] by Márcia Barbosa
  • plot<SpatVector> failed when using a character variable with many unique values. [#489] by Márcia Barbosa
  • rotate failed on large files. Reported by Ujjawal Singh
  • writing raster files with a color table could lead to a crash [#501] by Kodi Arfer
  • crds replicated the coordinates [#504] by Murray Efford
  •<SpatRaster> returned integers if the file stored values as integers, even if there was a scale/offset that creates decimal numbers [#509] by Kodi Arfer
  • project opened the input raster file in read/write mode instead of read mode. That did not work with files that cannot be updated.


  • distance, gridDistance, direction and patches now process all layers of the input SpatRaster. [#503] by Chris Haak
  • consistent copy-on-modify behavior in ()<- methods. in-place updating available with set. methods such as set.names and set.values. [#493] by Jean Romain and [#511] by Bryan Fuentes
  • much faster writing of GPGK vector data by using a single transaction (following sf) [#460] by Krzysztof Dyba
  • aggregate<SpatRaster> now accepts functions that return more than one value per aggregated cell
  • writeVector has new argument insert to add a layer to an existing file (e.g. GPKG).


  • new option method="weights" for spatSample<SpatRaster>
  • new mask<SpatVector,SpatVector> method to select intersecting geometries
  • new method is.related
  • values<SpatRaster> has new option na.rm=TRUE. [#490] by Henk Harmsen
  • new class SpatVectorProxy to provide access to large vector databases that cannot or should not be read into memory in its entirety.
  • new argument proxy=FALSE to vect to create a SpatVectorProxy object
  • new method query<SpatVectorProxy> to extract parts of a SpatVectorProxy
  • new method vector_layers that returns, and can delete, vector format layers from a database/file such as GPKG

name changes

To avoid name clashes with tidyverse

  • arrow -> north
  • src -> sprc
  • simplify -> simplifyGeom

For consistency

  • setCats -> set.cats

version 1.5-12

Released 2022-01-13

bug fixes

  • setValues and init failed (or even crashed R) when using a single value on a largish raster. [#414]
  • conversion from sfc to SpatVector lost the crs. [#415] by Jean-Luc Dupouey
  • buffer on a SpatRaster with no values caused a crash [#416] by Sebastian Brinkmann
  • writeVector now assumes "traditional GIS order" (long/lat) if the CRS specifies lat/long. [#333]( by Agustin Lobo
  • argument main was ignored in density when using a single layer SpatRaster [#424] by dvictori
  • Summary type math functions such as min and mean, when used with multiple SpatRasters and numbers, ignored additional SpatRasters [#426] by Zhuonan Wang
  • names are now conserved when creating a SpatRaster from a RasterStack that points to file(s) [#430] by Dan Baston
  • classify with right=FALSE ignored include.lowest=TRUE [#442] by Alex Ilich
  • patches now combines patches that connect across the data line [#366] by Hirscht
  • patches(directions=8) now connects in NE/SW direction [#451] by Jean-François Bourdon.
  • centroids now considers cases where SpatVector parts are nearest to each other when crossing the date line instead of the zero-meridian [#366] by Hirscht
  • terrain created empty (NA) rows between chunks used for processing large rasters. [#453] by Robert Ritson.
  • inset did not draw the "box" correctly. [#457] by Márcia Barbosa
  • as.lines now works with a points SpatVector [#464] by Márcia Barbosa


  • values(x)<- now accepts (hex coded) colors as values
  • focal now wraps around the dateline like raster::focal [#242] by Alexander Marbler
  • aggregate now does not show a progress bar in all cases [#249] by Lachlan
  •<SpatRaster> or <SpatVector> are now also implemented as S3 methods to assure correct dispatch by other S3 methods such as See [#284] by Patrick Schratz
  • crs now shows the correct authority if it is not EPSG. [#419] by Matthew Williamson
  • It now possible to add a SpatRaster to an empty SpatRaster (with no values), even if it has a different geometry, ignoring the empty SpatRaster [#421] by Alex Ilich.
  • rast<filename> has a new argument lyrs to subset the layers and open the file in one step.
  • rast<array> now has a crs and extent argument. [#439] by RS-eco
  • type="xyz" is now default in rast<data.frame>. [#438] by RS-eco
  • classify has a new argument brackets to show if a side of an interval is open or closed.
  • further support for categorical data in freq and [#441] ngould7
  • speed up in processing of multi-layer in memory data. [#437] by Krzysztof Dyba
  • vect<matrix> and vect<data.frame> are now much faster. [#413] by BastienFR
  • extract with points provided as a matrix or cell numbers is not much faster. [#341]
  • focal has a new argument na.policy that can be set to one of "all" (default), "only" or "omit". argument na.only has been removed, as you can now use na.policy="only"
  • inset argument border changed to perimeter to allow passing border on to plot<Spat*>. [#456] by Márcia Barbosa
  • The compile-time and run-time versions of GEOS are now compared and a warning is given if they are not the same. [#459] by Edzer Pebesma
  • it is now possible to add sub-datasets to GPKG and GTiff files. [#300] by gtitov
  • general option memfrac can now be set to zero (in stead of not lower than 0.1). [#476] by Matt Strimas-Mackey
  • new argument allowGaps in patches to disallow gaps between patch IDs. See [#478] by Dunbar Carpenter.


  • timestamps and units are now saved to an auxiliary file (filename.aux.json) for all raster formats except NetCDF when using writeCDF (because in that case they are stored in the netcdf file)
  • new method mergeTime to combine multiple rasters, perhaps partly overlapping in time, into a single time series
  • new method fillTime that can add empty layers in between existing layers to assure that the time step between layers is constant
  • new method approximate to fill in missing values by cell across layers
  • new methods is.bool and as.bool for SpatRaster and explicit recognition of Boolean raster data in various places (e.g., extract, plot)
  • new methods and for SpatRaster.
  • when assigning integer values to a SpatRaster, or when reading an integer file, the corresponding layers are now classified as being of integer type [#446] by L. Dalby
  • new method layerCor (like raster::layerStats). [#420] by Alex Ilich
  • new method focalCor (like raster::corLocal). [#427] by Zhuonan Wang
  • new method all.equal for SpatRaster. See [#428] by Dongdong Kong
  • new method math for SpatRaster that implements the Math-generic methods and accepts a filename
  • new method sds<array>
  • new method rasterize<matrix>, see [#413] by BastienFR
  • new method colorize to transform color representations
  • new method arrow to draw a (North) arrow on a map. [#461] by Márcia Barbosa
  • new method densify to insert nodes between existing nodes of a line or polygon SpatVector
  • new method direction for SpatRaster. [#462] by Márcia Barbosa
  • new method focal3D to compute focal values for a three-dimensional (row, column, layer) window
  • new function makeVRT to create a vrt file for a file that needs a header to be read.
  • new option method="stratified" for spatSample<SpatRaster>. [#470] by Michael Mahoney
  • new general option memmax to cap the amount of RAM that terra can be used in raster processing [#476] by Matt Strimas-Mackey
  • new method gridDistance to compute distances traversing a raster, perhaps with obstacles. [#477] by Márcia Barbosa

version 1.4-22

Released 2021-11-24


  • focal now has ellipses (...) to allow for providing additional arguments to fun. For this reason it does not have a na.rm argument anymore as that can be supplied via the ellipses. In practice this means that the default will be na.rm=FALSE for the standard functions such as mean and sum.

bug fixes

  • app grossly overestimated RAM needed, slowing it down. Reported by Jerry Nelson
  • terra now installs, again, with older versions of GEOS [#406] by fparyani
  • terra did not install with Clang on CRAN/OSX due to using C++13 idiom.


  • lapp and tapp now have a cores argument (as do app and predict). Suggested by Dongdong Kong [#365]
  • focal now also works with a function that returns multiple values. See [#318] by Alex Ilich.
  • focal can now process multiple layers in one step.
  • expanded support for conversion from stars objects [#220] by Jakub Nowosad


  • focalCpp takes a C++ function that iterates over cells to speed up computation by avoiding apply (see [#318] by Alex Ilich).
  • focalReg for focal OLS regression models between layers

version 1.4-20

Released 2021-11-16

bug fixes

  • terra did not install with versions of GDAL below 3 [#402] by Alex Ilich.
  • distance between two SpatVectors or matrices with pairwise=FALSE returned a matrix that was filled by column instead of by row [#403] by Paul Smith

version 1.4-19

Released 2021-11-15

bug fixes

  • rast with some NetCDF files failed because of bad parsing of dates. [#361] by Juan Carlos Zamora-Pereira
  • distance<SpatRaster> with lon/lat data was not correct. [#368] by Greg Schmidt
  • as.polygons<SpatRaster> failed with a SpatRaster and a categorical layer that is not the first layer. [#370] by Patrick Schratz
  • The filename argument in rasterize was not ignored, also causing errors when writing to temporary files. [#377] by Robbie Price
  • rast<character> crashed if the sds was an empty character string. [#381] by Dan Baston
  • plot<SpatVector> now responds to the range argument [#385] by Márcia Barbosa
  • zonal failed for user-defined functions. [#393] by mqueinnec


  • new method selectHighest to select n cell values with the highest or lowest values.
  • new method vect<list> to append SpatVectors (faster than, x))
  • new argument align=FALSE to project to align to the template SpatRaster but ignore the resolution
  • new method gdalCache to set the GDAL cache size, contributed by Dan Baston [#387]
  • new method fileBlocksize
  • new argument options to writeVector to pass layer creation options to GDAL
  • new SpatVector topology methods mergeLines, snap, makeNodes, removeDupNodes, gaps, simplify
  • new SpatVector characterization methods width and clearance


  • terra now installs with older versions of GEOS [#363]
  • terra now installs on CentOS 7 with GDAL 2.1.4 and a C++ compiler that does not support std::regexp. [#384] by Ariel Paulson

version 1.4-11

Released 2021-10-11


  • the definition of setValues now has two arguments (x and values), just like raster had; to avoid reverse dependency problems with raster

version 1.4-9

Released 2021-10-07

name changes

To avoid name conflicts with sp (via raster) disaggregate is now called disagg and bbox,SpatRaster and bbox<SpatVector> have been removed (but could be resurrected in raster or under another name).


  • project and resample now choose the resampling method based on the first layer, using "near" for categorical data. Thanks to Matthew Lewis [#355]

bug fixes

  • hist failed with small samples. Issue [#356] by Martin Queinnec

version 1.4-7

Released 2021-10-05


terra no longer depends on raster. To avoid name clashes between these two packages, and to allow replacing methods from rgeos and rgdal in raster, raster now depends on terra instead.


  • freq has a new argument usenames. See issue [#309] by Bappa Das
  • rast<character> has a new argument opts that can be used to pass GDAL open options. See issue [#314]
  • rast<SpatRaster> now takes arguments names and vals. See issue [#323] by Dongdong Kong
  • crs<- now warns if an unsupported datum is used. See issue [#317]
  • spatSample now returns factor values if a SpatRaster layer is.factor except when using as.df=FALSE
  • new method origin<- to set the origin of a SpatRaster. See issue [#326] by Jakub Nowosad
  • crs has a new argument parse. See [#344]
  • plot<SpatRaster,missing> has a new argument reset=FALSE that allows resetting the par()$mar parameters after plotting. See issue [#340] by Derek Friend
  • crds has a new argument na.rm. See [#338] by Kodi Arfer
  • show(Spat*) now prints the name and EPSG code of a crs if available. See [#317] by Jakub Nowosad

bug fixes

  • plotRGB failed if there were NAs. Issue [#308] by Jakub Nowosad
  • writeVector crashed R when used with a SpatVector with no geometries. Reported by Timothy White in issue [#319]
  • summary<SpatRaster> now returns counts for the classes (instead of a numerical summary of the indices) [#324] by Jakub Nowosad
  • tapp with a character index now returns a SpatRaster with the correct names [#345] by Stuart Brown
  • rasterize with a character variable now adds the ID column to the categories [#337] by Tate Brasel
  • cellSize now masks values in all cases (when requested with mask=TRUE). Issue [#339] by Jean-Luc Dupouey
  • buffer<SpatVector> no longer treats lines like polygons [#332] by Márcia Barbosa
  • plot now passes the layer index to fun [#310] by Ben Tupper
  • the to_id in nearest was sometimes wrong. See [#328] by Shawn Ligocki
  • better support for ESRI value attribute tables (VAT). See this SO question
  • focal did not reset initial values for NA cells when processing chunks. [#312] by Jeffrey Evans
  • focal could run out of memory when using a large window and user-defined function, and was inexact at the chunk boundary [#347]
  • zonal with as.raster=TRUE failed for categorical SpatRasters [#348] by Jakub Nowosad

version 1.3-22

Released 2021-08-20


  • if time(x) <- d is set with a Date class object, time(x) now returns a Date object instead of a POSIXct object. Issue [#256] by Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
  • The UTF-8 encoding of character attributes of a SpatVector is now declared such that they display correctly in R. See issue [#258] by AGeographer. Also implemented for names in both SpatVector and SpatRaster
  • rast<data.frame> method to avoid confusion with the matrix and list methods in response to a SO question by Stackbeans
  • the extreme values used to represent NA where not as intended (one or two lower) for INT2U and INT4U. Reported by Jean-Luc Dupouey on stackoverflow
  • writeCDF now also writes the time dimensions if there is only one time-step. See this SO question
  • vect<character> (filename) now has argument layer to select a layer from a multi-layer file / database, and arguments query, extent and filter for reading a subset
  • subst can now create multiple output layers See [issue 276] by Agustin Lobo
  • classify can now create different multiple output layers See [issue 276] by Agustin Lobo
  • Argument alpha of plot<SpatRaster> can now be a SpatRaster. See this SO question by James McCarthy

bug fixes

  • The filename and overwrite arguments were ignored in rasterize
  • gdal options are now also honored for create-copy drivers [#260]
  • buffer for lonlat now works better at the world's "edges" [#261]
  • scale/offset were ignored by project. Reported by Fabian Fischer
  • rasterize<SpatRaster,SpatVector> with inverse=TRUE crashed the R session. Issue [#264] by Jean-Luc Dupouey
  • The output of merge and mosaic was not correct for large rasters (only the first rows were used). Reported by Zavud Baghirov in [#271]
  • as.points,SpatRaster did not remove NA's correctly and shifted values. Issues [#269] and [#273] by Julian Hagenauer
  • rast<matrix> rotated values when using an equal-sided matrix [#274] by Jakub Nowosad
  • the number of rows and columns were reversed when using project with a crs argument. [#283] by Timothée Giraud
  • In classify, argument right had TRUE and FALSE reversed.
  • terrain had edge effects [#303] by Andrew Gene Brown.
  • terrain can now compute multiple variables at once [#286] by Žan Kuralt
  • wrap<SpatRaster> changed factors into numeric [#302] by Patrick Schratz
  • writeVector failed with "FlatGeobuf" (and probably other formats as well) for not using a proper MultiPolygon [#299] by L Dalby
  • regular sampling of polygons with spatSample is now much more regular [#289] by Jakub Nowosad

version 1.3-4

Released 2021-06-20


  • na.omit<SpatVector> to remove empty geometries and/or attribute records that have an NA
  • new method src to create a SpatRasterCollection (a loose collection of tiles).
  • merge and mosaic now have methods for a SpatRasterCollection. To avoid the (inefficient) use of #210 by Matthew Talluto.
  • activeCat and activeCat<- to get or set the "active" category if there are multiple categories (raster attributes)
  • as.numeric and catalyze to transfer categories to numeric cell values
  • summarize methods such as range and mean for (the attributes of) a SpatVector
  • new method shade, to compute hill shading


  • additional arguments (such as na.rm) are now used by rasterize with point geometries. #209 by Jakub Nowosad
  • improved handling (and documentation) of gstat models by interpolate. #208 by Jakub Nowosad
  • new argument cpkgs to predict to list the packages that need to be exported to the cores if argument cores is larger than one. ?predict now shows different approaches to parallelize predict (based on examples in issue. #178 by by Matthew Coghill.
  • freq now returns labels for categorical layers
  • adjacent now has a pairs argument. #239 by Kenneth Blake Vernon
  • adjacent now also takes a matrix to specify adjacent cells
  • mean and other summarize methods now take a filename argument and disallow non-recognized named arguments. #238 by Jessica Nephin
  • The raster attribute table of ESRI-GRID integer data, or from an ESRI vat.dbf file is now ignored if it only has the counts of the values. #234 by Jullee
  • time attributes are no longer lost when doing raster operations. #246 by Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
  • resample (and project) no longer ignore gdal="" write options and use BIGTIFF if necessary (suggested by Ani Ghosh)
  • new argument layer in the extract-SpatRaster,SpatVector method to extract values for a single layers specified for each geometry (see this question).

bug fixes

  • better handling of paths with non-ASCII characters (e.g., Chinese) for GeoTiff but still fails for NetCDF. [#233] by Dongdong Kong
  • extract with points and cells=TRUE or xy=TRUE gave garbled output
  • as.character<SpatRaster> (called by wrap) did not capture the layer names. [#213] by Pascal Title
  • focal mirrored the weight matrix, thus affecting the results when using an asymmetrical weight matrix. Reported by Sebastiano Trevisani
  • terra::terraOptions now works without attaching the package. [#229] by Karl Dunkle Werner
  • app with ncores > 0 and a function that returns multiple layers now works. [#240] by BastienFR.
  • autocor (local) can now handle NA values. [#245] by Jakub Nowosad .
  • mask with a SpatVector and a large (out of memory) multi-layer SpatRaster only worked for the first layer. Reported by Monika Tomaszewska.

version 1.2-10

Released 2021-05-13


  • as.lines method for SpatRaster
  • as.polygons method for SpatVector lines
  • autocor<numeric> has new methods mean, to compute the local mean, and locmor, for the local Moran's I
  • sharedPaths method for SpatVector (lines and polygons)
  • RGB2col method to reduce a three-layer RGB SpatRaster to a single layer SpatRaster with a color-table (with <= 256 colors)
  • split methods for SpatVector and SpatRaster


  • rast<Raster*> now takes the crs from the Raster object, not from the file it may point to. [#200] by Floris Vanderhaeghe
  • convhull has a new argument by="" to make convex hulls for sub-sets of a SpatVector.
  • faster processing of large in memory rasters. See issue [#206] by Krzysztof Dyba.

bug fixes

  • extract with multiple layers could return a data.frame where the values were not in the correct order (by row instead of by column)
  • crop works again with sf objects. [#201] by Sebastian Brinkmann
  • vect<sf> now also works for lines, and should be faster
  • vect<character> crashed R if a file had empty geometries. [#202] by consumere
  • extract(points, bilinear=TRUE, cells=TRUE) now works. [#203] by fab4app
  • zonal now works for min and max. [#207] Reported by Jakub Nowosad

name changes

To avoid name conflicts with the spatstat package

  • area,SpatRaster-method(x, sum=FALSE) -> cellSize(x)
  • area,SpatRaster/SpatVector-method(x, sum=TRUE) -> expanse(x)
  • convexhull -> convHull
  • perimeter -> perim
  • tiles -> makeTiles
  • coords -> crds

version 1.2-5

Released 2021-04-30


  • trim has a new argument value that allows trimming rows and columns with other values than the default NA
  • rapp has a new argument clamp that allows clamping start and end values to 1:nlyr(x), avoiding that all values are considered NA
  • spatSample<SpatRaster> has new arguments as.points and values. Getting values, cells and coordinates is no longer mutually exclusive. In response to [#191] by Agustin Lobo
  • area<SpatRaster> has a new argument mask=FALSE
  • classify can now take a single number to request that many cuts
  • mosaic and merge now warn and resample if rasters are not aligned
  • extract has a new argument exact to get the fraction covered for each cell

bug fixes

  • flip(x, direction="vertical") no longer reverses the order of the layers
  • extract did not work for horizontal or vertical lines as their extent was considered invalid. Reported by Monika Tomaszewska
  • autocor did not handle NA values [#192] by Laurence Hawker
  • nearest now works for angular coordinates
  • The unit of slope in terrain was not correct (the tangent was returned instead of the slope), [#196] by Sven Alder
  • quantile now works for rasters that have cells that are all NA. Reported by Jerry Nelson

name changes

To avoid name conflicts with tidyverse

with deprecation warning:

  • separate -> segregate
  • expand -> extend
  • near -> nearby
  • pack -> wrap

without deprecation warning:

  • transpose -> trans
  • collapse -> tighten
  • fill -> fillHoles
  • select -> sel

version 1.1-17

Released 2021-04-14

major changes

  • c<SpatVector> now returns a list. rbind is used to append SpatVector objects
  • overhaul of handling of factors. rats has been removed, and levels and cats have changed

version 1.1-4

  • No news recorded for this and earlier versions