JobCam is a fun new way to find jobs in your area. It allows you to target your phone at an object, and then through the infocom API we can find a closely matching job, that will be overlayed. The app will process data in real time allowing the user to move the phone around the room to find interesting jobs that they had not considered.
- Android App Development (UI)
- Android App Development (AR)
- Object Detection
- Backend Server side
First up, this app has two parts, the Object Detection Server, written in C++, which contains an instance of the YOLOv3 neural network, and exposes an HTTP endpoint offering classification of JPG files, and the Android application itself.
Android App
Should be fairly straightforward, it was built with Android Studio to target API version 28. You'll need to add your key
to app/res/values/strings.xml
(yes this probably ought to be elsewhere) Also in CameraActivity
you need to set the URL on line 170
to point to your instance of the Object Detection Server
Object Detection Server
- Build DarkNet (a submodule in the repo)
- Download the YOLOv3 weights
- Modify config to match your system capability
- Install Boost and Cmake
- Run Cmake on the directory
- Use the new makefile to compile the server
- Run from command-line