A repo of BlueSky feeds for transparency so that people can view the filters, and sharing so that people can federate the feeds i.e. create their own versions.
Note: Please be conscious of the appropriate use of kupu in any feeds created. I inadvertently made a misappropriation in mine which I regret and apologise for.
To create your own version of one of these feeds:
- Navigate to SkyFeed and log in (note: you will need to create an app password from Settings in BlueSky).
- From the left-hand menu, select Feed Builder.
- At the top-right of the SkyFeed Builder column, there will be a dropdown menu. Select + Create Feed from there.
- Select the Switch to JSON Editor option further down the column.
- In the JSON Editor box, copy the JSON string from the relevant feed code in this repo.
- Review the output in the Feed Builder Preview in the right-hand column.
- Make any desired updates to the filters in either JSON Editor or Visual Editor mode.
- Click on the Publish Feed button to bring up a form for adding an avatar, feed description, and desired license.
- Complete and click on Publish to publish your feed.
- Copy the Published URL from the top to share with others, or select the URL to take you to the published feed in BLueSky.