Spell check your source code for fun and occasionally finding bugs
This is inspired by https://github.com/myint/scspell, and uses wordlists from SCOWL and MDN.
- It tokenizes CamelCase and snake_case and kebab-case and checks these as independent words including CAMELCase with acronyms.
- It skips urls
- It skips things that heuristically look like base64 or hex strings rather than words. This uses a bayesian classifier and is not magic. Find the balance of false-positive to false-negative that works for you with the
configuration option. - It comes with some wordlists for built in commands in some common programming languages, and recognizes hashbangs.
- Configure whether you want US, AU, CA, or GB english (or all of them).
- It checks directories recursively, obeying .gitignore
- It's easy to add terms to wordlists
- It's easy to integrate with CI pipelines
- It's very configurable
There's no correct way to spell anything. You can't trust dictionaries, they only react to the way everyone else uses words. Any agreement about certain spellings is a collective hallucination, and is a terrible proxy for attention or intelligence or education or value. Those who get to declare what "correct" spelling is, or even what counts as a real word, tend to be those groups that have more social power and it's (sometimes unconsciously) used as a way to maintain that power.
However, in a programming context spelling things consistently is useful, where method definitions must match method calls, and comments about these are clearer when also matching. It also makes grepping easier, not that you'd find the word 'grepping' in most dictionaries.
This is tested against ruby 2.6-3.4.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile
gem 'spellr', require: false
Then execute:
$ bundle install
$ gem install spellr
execute this command instead of spellr
. This is otherwise identical to using the gem version
$ docker run -it -v $PWD:/app robotdana/spellr
The main way to interact with spellr
is through the executable.
$ spellr # will run the spell checker
$ spellr --interactive # will run the spell checker, interactively
$ spellr --wordlist # will output all words that fail the spell checker in spellr wordlist format
$ spellr --quiet # will suppress all output
$ spellr --autocorrect # for if you're feeling lucky
To check a single file or subset of files, just add paths or globs:
$ spellr --interactive path/to/my/file.txt and/another/file.sh
$ spellr --wordlist '*.rb' '*_test.js'
There are some support commands available:
$ spellr --dry-run # list files that will be checked
$ spellr --version # for the current version
$ spellr --help # for the list of flags available
Feel free to just spellr --interactive
and go, but I prefer this process when first adding spellr to a large project.
$ spellr --dry-run
Look at the list of files, are there some that shouldn't be checked (generated files etc)? .gitignored files and some binary file extensions are already skipped by default.
Add any additional files to ignore to a .spellr.yml
file in your project root directory.
- ignore
- /generated
- "!files"
- in/*
- .gitignore
- "*.format"
Then output the existing words that fail the default dictionaries.
$ spellr --wordlist > .spellr-wordlists/english.txt
Open .spellr-wordlists/english.txt
and remove those lines that look like typos or mistakes, leaving the file in ascii order.
Now it's time to run the interactive spell checker
$ spellr --interactive
To start an interactive spell checking session:
$ spellr --interactive
You'll be shown each word that's not found in a dictionary, it's location (path:line:column), along with suggestions, and a prompt.
file.rb:1:0 notaword
Did you mean: [1] notwork, [2] nonword
[a]dd, [r]eplace, [s]kip, [h]elp, [^C] to exit: [ ]
Type h
for this list of what each letter command does
[1]...[2] Replace notaword with the numbered suggestion
[a] Add notaword to a word list
[r] Replace notaword
[R] Replace this and all future instances of notaword
[s] Skip notaword
[S] Skip this and all future instances of notaword
[h] Show this help
[ctrl] + [C] Exit spellr
What do you want to do? [ ]
If you type a numeral the word will be replaced with that numbered suggestion
file.txt:1:0 notaword
Did you mean: [1] notwork, [2] nonword
[a]dd, [r]eplace, [s]kip, [h]elp, [^C] to exit: [2]
Replaced notaword with nonword
If you type r
or R
you'll be shown a prompt with the original word and it prefilled ready for correcting:
file.txt:1:0 notaword
Did you mean: [1] notwork, [2] nonword
[a]dd, [r]eplace, [s]kip, [h]elp, [^C] to exit: [r]
[^C] to go back
Replace notaword with: notaword
To submit your choice and continue with the spell checking click enter. Your replacement word will be immediately spellchecked. To instead go back press Ctrl-C once (pressing it twice will exit the spell checking).
Lowercase r
will correct this particular use of the word, uppercase R
will also all the future times that word is used.
If you instead type s
or S
it will skip this word and continue with the spell checking.
Lowercase s
will skip this particular use of the word, uppercase S
will also skip future uses of the word.
If you instead type a
you'll be shown a list of possible wordlists to add to. This list is based on the file path, and is configurable in .spellr.yml
file.txt:1:0 notaword
Did you mean: [1] notwork, [2] nonword
[a]dd, [r]eplace, [s]kip, [h]elp, [^C] to exit: [a]
[e] english
[^C] to go back
Add notaword to which wordlist? [ ]
Type e
to add this word to the english wordlist and continue on through the spell checking. To instead go back to the prompt press Ctrl-C once (pressing it twice will exit the spell checking).
If the tokenizer finds a word you don't want to add to the wordlist (perhaps it's an intentional example of a typo, or a non-word string not excluded by the heuristic) then add any kind of comment containing spellr:disable-line
to the line.
open('mispeled_filename.txt') # spellr:disable-line
You can also disable multiple lines, by surrounding the offending code with spellr:disable
and spellr:enable
# spellr:disable
it "Test typo of the: teh" do
fill_in(field, with: "teh")
# spellr:enable
If your language supports inline comments you can also surround with spellr:disable
and spellr:enable
in the same line:
<span><!-- spellr:disable -->nonsenseword<!-- spellr:enable --></span>
Spellr's configuration is a .spellr.yml
file in your project root. This is combined with the gem defaults defined here.
There are top-level keys and per-language keys.
word_minimum_length: 3 # any words shorter than this will be ignored
key_minimum_length: 6 # any strings shorter than this won't be considered non-word strings
key_heuristic_weight: 5 # higher values mean strings are more likely to be considered words or non-words by the classifier.
- ignore
- "!files"
- in/*
- .gitignore
- "*.format"
- limit to
- "files*"
- in/*
- .gitignore-esque
- "*.format"
The includes format is documented here.
Also within this file are language definitions:
english: # this must match exactly the name of the file in .spellr-wordlists/
locale: # US, AU, CA, or GB
- US
- AU
- patterns*
- "*_here.rb"
- limit-which-files
- the/wordlist/**/*
- /applies_to/
key: r # this is the letter used to choose this wordlist when using `spellr --interactive`.
- ruby # if the file has no extension and the hashbang/shebang contains ruby
# this file will match even if it doesn't otherwise match the includes pattern.
If you want a file to have a file-specific wordlist: e.g. for terms specific to logstash:
logstash: # this can be anything
- path/to/logstash/file
Create or open a file in the root of your project named Rakefile
adding the following lines
# Rakefile
require 'spellr/rake_task'
This will add the rake spellr
task. To provide arguments like the cli, use square brackets. (ensure you escape the []
if you're using zsh)
rake 'spellr[--interactive]'
To provide default cli arguments, the first argument is the name, and subsequent arguments are the cli arguments.
# Rakefile
require 'spellr/rake_task'
Spellr::RakeTask.generate_task(:spellr_quiet, '--quiet')
task default: :spellr_quiet
or rake spellr
will be in interactive mode unless the CI env variable is set.
# Rakefile
require 'spellr/rake_task'
spellr_arguments = ENV['CI'] ? [] : ['--interactive']
Spellr::RakeTask.generate_task(:spellr, **spellr_arguments)
task default: :spellr
To have this automatically run on travis, add :spellr
to the default rake task.
# Rakefile
require 'spellr/rake_task'
task default: :spellr
or if you already have :default task, add :spellr to the array.
require 'spellr/rake_task'
task default: [:spec, :spellr]
or etc.
Also follow the travis documentation to have travis run rake:
# .travis.yml
sudo: false
language: ruby
cache: bundler
- 3.0
before_install: gem install bundler
Sometimes you'll want to spell check something that would usually be ignored,
even though spellr
ignores the .git
For this you can use the --suppress-file-rules
command line argument.
$ spellr --suppress-file-rules .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
Note: This still ignores files outside of the current directory
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/robotdana/spellr.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License. Wordlists packaged with this gem have their own licenses, see them in https://github.com/robotdana/spellr/tree/main/wordlists