Transfer files from a GoPro to a PC via WiFi.
First connects to the GoPro via BlueTooth to turn on Wifi, then connects to the GoPro via Wifi and moves all files from the GoPro to the PC file system. Files are placed beneath a directory named after the camera and the current date. Within this directory each sequence goes into a subdirectory named with the sequence number and the location (based on the coordinates of the first image in the sequence). After transfering (moving) all images switches back to the original WiFi network.
- Tested with Hero 5 Black and Max 360, may or may not work with other models
- Fails with Hero 5 Black containing ~10000 time lapse photos
Was not working using higher level goprocam
library functions to download sequences, hence the hand rolled nature of the download.
Camera must have been previously paired to the PC via Bluetooth. (On GOPro Max select Preferences->Connections->Connect Device->GoPro App then open Blutooth settings in Linux Mint and check for new GoPro device and setup. Then copy BT mac address from device info into cameras.json file) PC must have been previously connected to the GoPro's WiFi network and the password saved.
Uses gopro-ble-py and gopro-py-api (goprocam
) for connection to the GoPro.
Uses pillow
to read exif information from images.
Uses geopy
to perform reverse geocoding (using nominatem),