Releases: rivm-syso/mcra-core
Open MCRA Core 10.1.7 Update
The attached binary file
contains the compiled version of the
Open MCRA Command Line Interface, which requires the open source
Microsoft .NET Core 8 runtime
to be installed on your computer.
Version 10.1.7 (2025-03-24)
- New class SimulatedIndividual, refactor controlled Individual properties (#2089)
- Add PBK model simulation settings to internal exposures module (#2118)
- Add setting BoD indicator selection for EBD and allow for multiple exposure effect functions (#2122)
- Add option targetLevel in ebd module (#2123)
- Enable dietary exposures as input in ebd module (#2124)
- Add option for selecting custom bins in ebd module (#2125)
- Add exposure by source section to toc in internal exposure module (#2145)
- Implement toc exposure by source and route for internal exposures module (#2151)
- Implementation RS Expo Air Exposures module (#2167)
- Add separate random generator for individuals in soil exposures module (#2170)
- Update HBM data reader to ignore DW, AS, IAIR, and EBC matrices and accept codebooks other than basic codebooks (#2146)
- Add missing units to single value risk tables (#2161)
Open MCRA Core 10.1.6 Update
The attached binary file
contains the compiled version of the
Open MCRA Command Line Interface, which requires the open source
Microsoft .NET Core 8 runtime
to be installed on your computer.
Version 10.1.6 (2025-03-04)
- Add initial version of PBK model definitions details summary sections for SBML models
- Extended exposure effect functions input format with erType and Baseline columns (#2128)
- New data module burden of disease infos (#2129)
- Implement external exposure by source summary section in internal exposures module (#2136)
- Remove non-dietary drilldowns (#2111)
- Correct units for external exposures sub-sections in internal exposures module
Open MCRA Core 10.1.5 Update
The attached binary file
contains the compiled version of the
Open MCRA Command Line Interface, which requires the open source
Microsoft .NET Core 8 runtime
to be installed on your computer.
Version 10.1.5 (2025-02-10)
- Update SRA EU prospective dietary CRA (2024) to use the option to apply conversion of processed derivatives (#2105)
- Implement method to run chronic PBK model simulations using single repeated exposures (#2106)
- New module Soil exposures
- Refactor 'IsCompute' functionality, move to ModuleConfiguration in project settings XML (#2101)
- All individual drilldowns are custom (html) code and not sortable and downloadable (#2108)
- Add uncertainty bounds to cumulative risk plot (instead of only nominal) (#2104)
- Focal Concentrations sample subset selection is not summarized
Open MCRA Core 10.1.4 Update
The attached binary file
contains the compiled version of the
Open MCRA Command Line Interface, which requires the open source
Microsoft .NET Core 8 runtime
to be installed on your computer.
Version 10.1.4 (2025-01-31)
- Focal food/substance functionality for MRL replacement using a settings input field for the proposed MRL (#2085)
- Implement option 'Restrict LOR imputation to authorised uses' (#2088)
- Filter focal food concentrations/samples based on fieldTrialType (#2094)
- Implement default processing factor for missing processing factors (#2095)
- Add option to replace measurements of processed derivatives of the focal food, including correction for processing (#2102)
- Update SSD concentrations bulk copier to parse progSampStrategy and fieldTrialType (#2065)
- Update test projects to fetch settings from appsettings json instead of settings config to enable user-specific settings (#2099)
- Imputed bodyweights are not correctly picked up in dietary exposures calculations (#2054)
- Clicking on empty sub-headers doesn't navigate to anchor in content of download html reports (#2083)
- Concentration Limits table in output shows kg/kg in table header (#2091)
Open MCRA Core 10.1.3 Update
The attached binary file
contains the compiled version of the
Open MCRA Command Line Interface, which requires the open source
Microsoft .NET Core 8 runtime
to be installed on your computer.
Version 10.1.3 (2024-12-13)
- Update dust exposures module to support chronic and acute exposure calculations (#2045)
- Initial implementation of uploadable PBK models via data module (#2061)
- Implement uploading of SBML models (#2072)
- Add start and end date of sampling to hbm survey information (#2074)
- Inline SVG charts in short report HTML output are not rendered correctly (#2063)
Open MCRA Core 10.1.2 Update
The attached binary file
contains the compiled version of the
Open MCRA Command Line Interface, which requires the open source
Microsoft .NET Core 8 runtime
to be installed on your computer.
Version 10.1.2 (2024-11-08)
- Implement internal concentration and internal dose (systemic) (#1891)
- Modular design diagram based on action mappings (#2012)
- Implement expression type for kinetic conversion factors (#2019)
- Implement dust exposures module (experimental)
- Implement population alignment methods (#2040)
- Rename modules: "Human monitoring data" to "HBM occurences" and "Human monitoring analysis" to "HBM analysis" (#2001)
- Remove enum value AbsorptionFactorModel from InternalModelType, add TargetDoseLevelType.Systemic (#2026)
- Rename HBM Occurences module (previously named human monitoring data) to HBM concentrations (#2039)
- Create risks action: rename exposure calculation method "Human monitoring concentrations" to "Human biomonitoring concentrations (#2058)
- Uncertainty runs of Cosmos (PBK) fail (#1999)
- Exposure mixtures: return output "Analysis of acute exposures is currently not supported" for network analysis when exposure type is acute (#2005)
- Implementation targetExposureUnit for internal dose and concentration unit (#2018)
- Oxyplots uppertails crash and end with error (#2028)
- Risk value in 'Contribution for individuals at risk' is nominal value (instead of median of all bootstrap runs) (#2031)
- Correction for bodyweight in BiologicalMatrixComparisons (#2035)
- Do not hide columns non-detects and non-quantifications in hbm occurences when data is zero (#2037)
- X-axis of distribution chart of cumulative Risks shows wrong hazard/exposures while the risk metric is set to exposure/hazard (#2038)
- Incorrect reading of exposure route for single value non-dietary exposure data (#2042)
- Compute action for OPEX fails with undefined unit for exposure route (#2050)
- Account for undefined sex property in Busgang method to estimate specific gravity from creatinine (#2051)
- Hazard characterisations output not correctly rendered for systemic (#2052)
Open MCRA Core 10.1.1 Update
The attached binary file
contains the compiled version of the
Open MCRA Command Line Interface, which requires the open source
Microsoft .NET Core 8 runtime
to be installed on your computer.
Version 10.1.1 (2024-09-20)
- Implement PbkModels module
- Kinetic conversion: implement inverse uniform distribution for conversion factors and test for PARC T6.2.3. pesticides case study (#1992)
- Implement new modules for dust exposure assessment (#2009)
- Add tables and charts for individuals at risk, noy only based on a percentage for the upper tail (#2010)
- Move compartment to target exposures module
- Exposures module, rename to internal exposures (#1972)
- Separate settings (and behaviour) for kinetic conversion from calculation method settings in hazard characterisations module (#2008)
- Split kinetic models into AbsorptionFactors (KineticModels) and KineticConversionFactors module
- Use deterministic substance conversion factors only for replace measurements of focal food/substance scenarios (#1994)
- Correct and refactor load PBK models function of compiled data manager to correctly load PBK model instance records based on scope filter (#2000)
- Correct loading of additional sample properties when loading samples (#2006)
Open MCRA Core 10.1.0 Update
The attached binary file
contains the compiled version of the
Open MCRA Command Line Interface, which requires the open source
Microsoft .NET Core 8 runtime
to be installed on your computer.
Version 10.1.0 (2024-08-15)
- Create PBK modelng mechanism to allow selection of outputs from multiple compartments (#1927)
- Add install scripts for Python 3.12 to support roadrunner SBML (#1965)
- Update PARC-HBM data format reader to support codebook v2.4 (#1970)
- Restructure MCRA settings XML format to group settings per module (#581)
- Migrate code base from .NET 6 to .NET 8 (#1833)
- Refactor PBK models and their use in internal exposures and hazard characterisations module (#1933)
- Upgrade R to version 4.4.1 and rtools to 4.4 (#1966)
- Cannot convert to target matrix blood when blood is not present as sampling method in HBM data (#1960)
- Output sections are still visible when suppressed in the action settings file (#1969)
- Data formats templates readme text contains invalid URLs (#1979)
- Co-exposure tables fails for aggregate (#1983)
- Human monitoring individuals statistics does not reflect individuals in the further analysis (#1986)
Open MCRA Core 10.0.15 Update
The attached binary file
contains the compiled version of the
Open MCRA Command Line Interface, which requires the open source
Microsoft .NET Core 6 runtime
to be installed on your computer.
Version 10.0.15 (2024-06-21)
- Percentages in risks are not correct (#1962)
- Nominal value used in pies contributions, also in uncertainty run (#1963)
Open MCRA Core 10.0.14 Update
The attached binary file
contains the compiled version of the
Open MCRA Command Line Interface, which requires the open source
Microsoft .NET Core 6 runtime
to be installed on your computer.
Version 10.0.14 (2024-06-18)
- SA Risk steatosis from imazalil seems broken (#1948)
- Show legend MCR plot when exclude privacy sensitive data is selected (#1949)
- Wrong unit for hair in hazard characterisations (#1957)
- Kinetic conversion to blood when blood is not present as sampling method in HBM data (#1959)
- Fix resampling of kinetic conversion factors in uncertainty run