This repo primarily provides a configuration for tmux, vim, zsh, powerline, rxvt-unicode and i3. It is recommended to clone it to a folder $HOME/dotfiles.
$ git clone $HOME/dotfiles
$ cd dotfiles/script
$ ./bootstrap
- zsh
- tmux
- vim-gnome (huge vim version including python3 support, else see building VIM from source)
- socat (for powerline)
- xautomation
- xbindkeys
- URxvt terminal emulator
- feh, nitrogen
- xbacklight
- shutter
- dmenu
- rofi
- libiw-dev
$ sudo apt-get install zsh tmux vim-gnome socat rxvt-unicode-256color xautomation xbindkeys feh nitrogen xbacklight shutter xautomation xbindkeys suckless-tools libiw-dev
- powerline-status
- powerline-gitstatus
- thefuck
- i3pystatus
- i3-py
- netifaces
- basiciw
- psutil
- colour
- autorandr
$ sudo pip3 install powerline-status powerline-gitstatus thefuck i3pystatus i3-py quickswitch-i3 netifaces basiciw psutil colour
$ pip3 install --user autorandr
$ git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
Hit Prefix+I in tmux to install tmux-resurrect and any other plugins specified in .tmux.conf
Launch vim and run :PluginInstall
YouCompleteMe: see
Compile YCM: Make sure python-dev is installed
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev
$ cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
$ ./ --clang-completer
Build and install picom according to
Download release (tested 3.5.7) and build
Build from source.
git clone
cd rxvt-unicode
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-everything --enable-256-color --disable-perl
Configuration files and install notes for the i3 window manager and additonal programs. For Ubuntu 16.04. Xenial.
- (feh)
- nitrogen
- xbacklight
- Screenshots: shutter
- playerctl
- mouse buttons remapping: xautomation, xbindkeys
- dmenu (suckless-tools)
- libiw-dev for Pip basiciw
sudo apt-get install feh nitrogen xbacklight shutter xautomation xbindkeys suckless-tools libiw-dev
Install for Python 3.
- i3pystatus
- netifaces
- basiciw
- psutil
- colour
basiciw needs libiw.
sudo pip3 install i3-py quickswitch-i3
sudo apt-get install lxappearance gtk-chtheme qt4-qtconfig
Change to new GTK-theme in lxappearance, gtk-chtheme, and qtconfig-qt4. Install a GTK-theme, for example:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:tista/adapta -y
sudo apt update
sudo apt install adapta-gtk-theme
gsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons false