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VHDL library for 108th and 109th ITC hardware

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VHDL library for 108th, 109th and 110th ITC hardware.

Supported hardwares

Under src/, every hardware have its own .vhd file, consists of one package, which can have one or more constants and components.

Name For Status
seg 2x4 digit seven segment display controller working
key 4x4 keypad controller working
sw 8 switches debouncer working
rgb RGB LED controller working
mot L293D H-Bridge for 2 DC motors' controller working
dot 8 x 8 bicolor (red/green) dot matrix display controller working
lcd ST7735 128x160 RGB TFT LCD's controller working
dht DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor's controller working
tsl TSL2561 luminosity sensor's controller working
tts SD178B Big5 TTS module's controller working


Under src/util, there are shared dependency used by multiple files for converting types, generating waves, etc.

Name For Status
clk System clock dividers working
edge Edge detector working
debounce Push button/switch debouncer working
pwm Single phase PWM signal generator working
i2c I²C master interface working
spi SPI simplex master interface working
uart UART interface working


There are no actual complete VHDL testbench, but there some .vhd files located under tests/ you can Set as top level entity in Quartus to test some of the packages.


Under tools/ there are scripts that help with the writing of the code.


本專案為 Visual Studio Code 設定,包含程式碼片段、工作等。

工作 (tasks)

請使用 bashzsh 等 POSIX 殼層來執行工作。要執行 Build(編譯)或 Deploy(部屬)工作前,請先將 quartus_sh 指令加入環境變數。

Python 環境設定

大部分的工具都是用 Python 寫的。我們用 Poetry 管理相依套件和工作環境。

在安裝完 Python、pip 和 Poetry 後,需要執行 poetry install 才能使用工具。成功執行後,試著執行任一工具來檢查環境是否正確。

VHDL 語言伺服器

使用 VHDL Tool 可以擁有自動完成、跳至定義等實用功能,加快開發速度。安裝完成後請到 IEEE 下載 VHDL 標準函式庫 (IEEE 1076™) 的定義,放在 vhdltool-config.yaml 指定的路徑。


VHDL library for 108th and 109th ITC hardware






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