live = ["code", "philosophy", "anime"];
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
- Garut, West Java, Indonesia
- ricky_ackerman07
- in/ricky-muhammad-ridwan-4545001a5
- @chisiya_03
Merupakan project akhir sekaligus sebagai ujian akhir semester (UAS) mata kuliah Basis Data di perkuliahan semester 4, dibuat dengan Node.js ,Express.js denganTemplate layouting menggunakan EJS & B…
Code and slides for the "Deep Learning (For Audio) With Python" course on TheSoundOfAI Youtube channel.
Store HTML form submissions in Google Sheets.
Emotion Based Music Recommender
Detecting face masks using Python, Keras, OpenCV on real video streams
This is a demo on how to integrate QR code for authentication in NodeJs