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Overview - nfsen-dockerized

A lightweight Netflow collector and web display based on NFSEN/NFDUMP in a Docker container. NFSEN and NFDUMP are documented and hosted at

This container listens on ports 2055, 4739, 6343, and 9666 for netflow, ipfix, and sFlow exports. It displays the collected data in a web interface.

For more information, read files from the /docs directory. Major thanks go to for a start on this Dockerfile and all the supporting documentation.

Testing Status: This container has been tested with Docker Community Edition Version 17.03.1-ce-mac5 (16048) running on a mid-2011 Mac mini, OSX 10.12.4, with a 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 processor and 8 GBytes RAM. It works great with my LEDE/OpenWrt router after installing the softflowd package to export netflow info to nfsen/nfdump. If you try it out, please file an issue and let me know how it worked for you.

QuickStart - Install and test nfsen-dockerized

  1. Install Docker (the Community Edition works fine) on a computer that's always running. nfsen/nsdump will run there and collect the netflow data 24x7.

  2. Clone the nfsen-dockerized repo to that computer.

    $ git clone
  3. Build the container from the Dockerfile. The commands below build it with the name nfsen-dockerized. This can take many minutes, since many files need to be downloaded and installed.

    $ cd nfsen-dockerized
    $ docker build -t nfsen-dockerized .
  4. Run the container.

    $ docker run -p 81:80 -p 2055:2055/udp -p 4739:4739/udp -p 6343:6343/udp -p 9996:9996/udp  -i -t --name nfsen_img nfsen-dockerized

    If the Docker startup is successful, it will print a large amount of debugging information, which culminates with:

    'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching '
    2017-06-09 00:20:53,001 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
    2017-06-09 00:20:53,037 INFO supervisord started with pid 131
    2017-06-09 00:20:54,048 INFO spawned: 'apache2' with pid 134
    2017-06-09 00:20:55,980 INFO success: apache2 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
  5. Point your web browser at http://localhost:81 You will see the nfsen home page (below). Notes:

    • The docker run... command above maps external port 81 to the docker container's web port 80. Change it to use a different external port if needed.
    • If you installed the Docker container on a separate computer, use the IP address of the computer where you're running wvnetflow.
    • The page will display a warning about "no live data."
    • Select zone1_profile from Profile: (in the header dropdown), to display the nfsen home page (below).
  6. Configure your router(s) to export flows to this collector, or generate mock flow data. See the document for more information.

  7. Wait... It can take up to five minutes before the flow data has been collected and displayed. Continue to click the "Home" tab to refresh the page. Ultimately, the charts show the data collected at the right edge of any of the plots.

QuickStart - www access

Open the home page in your web browser, http://localhost:81, or supply your computer's IP address.

Change the dropdown box from live to zone1_profile to view live graphing of data in the profile that is packaged as part of the Docker image. The home page shows a grid of three columns of four charts.

  • The columns show Flows/sec, Packets/sec, and Bits/sec
  • The rows show Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly traffic
  • Drill-down by clicking on any chart.

From there you can drill down further into the predefined filters that are added as part of this container build in the runtime script included with the Dockerfile. Below the graphs are raw fdump queries against the collected nfcapd data in the following sceenshot. This is all customized in the Dockerfile and frankly the reason Docker containers are amazing for being able to distribute and convey the exact experience you desire to the consumer of your image:


The rest of the README goes into details around exporting data sets from the network datapath and adding your own protocols and filters to create the profiles that solve problems in your environment.

Add more ports or custom configurations and zones

Out of the box this container has three ports listening for NetFlow, sFlow and IPFIX

-IPFIX   = 4739
-sFlow   = 6343
-NetFlow = 2055

These are configured using sed in the Dockerfile.

%sources = (
    'netflow-global'  => { 'port' => '9995', 'col' => '#0000ff', 'type' => 'netflow' },
    'sflow-global'  => { 'port' => '6343', 'col' => '#0000ff', 'type' => 'sflow' },
    'ipfix-global'  => { 'port' => '4739', 'col' => '#0000ff', 'type' => 'netflow' },
    'peer1'        => { 'port' => '9996', 'IP' => '' },
    'peer2'        => { 'port' => '9996', 'IP' => '' },

If you modify a running instance, simply run 'nfsen reconfig' or stop/start the service.

$ nfsen reconfig
New sources to configure : ipfix-global
Continue? [y/n] y
Add source 'ipfix-global'
Start/restart collector on port '4739' for (ipfix-global)[8079]
Restart nfsend:[7974]

Add more protocol filters to your graphs

The pre-built filters are a combination of well known popular ports along with the top vulnerable ports as defined by the ISC Internet Storm Center. It is simple to add more via the client for testing or persistently add to the image by including (or replace with a new one) the new filters in the startup script called at the end of the Dockerfile. CMD bash -C '/data/';'bash

Pre-built protocol filters. Add more to the definition by including them below
nfsen --add-profile zone1_profile
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/icmp filter='proto icmp' colour='#48C6FF'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/chargen filter='port 19' colour='#ED62FF'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/ftp filter='port 21' colour='#63EA7D'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/ssh filter='port 22' colour='#FF9930'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/telnet filter='port 23' colour='#4FFF10'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/dns filter='port 53' colour='#305FFF'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/http filter='port 80' colour='#AEFF20'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/dns filter='port 110' colour='#BFFFFF'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/ntp filter='port 123' colour='#FF6530'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/loc-srv filter='port 135' colour='#6267FF'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/netbios-ns filter='port 137' colour='#FF8662'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/snmp filter='port 161' colour='#77FF62'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/https filter='port 443' colour='#A787FF'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/microsoft-ds filter='port 445' colour='#F0DE65'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/http-alt filter='port 8080' colour='#209EFF'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/ms-sql-s filter='port 1433' colour='#FF6CAC'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/mysql filter='port 3306' colour='#FFFD6C'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/rdp filter='port 3389' colour='#FFFD6C'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/sip filter='port 5060' colour='#FFD962'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/p2p filter='port 6681' colour='#369EFF'
nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/bittorrent filter='port 6682' colour='#FF62A0'
nfsen --commit-profile zone1_profile

Note you can set the time to back date the processing of graphs if desired:

$ nfsen --add-profile zone1_profile tstart="201502102135"

Linux network service to well-known port mappings can be found in /etc/services

Next you can add more channels by simply defining them using the CLI or in the 'stats' tab of the webUI or via the the nfsen client. nfsen --add-profile is only nessecary when initialize a profile. Modifications just use the following:

$ nfsen --add-channel zone1_profile/<insert service name> filter='port <insert_port>' colour='<insert some fancy color>'

When you add a new channel, you will see an error as follows, you can ignore this as it just means there isnt an associated nfdump file until it is processed in the next couple of minutes as data accumaltes and the 5 minute timer to generate the rrd graphs expires.

ERR Channel info file missing for channel

Finally you can view the profile with a -l:

$ nfsen -l  zone1_profile

Example output looks as follows:

# #
name	zone1_profile
group	(nogroup)
tcreate	Wed Feb 11 00:10:55 2015
tstart	Tue Feb 10 21:35:00 2015
tend	Wed Feb 11 23:15:00 2015
updated	Wed Feb 11 23:15:00 2015
expire	0 hours
size	150.0 MB
maxsize	0
type	continuous
locked	0
status	OK
version	130
channel icmp	sign: +	colour: #CF6CFF	order: 1	sourcelist: zone1	Files: 310	Size: 1269760
channel ssh	sign: +	colour: #FFDB6C	order: 2	sourcelist: zone1	Files: 310	Size: 18243584
channel telnet	sign: +	colour: #EAA563	order: 3	sourcelist: zone1	Files: 310	Size: 1269760
channel dns	sign: +	colour: #FE816B	order: 4	sourcelist: zone1	Files: 310	Size: 19144704
channel http	sign: +	colour: #C0EE64	order: 5	sourcelist: zone1	Files: 310	Size: 21553152
channel ntp	sign: +	colour: #6BFEF3	order: 6	sourcelist: zone1	Files: 310	Size: 2670592
channel https	sign: +	colour: #64BCEE	order: 7	sourcelist: zone1	Files: 310	Size: 55230464
channel http-alt	sign: +	colour: #6381EA	order: 8	sourcelist: zone1	Files: 310	Size: 19288064
channel imaps	sign: +	colour: #916CFF	order: 9	sourcelist: zone1	Files: 264	Size: 18690048
channel ms-sql-s	sign: +	colour: #FF6CAC	order: 10	sourcelist: zone1	Files: 2	Size: 8192
channel ftp	sign: +	colour: #63EA7D	order: 11	sourcelist: zone1	Files: 1	Size: 4096

Modifying the Docker Image

  • Build the docker container. This creates an image named nfsen-dockerized

    $ cd <folder-containing-wvnetflow-Dockerfile>
    $ docker build -t nfsen-dockerized . 
  • Run that newly-built image, and listen on port 81 for browser connections, port 2055 for netflow records, port 4739 for ipfix, port 6343 for sFlow, and port 9996 for nfsen src ip src node mappings:

    $ docker run -d -p 81:80 -p 2055:2055/udp -p 4739:4739/udp -p 6343:6343/udp -p 9996:9996/udp  -i -t --name nfsen_img nfsen-dockerized
  • The "-d" in the command above daemonizes the container when you run it (e.g., docker run -d -p ...) This allows you to continue working in the same terminal window.

  • Connect to the container via a terminal (like ssh), if you want to "look around" inside the container. This is not required: wvnetflow is already running and collecting data.

    $ docker exec -it nfsen_img /bin/bash
  • To make a change to the container, stop it with the command below (this removes the nfsen_img name), edit the Dockerfile, then rebuild and docker run...

    $ docker rm -f nfsen_img
  • Verify the port bindings between internal ports (80, 2055, 4739, 6434, 9996) and their external mappings using docker port image_name

    $ docker port nfsen_img
    2055/udp ->
    6343/udp ->
    4739/udp ->
    9996/udp ->
    80/tcp ->

From original readme...

The Docker image can be modified by setting these environment variables in the Dockerfile


Then cd into the directory with the Dockerfile and build the new image w/ the new options with any image name you want. The following example is (xflow_debian:v2):

$ docker build -t xflow_debian:v2 .

And then run the new image, for example:

$ docker run  -p 80:80 -p 9995:9995/udp -p 9996:9996/udp -i -t xflow_debian:v2

$ docker run  -p 22 -p 81:80 -p 2055:2055/udp -p 4739:4739/udp -p 6343:6343/udp -p 9996:9996/udp  -i -t -name nfsen_img nfsen-v2.0

You can also modify the startup bash script located in /data/

In the Dockerfile find the following line:

ADD ./ /data/

The Docker build looks in the Dockerfile context on the host machine for the specified script (./ and places the file in the container file structure at (/data/

ADD "host machine file/directory", "container absolute path/destination name

Simply modify the or add whatever else you want. The Dockerfile will only execute one CMD at the end of the Dockerfile, in this projects Dockerfile we run followed by bash which drops you into a Bash shell for further configuration or troubleshooting. RUN is the other means of configuring the container that can be used as many times as you like. Just remember the path is absolute, and WORKDIR is your friend to make it clear where you are in the order of operations and making the Dockerfile readable.

CMD bash -C '/data/';'bash'

Docker also caches builds so you don't have to rebuild the entire thing everytime (which is amazing). Sometimes you may want to expire that cache because something outside of the Docker context has changed.

docker build -t nflow_debian --no-cache .

More on Dockerfile at: Dockerfile Reference


Verify that the nfsen and nfdump processes are running:

root@2964d8693fa4:/# nfsen status
NfSen version: -1
NfSen status:
Collector for (netflow-global) port 2055 is running [31].
Collector for (sflow-global) port 6343 is running [25].
Collector for (ipfix-global) port 4739 is running [28].
Collector for (peer1 peer2) port 9996 is running [22].
nfsen daemon:  pid: [33] is running.

Check that all of the processes are running inside of the container:

root@aba11747ca4c:/# ps -eaf | grep nf

netflow     20     1  0 05:57 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/sfcapd -w -D -p 6343 -u netflow -g www-data -B 200000 -S 1 -P /data/nfsen/var/run/ -z -I sflow-global -l /data/nfsen/profiles-data/live/sflow-global
netflow     23     1  0 05:57 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/nfcapd -w -D -p 2055 -u netflow -g www-data -B 200000 -S 1 -P /data/nfsen/var/run/ -z -I netflow-global -l /data/nfsen/profiles-data/live/netflow-global
netflow     26     1  0 05:57 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/nfcapd -w -D -p 9996 -u netflow -g www-data -B 200000 -S 1 -P /data/nfsen/var/run/ -z -n peer1 /data/nfsen/profiles-data/live/peer1 -n peer2 /data/nfsen/profiles-data/live/peer2
netflow     29     1  0 05:57 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/nfcapd -w -D -p 4739 -u netflow -g www-data -B 200000 -S 1 -P /data/nfsen/var/run/ -z -I ipfix-global -l /data/nfsen/profiles-data/live/ipfix-global
netflow     31     1  0 05:57 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl -w /data/nfsen/bin/nfsend
netflow     32    31  0 05:57 ?        00:00:00 /data/nfsen/bin/nfsend-comm
root       680   123  0 06:19 ?        00:00:00 grep nf

Other nfsen command parameters are well documented in the man pages. Basics are:

Root commands:
The commands below are only accepted, when running nfsen as root.

Start nfsen. Can be linked from init.d, rc.d directories to start/stop nfsen

Stop nfsen. Can be linked from init.d, rc.d directories to start/stop nfsen

Reconfigure nfsen, when adding/deleting netflow sources. First make the
appropriate changes in nfsen.conf and then run 'nfsen reconfig'. The nfcapd
collectors are started or stopped as needed. In case of a source removal, all
netflow data is deleted.

Prints the status of all collectors and nfsend.

One annoying thing is if nfsen/nfdump are out of time sync w/apache. An indicator of this is if in the /data/nfsen/profiles-data/live/ directory the nfcapd capture time stamps arent jiving w/ your rrd graphs. To avoid too confusion, the container is set to UTC. If you look in the Dockerfile that is explicitly set in the php.ini files. Debian also maintains two php.ini files, one for a sandbox and the other for prod. Both are modified for consistency.

Configure php with the systems timezone, modifications are tagged with the word NFSEN_OPT for future ref:

RUN sed -i 's/^;date.timezone =/date.timezone \= \"UTC\"/g' /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
RUN sed -i '/date.timezone = "UTC\"/i ; NFSEN_OPT Adjust your timezone for nfsen' /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
RUN sed -i 's/^;date.timezone =/date.timezone \= \"UTC\"/g' /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
RUN sed -i '/date.timezone = "UTC\"/i ; NFSEN_OPT Adjust your timezone for nfsen' /etc/php5/cli/php.ini

Get the UUID of the running container with docker ps ls:

$ docker ps ls

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                                                                                                       NAMES
aba11747ca4c        nflow_debian:v1     "/bin/sh -c 'bash -C   22 minutes ago      Up 22 minutes       9996/tcp, 4739/tcp, 2055/tcp, 514/tcp,>80/tcp,>2055/udp,>4739/udp,>6343/tcp,>9996/udp   nfsen

View container settings from the Docker host with Docker inspect:

$ docker inspect aba11747ca4c

Grep for network setting like so:

docker inspect aba11747ca4c | grep -A 45 NetworkSettings
    "NetworkSettings": {
        "Bridge": "docker0",
        "Gateway": "",
        "IPAddress": "",
        "IPPrefixLen": 16,
        "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:91",
        "PortMapping": null,
        "Ports": {
            "2055/tcp": null,
            "2055/udp": [
                    "HostIp": "",
                    "HostPort": "2055"
            "4739/tcp": null,
            "4739/udp": [
                    "HostIp": "",
                    "HostPort": "4739"
            "514/tcp": null,
            "6343/tcp": [
                    "HostIp": "",
                    "HostPort": "6343"
            "80/tcp": [
                    "HostIp": "",
                    "HostPort": "80"
            "9996/tcp": null,
            "9996/udp": [
                    "HostIp": "",
                    "HostPort": "9996"
    "Path": "/bin/sh",
    "ProcessLabel": "",

Install net-tools to get netstat installed on the container and docker host if not already present.

apt-get install net-tools

Example option to view IP port bindings:

$ netstat -lntu

Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN
udp        0      0  *
udp        0      0  *
udp        0      0  *
udp        0      0  *

Netstat flags are:

* -l = only services which are listening on some port
* -n = show port number, don't try to resolve the service name
* -t = tcp ports
* -u = udp ports
* -p = name of the program

Look for nfcapd files to be populated in the directory defined in /data/nfsen/etc/nfsen.conf that the generated:

root@aba11747ca4c:/# ls -lt /data/nfsen/profiles-data/zone1_profile/
total 32
drwxrwxr-x 3 netflow www-data 4096 Feb 15 06:45 dns
drwxrwxr-x 3 netflow www-data 4096 Feb 15 06:45 http
drwxrwxr-x 3 netflow www-data 4096 Feb 15 06:45 http-alt
drwxrwxr-x 3 netflow www-data 4096 Feb 15 06:45 icmp
drwxrwxr-x 3 netflow www-data 4096 Feb 15 06:45 ssh
drwxrwxr-x 3 netflow www-data 4096 Feb 15 06:45 https
drwxrwxr-x 3 netflow www-data 4096 Feb 15 06:45 telnet
drwxrwxr-x 3 netflow www-data 4096 Feb 15 06:45 ntp

Next Steps - Setup the Global Agreggator

The Global Analytics Agreggator is a seperate container that resides above the granular flow collectors that reside on each Physical node. The data agregattor will reduce the signal to noise ratio of the data and only ingest data that fits the profile nessecary for the analytical use case as defined by the users policy.

Contributing and Future Features

Please feel free to jump in on this project. It is integrating community software and building on top of it. Much of the custom work will be done building the Agreggator harness so take a peak there also.

  • RPC calls to add an export target will be performed via OVSDB and eventually mix in the configuration data for correlation between ephemral state events such as a spike in flow data from an IP address that can query either orchestration that is maintaining address mappings, extracted from the flow export protocol or query a cache from ecosystem frameworks.

  • Query EGP/IGP network protocols for network state that can add further visibility for location and any other interesting use cases that can be hacked together having rich data sets.

  • Add an API to the ccollector side to install policy filters from the central.


Installing NFSEN NFDUMP into a Docker Container







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