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Our controller contains the interface 'ImageController' and two classes ImageControllerImpl and Main. The ImageController interface contains the method perform which allows the controller to be used. The ImageControllerImpl class implements ImageController and represents the implementation that allows the user to write their commands, so specific functions can be executed. ImageControllerImpl contains the method perform and 11 classes (following the command design pattern). ImageControllerImpl has the following fields: a Readable input which represents the user input, a String array commands which represents all the commands the user inputs, an ImageModel model which represents the Image which the controller will be using, a HashMap functions which maps a String to the Runnable (which represents the different commands) and IImageView view which represents the view. The constructor takes in input, view, model and sets a new HashMap of the function name and function command. The public method perform executes the functions which is called and throws an IOException when transmission fails and the command is unable to run. ImageControllerImpl has the following command classes:

  • Load: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to load the image.
  • Save: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to save the image.
  • Brighten: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to brighten the image with a given increment.
  • Darken: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to darken the image with a given increment.
  • GreyscaleRed: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to adjust the grayscale by only using red.
  • GreyscaleGreen: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to adjust the grayscale by only using green.
  • GreyscaleBlue: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to adjust the grayscale by only using blue.
  • Luma: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to convert to grayscale by using Luma (equation given on assignment).
  • Value: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to convert to grayscale by using Value (the maximum value of the three components for each pixel).
  • Intensity, uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to convert to grayscale by using Intensity (the average of the three components for each pixel).
  • Vertical, uses the builtIn Runnable interface, that will allow us to flip the image vertically.
  • Horizontal, uses the builtIn Runnable interface, that will allow us to flip the image horizontally

Changes for Assignment 5 ImageControllerImpl has the following new command classes:

  • Blur: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to blur the image.
  • Sharpen: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to sharpen the image.
  • Sepia: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to apply the sepia filter on the image.
  • Greyscale: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to apply the greyscale filter on the image.

Changes / Additions for Assignment 6 Our ImageControllerImpl now supports the extra credit step for partial image manipulation. All command classes except Load, Save, Vertical and Horizontal check if there is an extra command. If there is it will call the mask function for that specific filter. A new private method called wrongDimensionMask will render an error message if the mask image and orginal image do not have the same dimension.

Now our controller contains the class InteractiveController which implements the ImageController interface. The InteractiveController class has the following fields: GraphicsInterface view represents the GUI, String[] commands represents the commands the user will input, int counter represents the counter (to parse through commands), ImageModel model which represents the model interface that will allow us to call all the image filter functions and a HashMap<String, Runnable> function which represents the filters that the user will be allowed to use. The InteractiveController constructor takes in a view and model and this constructor will be used to show the updated images in the GUI. It also contains the HashMap values for the function names. The private method processCommand, is able to process what the command is and performs the command on the image. The public method accept, takes in a string input and finds the respective HashMap to know which function to call. InteractiveController has the following command classes (similar to ImageControllerImpl):

  • Load: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to load the image.
  • Save: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to save the image.
  • Brighten: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to brighten the image with a given increment.
  • Darken: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to darken the image with a given increment.
  • GreyscaleRed: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to adjust the grayscale by only using red.
  • GreyscaleGreen: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to adjust the grayscale by only using green.
  • GreyscaleBlue: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to adjust the grayscale by only using blue.
  • Luma: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to convert to grayscale by using Luma (equation given on assignment).
  • Value: uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to convert to grayscale by using Value (the maximum value of the three components for each pixel).
  • Intensity, uses the built-in Runnable interface and runs the command which allows for the user to convert to grayscale by using Intensity (the average of the three components for each pixel).
  • Vertical, uses the builtIn Runnable interface, that will allow us to flip the image vertically.
  • Horizontal, uses the builtIn Runnable interface, that will allow us to flip the image horizontally
  • Downscale, uses the builtIn Runnable interface, that will downscale the image by an increment.

The Main class holds the main method. Main has the following fields: a Readable readable represents a new InputStreamReader which takes in user input, an Appendable app which appends the output to the console, an ImageModelImplementation model which instantiates a new ImageModelImplementation, an ImageView view which instantiates a new ImageView taking in an app, an ImageControllerImpl controller which instantiates a new ImageControllerImpl taking in a readable, view and a model. The main method will run the perform method in our controller.

Changes for Assignment 5 If the script file is not empty, it reads all the commands and executes it. But if the file is empty, then it will allow the user to use the console to change the image.


Our model is divided into three packages and contains the ImageUtil class: image: contains the Image interface and ImageImplementation class. The Image interface contains methods: getImage, getImageWidth, getImageHeight, pixel and getMaxValue. The ImageImplementation class implements the Image interface and its methods. The first constructor takes in a String filename (which represents an Image) and it appends the RGB components of each pixel. The second constructor takes in a Pixel array image and an Integer maxValue and initializes fields pixels, width, height and maxValue. The third constructor takes in a Pixel array image and uses the second constructor to initialize its fields (maxValue is 255). The public method getImage, returns the Pixel array which represents an Image. The public method getImageWidth, returns the width of the Image. The public method getImageHeight, returns the height of the Image. The public method getMaxValue, returns the max value of the Image. The public method pixel, returns the R, G and B components of a given pixel in a given row and col.

Changes for Assignment 5 The first constructor in the ImageImplementation class now supports JPG, PNG and BMP alongsides PPM. For JPG, PNG and BMP it initializes the pixels uses a function called loadBufferedImage. Initializes the widgth and height using getWidth() and getHeight(). The private static method getWidth, takes in a filename and inputs the width of that buffered image. The private static method getHeight, takes in a filename and inputs the height of that buffered image. Both getHeight and getWidth uses a in-built class called BufferedImage. The private method loadBufferedImage, takes in a filename and creates a pixel 2d array result so that the image can be represented as pixels with the correct RGB components. Uses in-built classes called ImageIO and BufferedImage.

modelImplementation: contains the ImageModel interface and its implementation as well as ImageFilterImplementation. The ImageFilterImplementation class has the following fields: an enum MathChoice to represent the different math operations {ADD, MINUS} and an enum GreyScale to represent the different GreyScale filters {CLASSIC, INTENSITY, VALUE, RED, GREEN, BLUE}. The private method clamp, makes sure that the pixel value is between 0 and 255 (8-bit RGB scale max-value). The protected method createNewPixel, creates a new pixel with a given integer for row and columns, an image, a filter and math choic. The switch cases ADD and MINUS allows us to brighten and darken the image respectively. The protected method applyFilter, returns a new image with the passed filter (brighten or darken) applied. The protected method greyScale, returns a new Image with chosen grayscale filter applied on the image using switch cases from the enum GreyScale. The protected method flipHorizontal, returns the Image flipped horizontally. The protected method flipVertical, returns the Image flipped vertically.

Changes for Assignment 5 To build more flexibility, a interface ImageFilter was added. The ImageFilter interface has methods: clamp, transform, createNewKernelPixel, getKernel, createNewPixel, applyFilter, greyScale, flipHorizontal, flipVertical. These methods are present in the ImageFilterImplementation class.

In the ImageFilterImplementation class, the enum MathChoice to represent different math operations now has {ADD, MINUS, MULTIPLY, TRANSFORM}. And the enum GreyScale to represent the different GreyScale filters now is {INTENSITY, VALUE, RED, GREEN, BLUE LUMA}. The private method transform takes in a 1D array pixel and 1D array filter and multiplies the filter 1D array to the pixel 1D array and returns a new double called newPixel. The private method createNewKernelPixel, takes in a 2D array kernel and a 2D array filter and mulitiplies the 2D array filter with the kernel to create new pixels with RGB components. Returns a single pixel. The private method getKernel, takes in a int row, int column, a 2D pixel array image and int size. Creates a new 2D pixel array kernel and captures RGB components within a given boundary. In order to calculate the boundary we use a local variable called size which could change boundary used to create the 2D pixel array kernel. If there is a IndexOutOfBoundsException the pixel will be created with the RGB components as all 0. The protected method 'applyFilter', now supports blur and sharpen using MUlTIPLY which uses createNewKernelPixel and getKernel to calculate the pixels for the blur or sharpen image. It also supports sepia and greyscale using TRANSFORM which uses the transform helper method to initialize the RGB components.

Changes / Additions for Assignmnet 6 To help complete extra credit the interface Imagefilter interface now supports methods: applyFilterMask and greyscaleMask. These methods were also implemented in the ImageFilterImplementation clas.

In the ImageFilterImplementation class we added a new enum FilterChoice to represent the different filter options for mask images, to help u scomplete the extra credit. The choices are { SEPIA, GREYSCALE, GREYSCALERED, GREYSCALEGREEN, GREYSCALEBLUE, LUMA, VALUE, INTENSITY, SHARPEN, BLUR, DARKEN, BRIGHTEN } The private method calcRGB, allows us to calculate the RGB component of a pixel in the mapped location, after being changed by the increment size. The public method downscaleImage, downscales an Image by a given increment, by resizing the image and getting its mapped RGB pixel value using a helper function called calcRGB. The maskImage and image need to be of same dimension. The private method isBlack, allows to check whether a pixel at a given row and column is black (R = 255, G = 255, G = 255). The public method applyFilterMask, will apply the filter to each pixel only where the mask applies. For this method the filters are sepia, greyscale, sharpen, blur, brighten and darken. The public method greyscaleMask, will apply the filter to each pixel only where the mask applies. This method specifically focuses on the greyscale filters.

The ImageModel interface has methods: getRed, getGreen, getBlue, setImage, getImage, loadImage, saveImage, intensity, value, greyScaleRed, greyScaleGreen, greyScaleBlue, luma, brighten, darken, flipImageHorizontal, flipImageVertical and blackAndWhite. The ImageModelImplementation class implements the ImageModel interface and has the following fields: an Image image which is the image to be changed, a HashMap map which represents a HashMap of String to Image and an Image newImage which represents the post-edited, changed Image.The first constructor takes in an image and instantiates the image and a new HashMap. The second constructor instantiates a new HashMap. The public method getRed, gets the red component value of a given pixel of an image. The public method getGreen, gets the green component value of a given pixel of an image. The public method getBlue, gets the blue component value of a given pixel of an image. The public method setImage, maps a image to its String name. The public method getImage, gets Image from a given String name. The public method loadImage, loads the Image and maps the loaded Image to its new String name. The public method saveImage, saves the Image and maps the saved image_name to saved Image. The public method intensity, creates a new Image by applying the intensity greyscale filter and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method value, creates a new Image by applying the value greyscale filter and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method greyScaleRed, creates a new Image by applying the red greyscale filter and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method greyScaleGreen, creates a new Image by applying the green greyscale filter and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method greyScaleBlue, creates a new Image by applying the blue greyscale filter and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method flipImageHorizontal, creates a new Image by flipping the image horizontally and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method flipImageVertical, creates a new Image by flipping the image vertically and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name.

Changes for Assignment 5 The method saveImage now checks the extension and if it is PNG, JPG or BPM it uses the saveBufferedImage function. If an empty string is given for the filename it will throw a new IllegalArgumentException. The public method blur takes in a String imageName and String destImageName, blurs the image using the given 2D array in the function called blurFilter. The public method sharpen takes in a String imageName and String destImageName, blurs the image using the given 2D array in the function called sharpenFilter. sharpen and blur both use kernels. The public method toGreyScale, takes in a String imageName and String destImageName. Uses the given 2D array greyscale to transform the image. The public method toSepia, takes in a String imageName and String destImageName. Uses the given 2D array sepia to transform the image. A private method filterDarkenBrighten will takes in an int increment. This will create a filter with the size of the image; each element in the integer filter array will be initialized as the increment.

Pixel: contains the Pixel interface and its implementation class PixelImplementation. The PixelImplementation interface has methods: getRed, getGreen and getBlue. The PixelImplementation class implements the Pixel interface and has the following fields: an Integer red which represents a red component value, an Integer green which represents a green component value and an Integer blue which represents a blue component value. The constructor instantiates all these fields. The public methods getRed, getGreen and getBlue return the respective red, green, blue values.

Changes / Additions for Assignment 6 To help complete extra credit the interface ImageModel interface now supports methods: getPixelImage, getImageWidth, getImageHeight, getImageToBeShown, intensityMask, valueMask, greyscaleRedMask, greyscaleGreenMask, greyscaleBlueMask, lumaMask, brightenMask, darkenMask, blurMask, sharpenMask, greyscaleMask, sepiaMask and downscale. These methods are present in the ImageModelImplementation class.

In the ImageModelImplementation class the public method getPixelImage, gets the pixel 2D array of an image's pixels by iterating through all the row and columns and getting their RGB values. The public methods getImageWidth and getImageHeight get the integer value for this image's width and height respectively. The public method getImageToBeShown retrieves an image and returns it. The public method intensityMask, creates a new Image by applying the intensity greyscale filter only to the masked pixels and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method valueMask, creates a new Image by applying the value greyscale filter only to the masked pixels and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method greyscaleRedMask, creates a new Image by applying the greyscale red filter only to the masked pixels and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method greyscaleGreenMask, creates a new Image by applying the greyscale green filter only to the masked pixels and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method greyscaleBlueMask, creates a new Image by applying the greyscale blue filter only to the masked pixels and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method lumaMask, creates a new Image by applying the greyscale blue filter only to the masked pixels and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method brightenMask, creates a new Image by brightening the image only to the masked pixels and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method darkenMask, creates a new Image by darkening the image only to the masked pixels and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method blurMask, creates a new Image by blurring the image only to the masked pixels and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method sharpenMask, creates a new Image by sharpening the image only to the masked pixels and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method greyscaleMask, creates a new Image by applying the greyscale filter only to the masked pixels and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method sepiaMask, creates a new Image by applying the sepia filter only to the masked pixels and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name. The public method downscale, creates a new Image by downscaling the image and maps the newImage to a dest_image_name.

ImageUtil Changes for Assignment 5 The ImageUtil class will now be used to save the images. There are two save methods within this class; one would handle BufferedImages(png/jpg/bmp) and the other will handle ppm files. The first method is saveBufferedImage, takes in a 2D Pixel array rgb, height, width and fileName. Turns the pixels into a buffered image with the correct extension.This will be used for rgb/png/bmp files. The second is a private class Save that has the following fields: a String fileName which represents the name the file will be saved as, a String imageToBeSaved which represents the name of the file and an Image imageSaved which represents the image that was saved as a file. The constructor instantiates fileName, imageToBeSaved and imageSaved. The private method apply, saves the RGB from the new saved ppm image.


Our view contains the IImageView interface and its implementation class ImageView. The IImageView interface has methods: toString and renderMessage. The ImageView class implements IImageView interface and has the following fields: an Appendable appObject which represents the Appendable object which will be displayed to the user and an ImageModel image which represents the Image. The first constructor enforces the constraint that the Appendable object cannot be null and throws an IllegalArgumentException. Similarly with the second constructor, it enforces the constraint that the Model and Appendable cannot be null and throws an IllegalArgumentException. The public method toString, returns a String that represents the commands that have taken place. The public method renderMessage, appends the toString method and the commands.

Changes / Additions for Assignment 6 To support GUI, we added a GraphicsInterface. In this interface, we have methods: makeVisible, setCommand, displayErrorMessage, displayImage, addHistogram and createTextBox.

The class ImageGraphics implements the GraphicsInterface interface. In this class, we have the following fields: histogramSave (creates the histogram), imageToCall (records the image on the screen), histogramPanel (the panel where the histogram is displayed), feauturePanel (the main panel for the GUI), menu (to create the menu bar), imageLabel (to display the image), fileSaveDisplay (to show a save display to the users), and commands (to record what commands the user is performing). The ImageGraphics constructor is used to initialize how the panels will be displayed; in other words, where the image and histogram will be placed. This will also add the menu bars; this constructor is used to place the labels correctly on the panels. The private method buildMenuBar, represents the menu bar, so that the user can interact with the image editor. The public method addHistogram, takes in an image and uses the Histogram class to create a histogram for the image on the screen. The private method buildFileSubmenu, creates the File submenu for this view. It contains options to load and save. For load and save, it will allow the user to choose (from their device) where they want to load from and save to. The private method buildFlipSubmenu, contains the options to flip the image horizontally or vertically. The private method buildFilterSubmenu, creates the Filter submenu for this view. It contains all the different filters (not flip functions), so the user can choose how they want to change the image. The public method createTextBox, creates a JFrame, so the users can be asked how much they would like to downscale, brighten, or darken the image by. This allows the users to interact with the gui by determining how much they want the image to be changed. The private method buildImageDisplay, builds the display of the image by adding the dimension, its location, and ability for the panel to scroll. The public method makeVisible, will be used to make the panels visible. The public method setCommand, takes in a command, and changes the image using the type of command stated. The public method displayImage, displays the image on the panel. The public method displayErrorMessage. displays the error message, when the user takes an action that is incorrect.

To display the Histogram, we created the class Histogram that extends a JLabel. This uses an Image field and private map fields red, green, blue and intensity. Each map represents the respective color components of the given image.
The constructor takes in an image, and initializes the image so the image can be updated. This class uses the following methods: The public method replaceImage is used to change the histogram as the image changes. This makes sure that the present histogram is updated, rather than creating a new one. The private method getColorHistogram updates the histogram data, as it checks the amount of red, green, blue, intensity components of the given image. The public inbuilt method paintComponent takes in a Graphics, and it allows us to use in-build functions such as drawLine to draw the histogram. The private method getMaxValue gets the max value of the red, green, blue and intensity maps. This will be used to scale the histogram to fit onto the axis of the histogram on the screen. The private method findMaxValue compares the max value for all four color maps and returns the max from those numbers. This will be used to scale the image, so we have a histogram that fits the JPanel screen. The public method getPreferredSize overrides any size command for histogram, so we can have initialize the dimension of the histogram.

How to run our program

  1. To load our image file, type: load res/toast.ppm loaded
  2. To execute a command: command_name loaded new_image_name
    • The command names are: brighten, darken, greyscale, greyscale-red, greyscale-green, greyscale-blue, greyscale-value, greyscale-intensity, greyscale-luma, blur sharpen, sepia, horizontal and vertical. Now with downscale.
    • remember that when using brighten, darken or downscale, an increment must be placed first (command_name increment-you-wish loaded new_image_name)
    • repeat this step as many times as you want, the <new_image_name> must be used for the second argument and so forth. The new_image_name will change after each command.
  3. To save the edited image: save new_image_name file_name_you_want

Changes for Assignment 6 To apply a filter on a masked image the running of the program change slightly.

  1. To load mask image, type: load res/squareTriangle.png mask
  2. To load image, type load res/flower.png flower
  3. To execute a command: command_name flower mask new_image_name
    • The command names are: brighten, darken, greyscale, greyscale-red, greyscale-green, greyscale-blue, greyscale-value, greyscale-intensity, greyscale-luma, sepia, blur and sharpen.
    • remember that when using brighten and darken an increment must be placed first (command_name increment-you-wish flower mask new_image_name)
    • repeat this step as many times as you want, the <new_image_name> must be used for the second argument and so forth. The new_image_name will change after each command.
  4. To save the edited image: save new_image_name file_name_you_want

EXTRA CREDIT: Downscale We created methods in our ImageFilterImplementation and ImageModelImplementation classes, that will handle the calculations of creating a downscaled Image. More specifically, the methods calcRGB and downscaleImage from the ImageFiterImplementation will calculate the new downscale image. The method downscale in the ImageModelImplementation will be called in the controller (for GUI and console) to ensure that an image can be changed by a given number(given by the user). Partial Image Manipulation In our ImageFilterImplementation we created the method isBlack that would check if a given pixel in the maskImage is a blackpixel. If it is, then it will use those row and col, and apply filter to the original image (to the pixels in the black row and col from the mask image). If not, it will keep the image pixel rgb components the same. We created applyFilterMask when we have to change the image by a filter that is already given(will be used for the any filters that are not greyscale). For greyscale filters, we will use 'greyscaleMask' so we can calculate the new color (for specific row and col) and add it to the new image. In our ImageModelImplementation we made new functions that use a mask image. In our controllers, when an extra command is added, we can use the mask functions to partially alter the image. These functions are only called in ImageControllerImpl as we were asked to not make this work on the GUI.

Citation for Image used: The toast image is our personal image. Owner: Rei Masuya.

Additions for Assignment 5 The flower image is our personal image. Owner: Rei Masuya. The selfie image is our personal image. Owner: Varshani Haldia The pizza image is our personal image. Owner: Rei Masuya.


Image editing application.






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