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Atlasboard red6 Package


From the root directory of your recently created wallboard, you just need to type:

git submodule add packages/red6

to import the package as git submodule and use any of the widgets and jobs in this package (check the example dashboard red6 to see how).

See also: Package-Atlassian

Available Widgets


Shows the latest build results from Jenkins.


"jenkins-builds": {
  "serverUrl": "",
  "interval": 60000,
  "job": "jruby-dist-master",
  "lang": "en"

Chuck Norris Joke

Shows a Chuck Norris Joke from the Internet Chuck Norris Database.


Shows the current time and date.


Moment.js needs to included as custom JavaScript in your board configuration. Download moment-with-locales.min.js and place it in assets/javascript. See sample configuration below.

  "layout": {
    "customJS" : ["moment-with-locales.min.js"],
  "config" : {
    "datetime": {
      "interval": 1000,
      "lang": "en"

Team Calendar

Shows a calendar of the current working week. A dashboard showing the calender should show no other widget as the calendar needs the full space to be displayed propertly.


Moment.js needs to included as custom JavaScript in your board configuration. Download moment-with-locales.min.js and place it in assets/javascript. See sample configuration below.

  "layout": {
      "title": false,
      "customJS" : ["moment-with-locales.min.js"],
      "widgets" : [
          {"row" : 1, "col" : 1, "width" : 6, "height" : 4, "widget" : "team-calendar", "job" : "team-calendar", "config": "team-calendar" }

  "config" : {

      "team-calendar": {
          "calendarUrl": "http://mars/calendar.ics",
          "interval": 1000,
          "differenceUTC": 2,
          "lang": "de"

Board Cycle

Cycles periodically through configured dashboards. After each interval the next board is shown. So you can show the builds dashboard for 15 seconds, then the JIRA dashboard for 15 and so on.

You can configure any url as dashboard. You can cycle through dashboards created with atlasboard but you can also integrate other dashboards. To show external urls you need to disable web security in the browser. In chrome or chromium you can do this by starting chrome with google-chrome --disable-web-security.

The grid position does not matter for the widget as all cycled dashboards will take up the whole browser window.

Board and Configuration

  "layout": {
    "title": false,
    "customJS": [],
    "widgets": [
      { "row": 1, "col": 1, "width": 6, "height": 4, "widget": "board-cycle", "job": "board-cycle", "config": "board-cycle" }

  "config": {
    "board-cycle": {
      "interval": 15000,
      "boardUrls": [


Shows the following code metrics from SonarQube:

  • code coverage
  • technical debt (squale index)
  • blocker violations
  • lines of code


"sonar": {
  "interval": 6000,
  "serverUrl": "",
  "resource": "org.codehaus.sonar:sonar",
  "credentials": "sonar" // Reference to globalAuth.json

Milestone Countdown

Shows the name and remaining time to a project milestone.


"milestone-countdown": {
    "interval": 60000,
    "name": "R1",
    "dueDate": "2014-09-31",
    "lang": "en"

Project Header

Simple widget to display a project name and logo.


"project-header": {
    "interval": 100000000,
    "widgetTitle": "red6",
    "logo": "/images/logo.png"

Put the image in the folder assets/images of your atlasboard project. Then you can configure the path to your logo. Given the logo image is at assets/images/logo.png then you show it by configuring the path /images/logo.png.