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Lightweight 4chan board archive software (like Foolfuuka) written in Rust

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Mitsuba is a lightweight 4chan board archiver written in Rust. It continuously monitors a set of 4chan boards, fetches new posts, thumbnails, and optionally full images, and makes them available through an imageboard web UI as well as a read-only JSON API that is compatible with 4chan's official API.

Mitsuba's main goal is to be very lightweight in terms of CPU and memory usage, and Rust helps accomplish this goal. Mitsuba is designed to be easy to deploy and doesn't currently have any runtime dependencies besides needing a Postgresql database.

The intended usage is self-hosting an archive on a low budget, however the Actix based web UI and API are quite performant, and should be capable of scaling to any amount of readers, with much lower resource consumption compared to competing frameworks in other languages, and without the possible latency spikes caused by garbage collection.

Mitsuba does not support "ghost posting" as it's not an imageboard engine. This could be supported in the future with some work (mostly on the front-end) but it requires actual administration tools and an accounts system, neither of which are actually present. What few options Mitsuba has are set through the CLI and environment variables (see example.env)


  • Very quick and easy to set up
  • No runtime dependencies except a running Postgresql database
  • Single static executable, all assets and dependencies embedded
  • Extremely lightweight, can run on a budget VPS
  • Fully integrated: Mitsuba archives boards, threads, and images, serves them through a JSON API and Web UI all in one
  • Easy administration with a few CLI commands
  • Configurable rate limiter
  • Optional full image download setting per-board
  • Web UI has a field that lets you jump to any post by typing its ID and selecting the board
  • Sha256 image deduplication, doesn't rely on 4chan's MD5 hash
  • Support for S3-compatible image storage backend
  • Reduced database writes: the hash of every post is kept in memory, if a post hasn't changed, no DB operation is performed
  • Can find an image from its original 4chan URL. can be found on mitsuba at /po/1546293948883.png
  • Can be configured to load balance requests to 4chan between multiple proxies with different weights, to bypass rate limits
  • Optional full text search through postgres. You can enable or disable postgres full text search indexing on a per board basis to avoid the performance hit.
  • Supports basic but granular moderation through hide command, allowing you to entirely hide a post, only hide its comment field, or hide its image.
  • Can delete an image associated with a post from disk and blacklist it through purge-image, so it will never be saved again
  • Can remove all archive contents belonging to a particular board if you no longer want it (purge command), or just the full images, keeping thumbnails and posts

There are some important features missing:

  • No "ghost posting" or posting of any kind. Read only archive.
  • No admin UI, administration CLI only
  • No account system


You need to have a Postgresql instance available somewhere Mitsuba can reach it with the DATABASE_URL env variable provided. If you get an error about the server not accepting any more connections on startup, you might need to increase your database's max_connections configuration.

Quick Setup

export DATABASE_URL="postgres://user:[email protected]/mitsuba"
export RUST_LOG=mitsuba=info # Optional, to get feedback
mitsuba add po
mitsuba start

After some threads have been archived, you can visit to see your new archive for the /po/ board.

This will only get posts and thumbnails but not full images.

Use mitsuba add po --full-images true to change that.

mitsuba add po --full-images true --full-text-search true In order to also enable full-text search.

Mitsuba will not attempt to fetch images for a post it has already archived previously, unless it visits the post again and detects it as changed in some way. Moreover, if an image or thumbnail was already fetched for a particular post, mitsuba will never attempt to fetch the image or thumbnail or both, depending on the case, for that post again.

Mitsuba does not check whether images are still present on disk or object storage and trusts the database instead. During the archival process, image files/objects are only written to, never read from

However, if you enable full images on a board you were already archiving with thumbnails only, this will trigger the creation of an image fetch job for every post on that board which has not yet been deleted from 4chan. Eventually, all available full images should get fetched. There is a race condition where if a specific post was being processed right when you enabled full images on the board, that post would never end up having its full image downloaded. This rare edge case can be prevented by having full images on from the start when you first add a board, or by shutting mitsuba down before enabling full images on an existing board.

mitsuba add BOARD and mitsuba remove BOARD are safe to use while mitsuba is running. But in that scenario, they will not take effect until the current board archive cycle is completed, if they're adding a new board. Enabling full images on an existing board is effective immediately.

Setup Guide

Mitsuba is designed to be easy and quick to set up. Download a binary build for your system, or clone the repository and build your executable. Docker containers are available and there is a docker-compose.yml file.

Currently all static files mitsuba uses are embedded in the executable. You should be able to run Mitsuba's binary in an empty folder.

Some options need to be passed as environment variables. Mitsuba uses dotenv, which means that instead of setting the environment variables yourself, you can specify their values in a file called .env which must be in the directory you are running the mitsuba executable in. Mitsuba will read this file and apply the values specified to the corresponding environment variables.

You will find an example.env file in this repository. Copy it and rename it to just .env, then edit its configuration as needed. There are a couple of settings that you need to be aware of:

  • DATABASE_URL: you need to specify the connection URI for your Postgresql instance here. In the example file it's postgres://user:[email protected]/mitsuba . Replace with the correct username and password, as well as address, port and database name. The user needs to either be the owner of the specified database (in this case called mitsuba) if it already exists, or you need to create it yourself.

  • DATA_ROOT: the directory in which to save the image files. This is an optional setting. If you leave it out entirely, Mitsuba will just create a "data" folder in the current working directory, and use that.

  • RUST_LOG: the recommended setting for this is "mitsuba=info". Controls the mitsuba's log output. Instead of setting this, you can create a log4rs.yml file (or copy the example in this repository) in order to get more fine grained control over logging.

We will refer to the executable as mitsuba in this guide from now on, but on Windows® it is of course called mitsuba.exe .

Run mitsuba help to get a quick usage guide with a list of possible commands:

$ mitsuba help
mitsuba 1.0
High performance board archiver software. Add boards with `add`, then start with `start` command.
See `help add` and `help start`

    mitsuba.exe <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    add                Add a board to the archiver, or replace its settings.
    help               Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    list               List all boards in the database and their current settings. Includes
                       disabled ('removed') boards
    remove             Stop and disable archiver for a particular board. Does not delete any
                       data. Archiver will only stop after completing the current cycle.
    start              Start the archiver, API, and webserver
    start-read-only    Start in read only mode. Archivers will not run, only API and webserver

You can use mitsuba help COMMAND in order to get more detailed information on each command and the possible options:

$ mitsuba help add
Add a board to the archiver, or replace its settings.

    mitsuba add [OPTIONS] <NAME>

            Board name (eg. 'po')

        --full-images <FULL_IMAGES>
            (Optional) If false, will only download thumbnails for this board. If true, thumbnails
            and full images. Default is false.

    -h, --help
            Print help information

This command will add a database entry for the specified board and its settings. An archiver will start for this board and any other boards you added with add as soon as the next archive cycle begins or mitsuba is (re)started.

As you can see there is only one option in terms of board specific settings.

  • full-images=true will make the archiver download full images (and files) for that board. The default is false, meaning only thumbnails will be downloaded.

Note that any time you use add on a board that was already added before, it enables that board if it was disabled with remove, and replaces the configuration for that board with the values you specify, or the defaults. The previous settings are ignored. So if you had full image download enabled on /po/ previously with a wait time of 100, and then do mitsuba add po, the settings will be reset to the default of no full image download, and wait time of 10.

So let's add our first board, /po/ is a good example because it's the slowest board on 4chan most of the time:

mitsuba add po --full-images=true
Added /po/ Enabled: true, Full Images: true

We will get all images this way. Let's confirm our changes with the list command which lists all boards added to mitsuba.

$ mitsuba list
/po/ Enabled: true, Full Images: true
1 boards found in database
  • Enabled means the board is currently being actively archived.

Finally, we take a look at the start command:

$ mitsuba help start
Start the archiver, API, and webserver

    mitsuba start [OPTIONS]

        --archiver-only <ARCHIVER_ONLY>
            (Optional) If true, will only run the archiver and not the web ui or the web API. If
            false, run everything. Default is false.

        --burst <BURST>
            (Optional) Max burst of requests started at once. Default is 10.

    -h, --help
            Print help information

        --jitter-min <JITTER_MIN>
            (Optional) Minimum amount of jitter to add to rate-limiting to ensure requests don't
            start at the same time, in milliseconds. Default is 200ms

        --jitter-variance <JITTER_VARIANCE>
            (Optional) Variance for jitter, in milliseconds. Default is 800ms. Jitter will be a
            random value between min and min+variance.

        --max-time <MAX_TIME>
            (Optional) Maximum amount of time to spend retrying a failed image download, in seconds.
            Default is 600s (10m).

        --rpm <RPM>
            (Optional) Max requests per minute. Default is 60.

This command starts the archiver(s) for the boards we added, as well as the web UI to browse the archives and the JSON API. There are various options, all are related to rate-limiting for the archiver, except one: archiver-only.

--archiver-only=true will start mitsuba as just an archiver. Posts will be fetched, images downloaded, but there is no web UI or API to actually see the archived content. This option is not particularly useful, but it will use considerably less RAM, going down to ~9-17MB. You can run the web UI and API separately with mitsuba start-read-only. You can even run multiple instances of the web UI at the same time if you want, as it's read-only like the name implies.

--rpm is the main rate-limiter option. It decides how many requests per minute are performed by mitsuba against 4chan's API and image servers, globally. All of the rate limiter settings are global for all boards and images, but note that images and API-calls (which are used to fetch threads) are counted separately in the rate limiting.

This means that if you set say, RPM to 60, mitsuba will perform 60 requests per minute (at most, on average it will be much less depending on how many threads get updated) against 4chan's API to fetch new threads it finds, and it will do 60 requests per minute to fetch images, for a global total of 120 requests per minute done at most across all boards and all images. This separation ensures that even if there's a large backlog of images to download, mitsuba can continue to fetch new posts at the same time, without the two interfering with each other.

We can now start our archiver with mitsuba start. It will start its work of archiving the board, /po/. After a while you can browse your archive by visiting

You can start a read-only instance of mitsuba, which will only serve the web UI and API but not archive anything, with mitsuba start-read-only.

You can separate the archiver and the public web UI/API by running the archiver by itself using mitsuba start --archiver-only=true, and then launch mitsuba start-read-only separately. This means you can stop or restart the archiver without any visible disruption to users who are just browsing your archive. You can also run multiple instances of mitsuba start-read-only if you want, or run the full archiver and web UI with mitsuba start along with additional read-only instances.

Web UI

The web UI is currently made to look and work exactly like 4chan's Yotsuba Blue theme, except it's the same on every board (even non-worksafe boards). We also include 4chan's official default "inline extension" with all of its features and options (the inline extension is licensed as MIT).

The JS code has been slightly modified through trial and error to work correctly with Mitsuba. If you find an issue, file a bug report.

In other works, Mitsuba's UI looks and works (almost) exactly like 4chan's UI because it is exactly the same. This was simply the easiest short term solution, and it allows us to leverage the fact that our API is the same as 4chan's, which makes the inline extension work. In the future, we want to customize the theme with different colors at least, to distinguish it, and add features that are suited to an archive.

The Web UI also works with Javascript disabled, just like 4chan's UI does.

Most of 4chan's features are correctly displayed in the Web UI. One limitation is that currently only real country flags are supported, and "troll flags" (eg. "Anarcho Capitalist" flag) are not visible. However, these are only enabled on one board (/pol/).

Also all capcode posts (Mod, Admin, Manager, etc) will be displayed the same as "Moderator" with no distinction between roles. These posts are extremely rare anyways (besides Moderator, which is displayed correctly), and I don't think there are even any up currently, and the distinction doesn't seem super important. This is only a GUI issue anyhow. Might be fixed eventually.

The Flash board also has some features we haven't implemented but Flash is dead.


Mitsuba features a read-only JSON API that is designed to be compatible with 4chan's official API. We will not fully document it here, since that would be redundant. You can read their documentation, because the URIs and data returned are mostly the same. There are a few (non-breaking) changes that are explained below.

First, currently, only the Threads and Indexes endpoints have been implemented.

We've also added an endpoint to serve individual posts.

  • Threads: /[board]/thread/[op ID].json Serves a full 4chan thread, in the same format the official API uses.
  • Indices: /[board]/[1-...].json Serves the content of a board's index page. This is the default page you see when you visit a board, for example . On 4chan there are normally only 15 index pages, going for example from /po/1.json to /po/15.json. On Mitsuba, since old threads are never deleted, there are as many pages as are needed to list all of the threads currently on the archive. Once there are no more threads, higher index numbers will return a 404 status code. This means you can easily scrape a mitsuba archive by fetching progressively higher indices until it 404s. Note that the order is the same as on 4chan, so it's not guaranteed to remain consistent. The order is based on which thread has had the most recent new post, not when the thread was first archived. Index pages don't contain full threads; they only show the OP and the last few replies to each thread.

In addition to these endpoints, we have implemented a /[board]/post/[ID].json endpoint that serves an individual post. Using this, you can fetch a post through its ID without needing to know the OP's.

There's also one extra endpoint that's entirely specific to Mitsuba: /_mitsuba/admin/boards-status.json, this returns the same data as the CLI's list command, but in JSON format. Note: this endpoint now requires authentication.


When using endpoints that require authentication, login by issuing a PUT request to /_mitsuba/login.json

with body

    "username": "Your Username",
    "password": "Your Password"

And use the returned cookie in subsequent requests. You can configure users through cli commands.

Differences with 4chan API

The main difference with 4chan's API is that every post also contains a board field with the name of the board it is in. In practice this should not cause any issues with existing code targeting 4chan's API.

Two extra fields present on posts returned by our API are file_sha256 and thumbnail_sha256. These represent the SHA256 hashes of the attached file and thumbnail for each post. Will be set to empty strings if not present or unavailable.


In addition to the API being compatible, we also support getting the images from the same paths 4chan uses.

For example, if an image on 4chan is served from, Mitsuba will serve it under /po/1546293948883.png and its corresponding thumbnail will be /po/1546293948883s.jpg just like on the original site.

This allows you to get an image from the archive even if you only have the original link (which might be dead now) and don't know the post or thread ID.

Note that this is intended to help you find lost images, but it's not the correct way to serve them to many users. Visiting these links involves a database lookup each time because we store images differently compared to how 4chan does it.

You can see the correct link for static images being used on the web UI. The URL is based on the image's SHA256 hash calculated by mitsuba, as opposed to the MD5 hash as supplied by 4chan, encoded in Base32.

For example, the link to a full image could be /img/full/HA/T/HATHD6AY6NVOYH2JYEPI6ETKC2VFNUIVFHM4EEE5BXO4CQU6WDGA.png, a thumbnail /img/thumb/HA/T/HATHD6AY6NVOYH2JYEPI6ETKC2VFNUIVFHM4EEE5BXO4CQU6WDGA.jpg where HATHD6AY6NVOYH2JYEPI6ETKC2VFNUIVFHM4EEE5BXO4CQU6WDGA is the full base32 sha256 hash, and the path consists in that plus a prefix with the first two characters of the hash, followed by the third character.

The /img/ path serves all images directly from disk unless the S3 backend is enabled. Mitsuba looks in your DATA_ROOT folder, which is data by default, and serves the images folder within from this path (/img/). So you can find all the images in there.


Mitsuba can be configured to use one or multiple proxies for requests to 4chan's API as well as the image fetching. The load balancing system distributes the requests between them, allowing you to circumvent 4chan's rate limiting. This is mainly intended for when it's strictly necessary, for example when 4chan is under DDoS attack which results in Cloudflare rate limiting clients to a degree that causes issues for archivers. This feature should not be used to abuse 4chan's API.

In order to add proxies, you need to set environment variables PROXY_URL_{N} to the URLs of the proxies you intend to use, where N is a number starting from 0 for the first proxy, then 1 for the second, etc. For example:

PROXY_URL_0=socks5://user:[email protected]:1337
PROXY_URL_1=socks5://user:[email protected]:1337

You have to start from 0 and not skip any numbers, or some or all of the proxies will not be detected. You can set a weight for each proxy, this is an integer that determines how often it is used in relation to the others.


By default, even if you have proxies configured, Mitsuba will still use your machine's regular IP address and connection alongside the proxies you set, treating it as if it was a proxy with weight 1. Meaning that, if you set up two proxies, mitsuba will alternate between proxy 0, proxy 1 and your own IP for requests, based on the assigned weights. This can be configured with PROXY_ONLY. If set to true, all requests will be routed through the proxies. The weight of your own IP address as a "proxy" in load balancing can be set with PROXY_WEIGHT_SELF:


Note that the underlying HTTP library we use employs connection pooling. This means that the same connection to the server can be reused many times. Whenever a connection is reused, the proxy will be the same as for the previous request that used the same connection. So, which proxy is used is only decided when a new connection is created, rather than whenever a request is made. This means that the weights don't determine exactly how often the proxy is used to make requests, instead they determine how often they are used to open a new connection. Since connections can be reused any number of times, there is no guarantee that all proxies you configured will be used.


Use mitsuba help to get a list of commands and their descriptions, mitsuba help COMMAND to see the options specific to each command.


mitsuba list

Returns the list of boards currently known to the archiver. Includes "removed" boards that are not being archived, which are set as Enabled: False.


mitsuba add BOARD [options]

Adds a board to the database if not present, and sets it to enabled. Next time the archiver is started it will archive this board as well. If the board was not present or disabled when this command was run, and Mitsuba's archiver is currently running, you need to restart it before the board actually starts being archived.

You can set some options for the board, which are stored in the database. help add to get more information on the options. If you don't specify an option, it will be set to the default value. Even if the board was already in the database, and the setting was different, if you use add again, the setting will be reset to the default value unless you specify a different value.


mitsuba remove BOARD

Does not remove a board from the database, does not delete any of its data, posts or images.

The only thing this does is disable a board's archiver job. That is, it stops being archived. The archiver for this board will complete its current cycle if it's in the middle of one, and then shut down. Other boards will not be affected.

This also does not affect the Web UI or the API. Data that was already archived for this board is still served like normal, just it won't be updated.

You can enable a board again by using add, however this doesn't apply until you restart mitsuba.


mitsuba start

Starts the archivers and the web UI and web API server. There are various settings you can check with help start, most of them are settings for the rate limiter.

The option --archiver-only=true will only start the archiver without the API or web UI. This is useful if you want to start the web UI/API separately using start-read-only, this setup allows you to restart or stop the archiver without causing any disruption to the public facing website.

Start Read Only

mitsuba start-read-only

Starts the web UI and API, without the archivers. You can run as many instances of Mitsuba in this read-only mode as you wish.

The Purge <board> command

mitsuba purge BOARD

The cli supports a purge command to delete all data associated with a specific board:

$ mitsuba help purge
Purge all archive data from a specific board from the database. Use with caution.

Usage: mitsuba purge [OPTIONS] <NAME>

          Board name (eg. 'po')

      --only-purge-full-images <ONLY_PURGE_FULL_IMAGES>
          (Optional) If true, will only delete full images and files saved for this board, preserving posts and thumbnails. If false, everything, including posts and thumbnails. Default is false. If false, board must be disabled using the `remove` command first.

          [possible values: true, false]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

By default, all data is deleted, including full images/files (if present), thumbnails, and posts. Only files and thumbnails not present on other archived boards are selected for deletion. if you specify --only-purge-full-images=true, then only full images will be deleted (and further archival of full images for that board will be disabled). Posts and thumbnails will remain untouched, and you can always go back to archiving full images by re-enabling full image archival using mitsuba add.


This command is only considered fully safe to execute while the archiver is not running. It's recommended that you shut down the mitsuba archiver for all boards before running purge.

It will still run either way, and it has no way of even knowing if an archiver is running, but you may run into some issues.

Doing this operation while the archiver is working is not recommended and could result in some inconsistencies, such as a few files from other unrelated boards potentially also being deleted (more details below) or, more likely, some of the data related to the board remaining undeleted. You can always try to run the purge command multiple times, although this is generally only really effective with only-purge-full-images=true.

In any case, if you experience problems, please open an issue, even if you went against this recommendation. Mitsuba's archiver should never crash or stop working no matter what, and if it did, that would be a bug.

Running purge on a live archive

If you're planning on running purge while the archiver is running (again, not recommended), you should first disable the board you're about to purge using the remove command, and wait for all pending archival jobs and image fetch jobs to complete.

This ensures new data for that board isn't being written while existing data is being deleted, which could result in some being missed and remaining on disk/object storage.

Additionally, if you have full-image fetching enabled for the board in question, it would be advisable to run purge with only-purge-full-images=true on it first, and ensure that all full images have been properly deleted before proceeding with the remaining data.


As mentioned above, issues with running purge on an archive that is actively adding new data is that new data is being written while the board is being purged.

The first problem you may encounter is that any image download jobs that already started fetching an image will still complete and save it to disk before updating the database with that information, meaning that the purge command has no way to remove those images because it's not aware of them. This will result in some of the board's data still being on disk with no way to find and purge it in the future.

A possible solution besides shutting the entire archiver down is to disable archiving of the board in question and waiting for a while before beginning the purge, until all pending jobs for that board have been completed.

The second problem you may encounter is that occasionally, purge may delete thumbnails and files/full images from the store which are also present on other boards, leaving you with missing data. The purge process checks that any item being deleted does not exist on posts belonging to boards other than the one being purged before deleting each item. However, if you're extraordinarily unlucky, you could run into a situation where an archiver for a different board is downloading a file for its own archival process at the same time as that exact file is being purged. While unlikely, this could result in unwanted deletion of that file, and it will remain missing, forever. The time window for this to happen is quite small however.


Mitsuba does not come with any admin UI besides the CLI commands.


Some features that might be added:

  • check command, to check the image store for corruption or missing images. This would first scan the database to see all images that are marked as downloaded, and then ensure that they exist on disk, hash the files to compare MD5s to make sure they are not corrupted. If an image is missing or corrupted, it would correct the database, and mark it as absent. Might also delete images that are on disk but aren't tracked in the database.

At the moment a full imageboard engine with posting and administration is considered out of scope, however if you are interested in working on that, you should make an issue to discuss it.


Lightweight 4chan board archive software (like Foolfuuka) written in Rust







Contributors 4
