##UnTest Unity3D Testing Framework v0.4.0
Because there is always one less unit-testing framework than there needs to be.
Download the latest release from here:
...And extract into your project.
A test suite looks like this:
using UnTest;
// all classes marked with TestSuite get tested
class MyTestSuite {
private MockFoo m_instance;
// called before every test
void DoSetup() {
m_instance = new MockFoo();
// any exception is a test failure
void GetResult_WithValidResult_GivesResult() {
Assert.IsTrue(m_instance.Result == 3);
You should put them below an editor folder of your project so they're not shipped in builds.
####To Run
From the command line:
You have two options on the command line. The Unity3D application can deal with added/removed files, but is quite slow, the output is quite verbose and it won't work if the Unity3D editor is currently open. This is the syntax:
/path/to/unity -projectPath "path/to/project"
-batchmode -logFile
-executeMethod UnTest.UnityTestRunner.RunTestsFromConsole
Alternatively you can use the .Net UnTest-Console tool to find and execute tests in your built Unity3D DLLs. This is the command:
mono --debug /path/to/project/Assets/UnTest/Editor/UnTest-Console/bin/Release/UnTest-Console.exe path/to/DLL/folder
The --debug
flag allows the tool to report on line numbers. Your DLL folder is in path/to/project/Libary/ScriptAssemblies if built with the editor, or path/to/project/Temp/bin/debug if built with monodevelop/mdtool.
As a convenience, Untest/Editor/RunTests.sh will, when given the path to your project SLN, build the assemblies using mdtool then run the tests with UnTest-Console.
The tests can also be run from the editor. To do this, select Run from the Assets->Tests menu.
Copyright(c) 2013 Andrew Fray Licensed under the MIT license. See the license.txt file for full details.