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Persistent Identifier (PID) demonstrator

Persistent identifiers demonstrator for Towards a National Collection - HeritagePIDs.


Version 2 rethink

Version 1 (described below) used a triple store for the annotations, which means we need RDF and SPARQL. This means we can embed this problem in a much bigger space (e.g., the biodiversity knowledge graph) but it makes life more complicated, especially if we want to be able to easily add examples.

Version 2 tackles this by dropping the triple store and just using a local table of examples, based on a spreadsheet.

Version 1


By default W3C annotation model seems obvious candidate, but also look at simpler things such as

“mainEntity” : “URI for entity”,
“text” : “text corresponding to entity (e.g., highlighted in markup)” ,
“position” : “location in publication”,
“subjectOf” : “publication”


When developing locally, put “secrets” in env.php (which is not in the Github repo). When running on Heroku (or elsewhere) add secret values as environmental parameters:

Key Value
BLAZEGRAPH_URL http://167…


Discuss that we are concerned with a subset of annotations, namely those where both body and target are external entities that have stable(ish) identifiers.

Displaying annotations

There are at least two problems to solve here. The first is displaying the actual annotations in situ in the document being annotated, as well as enabling them to be created and edit. This is the problem solves.

The second problem arises if we are using annotations to represent links between two entities, such as a specimen and a publication that mentions that specimen. Ideally we should be able to display the annotation on the web pages for BOTH entities.

One way to do this is have a bookmarklet that injects HTML into the web page for an entity, and displays annotations linked to that entity.


Multiple representations

Annotations can be attached to multiple representations of the same thing, and doesn’t always record the DOI of a paper. Therefore we will need to call a service to convert a URL to an identifier.

Convert text to PID

Selected text need to be parsed and converted to an identifier, need service such as one that converts specimen code to a PID.

Add annotations to triple store

Fetch annotations from annotation feed feed is

Fetch annotations related to content

Need to be able to fetch annotations using source and body identifiers. For example, given a paper that is the source for one or more annotations, what are those annotations? Given specimen that is the body of an annotation, what papers refer to that specimen?

Fetch annotations as user changes view in document

User can scroll through a document, so we need ways to track that movement so we can display relevant annotations. For example, the basic unit of BHL is a scanned physical book, such as a journal volume. Each page has its own unique identifier (the BHL pageID), which makes it natural to link annotations to that PageID. However, the page being viewed by the user can change as they scroll through the document, so we need a mechanism for determining which page the reader is currently viewing so that we can display the appropriate annotation.

In the bookmarklet I use the MutationObserver interface to track whether the Page been viewed has changed, then query the annotation store for any annotations for that page.

(What do we do with PDFs?)

Demonstration examples

Could use NHM specimens example where we have data (that has a DOI Need to represent links between specimens as annotations, think about how we give credit in annotation to source. See for ideas.


NHM URLs have changed since Ross and Aime did their work. For example, switched to HTTPS and replaced /specimen/ with /object/, meaning the specimen URLS no longer resolved. This has been fixed see NaturalHistoryMuseum/ckanext-nhm#477. However, some URLS without versions (/\d+ appended to end of URL) can return 404

Examples of PIDs and data sources

Institution Data type PID Example RDF URL in meta
NHM specimen + UUID 31a84c68 - 6295 - 4e5b - aa0a - 5c2844f1fb50 yes (extension) no yes
RBGE specimen + barcode E00001237 yes (content negotiation) no
KEW specimen + barcode K001116483 yes (content negotiation) broken no

See Implementers for list of CETAF sites.


NHM serves RDF in triples,turtle, and JSON-LD e.g. and RDF is flat Darwin Core.

NHM also serves JSON-LD, e.g.

NHM added SEO-friendly tags, see NaturalHistoryMuseum/ckanext-nhm#476


RBGE serves RDF (flat Darwin Core) that includes links to IIIF.


Kew serves RDF (flat Darwin Core). It is broken

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
 <dc:identifier rdf:resource=""/>
 <dc:type rdf:resource=""/>
 <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/>
 <dc:description xml:lang="en">Image of herbarium specimen</dc:description>
 <dc:license rdf:resource=""/>
 <dwc:associatedMedia rdf:resource=""/>

National Gallery


Science Museum

Related projects

DiSSCo e.g.

Recommendations for PID providers

These recommendations are w.r.t. to making projects like this doable.

Make identifier discoverable within web page for item

The web page for an entity should include the persistent identifier in a machine readable way. For example, academic publishers typically include the DOI for an article in a meta tag (see also Twitter thread )

  1. Include persistent identifier in HEAD of web page
  2. Use standard tag, e.g. canonical link, og:url, etc.
  3. Ideally PID should be resolvable by both browser and machine, e.g. by supporting content negotiation

Use consistent data descriptions

e.g. do museums serving RDF all use same approach?


If I was bitter I'd launch into a rant about how come people who diddle with semantic data fail to appreciate that the things which support their particular interests have to be balanced with other priorities by people maintaining production systems on a skeleton staff ;) @vsmithuk