Classes to work with mad and LHC optics
pip install git+
- generic table manager with specific twiss/track/survey post-prossinging src
- row filtering on regexp and column expression, new column on expressions
- plots with lattices (automatic reload on changes)
- reload on change
- interpolation with s
- table pretty printer
- twiss/survey:
- interpolation with s, cycle w/wo reset cumulative quantity, range extraction, append
- twiss:
- calculate beta max inside quadrupole, integral k*beta, normalized dispersion, transfer matrix in between points, 2D normalization matrix, partial integrals to compute Q', Q'
- add errors from error tables
- compute driving terms kernels
- compute detuning factor
- compute footprint based on detuning equations
- survey:
- redefine origin to any point (2D only)
- compute rotation matrix
- tfs reader/basic writer src
- beam envelope class src
- draw 2d section of beam-envelopes and apertures x-y, s-x, s-y around reference orbit or lab frame
- compute aperture margin
- plot beam-beam separations
- madx language parser src
- parse MAD-X definitions (no support for macros) and build data structure including expressions
- compute dependency matrix
- harmonic fit src
- LHC circuit model src
- compute max ktoI and ItoK, max V, I', I'' using data from LSA or from IREF/VREF fit
- compute minimum beam-process time base on I', I'' max
- sdds reader src
- yasp reader src
- lot of obselete files ;-)