are a few miscellaneous processing python functions.
The name is a play of words on "pisto", a Manchego dish made of tomatoes, onions, courgettes, green and red peppers and olive oil.
Install the latest pysto PyPI package
pip install pysto
Uninstall the package
pip uninstall pysto
If you get the error
pip error: Cannot locate installed-files.txt
, remove pysto manually. For example, if you are in a conda environmentrm -rf ${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pysto*
We provide scripts
to help install necessary software, and a Makefile
to simplify testing and releasing.
If you want to develop code for pysto, instead of installing the PyPI package, you want to clone the github repository
git clone
Install the development dependencies (this creates local conda environments
, for python 2.7 and 3.6, respectively and installs several Ubuntu and python packages). There are two options, depending on what SimpleITK you want:-
If you are happy with the official SimpleITK package, just run (this is very fast)
cd pysto/tools ./
If you prefer SimpleElastix (an extension of SimpleITK with elastix registration software)
cd pysto/tools ./ SimpleElastix
Install the pysto code to one or both of the local environments
conda activate pysto_2.7 pip install --upgrade . conda activate pysto_3.6 pip install --upgrade .
You need to have a local file
(replace<the password>
by the password). This will be used bytwine
to release packages to PyPI[distutils] index-servers = pypi pypitest [pypi] username=rcasero password=<the password> [pypitest] repository = username=rcasero password=<the password>
Protect the file so that it can be read only by you
chmod 600 ~/.pypirc
Delete the conda local environments (this will delete all the python packages inside the environments)
source deactivate conda remove --name pysto_2.7 --all conda remove --name pysto_3.6 --all
Activate one of the pysto local environments
cd ~/Software/pysto source activate pysto_3.6
Launch the development IDE, e.g.
pycharm-community &
In your code, import the pysto modules/functions in the usual way, e.g.
import pysto.imgproc as pym import pysto.imgprocITK as pymITK [...] imf = pym.imfuse(im1, im2) pymITK.imshow(im3)
While developing, you can run all tests (both for python 2.7 and 3.6) from the command line with
make test
We assume that you have made some changes to the code, and commit/pushed them to the GitHub repository.
with new release number. If something else has changed in the project, update other relevant fields
.setup( ... version='1.0.0', download_url='', ... )
with the main changes to this release, in markdown format. -
Commit and push all changes to the repository.
Make a test package. (This will also tag the release in github, create the test package/wheel and upload to the test PyPI server), that you can see in
make test-package
If everything has gone well, make the release package, that you can see in
make package
Go to pysto GitHub release tags, click on "Edit release notes" and copy and paste the new entry from the