Context-based, (a)sync-uniform testing framework for JavaScript and TypeScript.
π β Read the Docs
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function divide(a, b) {
if(b === 0) throw new SyntaxError("Division by zero");
return a / b;
new UnitTest("Computes quotient of positive integers")
.actual(divide(4, 2))
new UnitTest("Throws error for division by zero")
.actual(() => divide(2, 0))
.error("Division by zero", SyntaxError);
π© β Unit β unit
Test arbitrary units of code based on deep expected value comparisons.
π© β HTTP β http
Test HTTP(S) endpoints based on expectation filtered responses.
π© β CLI β cli
Test command line interfaces based on expected stdout or stderr.
Β© Thassilo Martin Schiepanski