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MT is a dynamically typed, easy to use halfway point between C and Python


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The mt Programming Language

C meets Python... one day



Make sure you have the XCode command line tools installed

git clone
cd mt
make install


Linux requires a small modification to the Makefile as well as having gcc and make installed. In the Makefile: change

CC = clang

to gcc or whatever compiler you use.

CC = gcc

And then finally:

git clone
cd mt
make install


To uninstall mt, navigate to the directory with the makefile and run:

make uninstall


You can call mt in REPL mode like:


Or pass in a file with:

mt path/to/file

Alternatively, you can copy the mt executable to /usr/local/bin/ to make it available system wide.


See the docs

Advanced Examples


The fizzBuzz problem is a classic interview question. In mt it can be solved like so:

// fizzBuzz where n is the max number
fn fizzBuzz(n) 
   var buffer = " ";
   for (var i = 0; i <= n; i = i + 1) 
        if (i%3 == 0) 
            buffer = buffer + "fizz";
        if (i%5 == 0) 
            buffer = buffer + "Buzz";
        print string(i) + buffer;
        buffer = " ";

Reading from files

You can read and write to files using the built in read function.

fn main() 
    var str = read("path to file");
    str = str + "Some more text";
    write("new file.txt", str);

Inheritance and the super method

Objects can inherit methods and values from other classes using the inheritance opera . This is achieved using the < operator in a class name. The keyword super is used as a shorthand for inheritance.

class Shape {
  init(area) {
    this.area = area;

class Circle < Shape {
  init(area) {
  getRadius() {
    return (this.area / 3.1415)^(1/2);

var c = Circle(100);
print c.getRadius();



Operator Effect
+ Adds two numbers or concatanates two strings
- subtracts two numbers or negates one
* Multiplies two numbers
/ Divides two numbers
^ raises the 1st num to the power of the 2nd
! Not, !true = false etc
== is equal to
!= Not equal to
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than equal to
< less than
> greater than
&& boolean and
?: ternary operator
|| Boolean or


Keyword Effect
if (condition) standard if statemnt
else standard else, can be combined: else if
while (condition) while condition is true while loops
for (declare; condition; statemnt c style for loops
var declare a new variable to nil
print prints the following statement
fn name(args) declare a function
use "path/to/file"; import code from the path specified
switch (condition) switch case statement
case expression: switch case option
default: default value of switch case
break leave a loop early
continue skip to next loop cycle

Built In functions

Function Effect
clock() -> number unix time in seconds
read(path) -> sting reads the file at the specified path
write(path, text) -> number writes text to file at path returns 0 if ok
number(value) -> number changes any type to a number
string(value) -> string changes numbers and bools to string literals
sleep(n) Sleep for n seconds
println(s) & printf(s) works like C's printf



The http module is how mt will commincate with websites and servers.

Function Effect
http.Get(hostname, port) Get the html file from hostname, optionally set port

The assert module is used for type checking and safety, all of the functions will create a runtime error if their conditions are not met. You can use them to be sure of the values you are recieving.

Function Effect
assert.True(vals...) check some values are true
assert.False(vals...) check values are false
assert.Equals(vals...) check values are equal

Planned features

The order of theses could change

  1. For in loops
for x in y {
  print y;
  1. range operator
for x in 0..10 {
  print x;  
  1. Asynchronous Function Exectution (corountines)
async add(x, y) { return x+y; }
  1. Optional Static Typing
let x: number = 10;


In no particular order


MT is a dynamically typed, easy to use halfway point between C and Python








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