I have been learning to code since 6th grade. I love computers, IT, programming, video games and music. I started learning programming in 6th grade, my first programming language was Python. It was a course at the University of Tartu (Estonia). The main goal was to create a game in Python. After that I studied programming, web development, programming languages, games on my own. I tried C++, C#, html, css, js. Tried wordpress when I was in 10th grade. One of my projects is still running (nv.noortek.ee). I studied C language at Taltech (Tallinn University of Technology). Now I study in Kood/Jõhvi and learn JavaScript. I'm also taking different courses, for example from Cisco. I am interested in game development and cybersecurity. I speak English, Estonian and Russian languages. Feel free to ask me anything, chat with me or send friend requests in social media.
- ✉️ You can contact me at [email protected]
🔭 I’m currently learning JS
🌱 I’m interested in GameDev and Cybersecurity
⚡ Fun fact: I love pizza with pineapples
❓ Ask me about anything
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