This is an integration of the Ghidra decompiler for radare2. It is solely based on the decompiler part of Ghidra, which is written entirely in C++, so Ghidra itself is not required at all and the plugin can be built self-contained. This project was presented at r2con 2019 as part of the Cutter talk:
An r2pm package is available that can easily be installed like:
r2pm update
r2pm -ci r2ghidra
By default r2pm will install stuff in your home, you can use -g
to use the system wide installation.
To build and install r2ghidra you need the following software installed in your system:
- radare2 (preferibly from git, for distro builds ensure the
package is also installed) - pkg-config - that's how build system find libraries and include files to compile stuff
- acr/make or meson/ninja - pick the build system you like! all of them are maintained and working
- msvc/g++/clang++ - basically a C++ compiler (and a C compiler)
- git/patch - needed to clone ghidra-native and build stuff
If the build fails, please carefully read the error message and act accordingly, r2pm should
handle the PKG_CONFIG_PATH
automatically for you in any case.
r2ghidra is known to work on the following operating systems:
- Termux (Android-arm64)
- macOS / iOS
- GNU/Linux
- Windows
- FreeBSD/x86-64
To decompile a function, first type af
to analize it and then pdg
to invoke r2ghidra:
[0x100001060]> pdg?
Usage: pdg # Native Ghidra decompiler plugin
| pdg # Decompile current function with the Ghidra decompiler
| pdg* # Decompiled code is returned to r2 as comment
| pdga # Side by side two column disasm and decompilation
| pdgd # Dump the debug XML Dump
| pdgj # Dump the current decompiled function as JSON
| pdgo # Decompile current function side by side with offsets
| pdgp # Switch to RAsm and RAnal plugins driven by SLEIGH from Ghidra
| pdgs # Display loaded Sleigh Languages
| pdgsd N # Disassemble N instructions with Sleigh and print pcode
| pdgss # Display automatically matched Sleigh Language ID
| pdgx # Dump the XML of the current decompiled function
The following config vars (for the e
command) can be used to adjust r2ghidra's behavior:
[0x000275a7]> e?r2ghidra.
r2ghidra.casts: Show type casts where needed
r2ghidra.cmt.cpp: C++ comment style
r2ghidra.cmt.indent: Comment indent
r2ghidra.indent: Indent increment
r2ghidra.lang: Custom Sleigh ID to override auto-detection (e.g. x86:LE:32:default)
r2ghidra.linelen: Max line length
r2ghidra.maximplref: Maximum number of references to an expression before showing an explicit variable.
r2ghidra.rawptr: Show unknown globals as raw addresses instead of variables
r2ghidra.roprop: Propagate read-only constants (0,1,2,3,4)
r2ghidra.sleighhome: SLEIGHHOME
r2ghidra.timeout: Run decompilation in a separate process and kill it after a specific time
r2ghidra.verbose: Show verbose warning messages while decompiling
Here, r2ghidra.sleighhome
must point to a directory containing the *.sla
, *.lspec
, ... files for
the architectures that should supported by the decompiler. This is however set up automatically when using
the r2pm package or installing as shown below.
Most users will just use r2pm -ci r2ghidra
to build or update the plugin for the version of r2
First, make sure you have the latest version of radare2 for Windows, which can be found as a binary package in the releases.
Then run the following command from the radare2/bin/ directory to find out the R2_USER_PLUGINS
$ r2 -hh
Now, download the latest r2ghidra release for Windows and copy the dll file in the
R2_USER_PLUGINS` directory.
You should now be able to do pdg
while in radare2 to invoke the r2ghidra decompile command.
r2ghidra can be built with meson/ninja
and acr/make
. Both build systems are maintained, feel free to pick the one you feel more comfortable with.
The procedure is like the standard autoconf:
$ ./preconfigure # optional, but useful for offline-packagers, as its downloads the external repos
$ ./configure --prefix=$(r2 -H R2_PREFIX)
$ make
$ make install # or make user-install
At the moment there is no way to select which processors to support, so it builds them all and takes a lot of time to compile the sleighfiles.
Also works with muon/samu
and that's the preferred way to build r2ghidra on Windows.
meson setup b
meson compile -C b
meson install -C b
To compile r2ghidra on windows you need Visual Studio and git installed:
preconfigure # find VS installation, sets path and download external code
configure # prepare the build (run meson)
make # compile and zip the result (run ninja)
for more details. but it's basically LGPLv3.