A box that feels pain, a 24 hour hackathon project.
bees MAKE-ATHON 2018
Video here
- Raspberry Pi (made for Pi 3 Model B) and power source
- Enviro pHat
- Speaker
- Install NOOBS (to then install Raspbian)
- Enable I2C
- Enable SSH (for your own sake)
- Set the speaker to the default sound device
- Reboot
curl https://get.pimoroni.com/envirophat > install.sh
sudo apt-get install python3-numpy
(already installed)sudo apt-get install python3-pygame
(already installed)pip3 install sklearn
pip3 install python-twitter
- Obtain twitter api keys and create a file called
in the following format
git clone https://github.com/qqii/paindoras-box/
Usage: ./scream.py
Plays the screaming sound.
Usage: ./shout.py
Tweets a message to @robot_screaming.
./classifier.py train (shaking|still)
./classifier.py classify x
where x is a jerk
Currently classifies acceleration data into the class "violent" and "non violent" using a naive bayes classifier based on the jerk of the box at a given time.
Usage: ./sensors.py (delay)
Polls acceleration and light sensor every delay seconds. Replace this with your implementation if you have a different sensor kit.
Usage: ./main.py [delay]
Creates life, with a default polling delay of 0.1s.
Don't. Just don't.
- RcColes for the initial idea.
- AnthonyWharton for absolutely nothing.
- qqii for expanding the initial idea and making it a reality.
- alessio-b-zak for making it a reality.