use ktor like retrofit.
Add the dependency in your common module's commonMain sourceSet
plugins {
// ...
kotlin {
// ...
sourceSets {
dependencies {
dependencies {
// add("kspCommonMainMetadata", "io.github.qdsfdhvh:ktor-fit-ksp:$ktorfit_version")
add("kspJvm", "io.github.qdsfdhvh:ktor-fit-ksp:$ktorfit_version")
// add("kspMacosX64", "io.github.qdsfdhvh:ktor-fit-ksp:$ktorfit_version")
// add("kspIosX64", "io.github.qdsfdhvh:ktor-fit-ksp:$ktorfit_version")
// add("kspJs","io.github.qdsfdhvh:ktor-fit-ksp:$ktorfit_version")
You can create a kotlin expect class, ksp will generate the actual class.
expect class TestService(client: HttpClient) : TestOtherApi1, TestOtherApi2 {
suspend fun getData(@Path("id") id: String, @Query("name") name: String): String
interface TestOtherApi1 {
suspend fun getOtherData1(): String
interface TestOtherApi2 {
suspend fun getOtherData2(): String
And then create api:
val client = HttpClient {
defaultRequest {
val api = TestService(client)
This way is still experimental:
plugins {
id("io.github.qdsfdhvh.ktor-fit-plugin") version $ktorfit_version
interface TestService {
ksp will auto generate code like:
class _TestServiceImpl(private val client: HttpClient) : TestService {
and kcp will auto generate code like:
interface TestService {
companion object {
fun create(client: HttpClient): TestService {
return _TestServiceImpl(client)
so, you can use like this:
val client = HttpClient {
defaultRequest {
val api = TestService.create(client)
however, at the moment you need the ktor-fit-extensions plugin to get the IDE to prompt for the create(client)