This is a College Computer Major Project. I've coded this single project for 3 different persons.
The actual purpose was that variations must be in a way, that no one find out they are all done by one person [me!].
So they are coded in 3 different separate variations, with 3 different styles, with 3 different approaches and algorithms, with 3 different naming conventions, 3 different header structures, and etc.
There are 3 different variations that are explaied as below:
- 1st and Main Variation:
This one is my own style; This is me being me while doing a project!
- 2nd Variation: A MidLevel C Programmer:
This one is me imitating a medium level programmer! So i had considered some intentional programming weaknesses while coding.
- 3rd And Last one: Me imitating an ameteur programmer!
I have coded this one in a way that indicates a amateur programming method as a newbie programmer :)