Authors: Andreea Miruna Sandru
Contact: [email protected]
Source code:
Version: 1.0
System requirements: JRE6/JDK6 or later, Apache Tomcat 7
Tested on: Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla Firefox 19.0, Google Chrome 25.0.1364.97
This is a JavaScript application allowing drag & drop of a DOM object (image) from one browser document into another (from one iframe to another).
Multiple objects can be dragged & dropped at once by selecting them using CTRL and clicking them. Upon drop, a post request (to a static json file) is sent, then both the value of the objects' Ids as well as a status message from the server response displayed in console log message.
The HTML footprint is minimized to a single script tag, and the DOM is only be manipulated using JavaScript. Cross-browser compatibility is supported (eg. IE, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome).
For implementing this JS Application I used JQuery library (v1.9.1) in order to manage cross browser compatibility and DOM manipulation (selectors, attribute setting, event binding). In principle, the main page (index.html) is splitted in three areas:
- source iframe from where the user can start dragging the objects (images)
- target iframe where user cand drop the dragged objects
- console area for application logging
In order to implement the drag&drop functionality, I manipulated the following DOM events:
- dragstart on the images - fired when the user starts dragging an object, sets the ids of dragged objects as a property on current event
- click on the images - in order to determine if the CTRL key is pressed for multiselection
- dragover on the target div - needs to be suppressed in order to capture the drop event
- drop on the target div - fired when user is dropping the images, retrives the ids of dragged objects from original event and send an ajax request with those ids to the server
================= Run application without a server =================
- Download the archive
- Unpack the .zip file into a local directory
- Open the index.html file in your local browser
- Enjoy!
================= Run application on a server =================
- Download and Install a Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE)
- Download and install an Application Server (eg. Apache Tomcat)
- Download the archive
- Unpack the .zip file into the working application directory of the server installed
- Start the application server
- Access the application in the browser using http://localhost:8080/DragAndDrop/
- Enjoy!
DragAndDrop || || css || drag&drop.css || || html || draggSourceFrame.html || dropTargetFrame.html || || images || computer.png || folder.png || pencil.png || zoom.png || || scripts || lib || jquery-1.9.1.min.js || drag&drop.js || response.json || || WEB-INF || web.xml || || index.html
- On Google Chrome when accessing the application without a server, a security problem appears due to the fact that iframe tries to access the parent window from JavaScript.
Eg.: Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL file:///... from frame with URL file:///... Domains, protocols and ports must match.
This problem dissapears if the application is run from an application server.
Versions of software the application uses:
-jQuery 1.9.1
The license is public domain.