- Foursquare Popular Times by Category Name [2021] [password protected]
- Google Popular Times by Place Type Name [2021] [password protected]
- Foursquare Average Open Hours by Category Name [2022] [password protected]
- Foursquare Category/Name Lookup [2021]
Command to rejoin the file splits:
cat geotagged_tweets2020-2021/geotagged_tweets2020-2021.tar.gz.part* > geotagged_tweets2020-2021/geotagged_tweets2020-2021.tar.gz
- Activities, Segments, and Details in Washington, D.C. and Montreal [2023] [password protected]
Command to rejoin the file splits:
cat strava_activities/strava_activities2023.dump.tar.gz.enc.part* > strava_activities/strava_activities2023.dump.tar.gz.enc
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in strava_activities/strava_activities2023.dump.tar.gz.enc | tar xzvf
- Check-ins and nearby POI [2023] [password protected]
Command to rejoin the file splits:
cat foursquare_checkins/foursquare_checkins.dump.tar.gz.enc.part* > foursquare_checkins/foursquare_checkins.dump.tar.gz.enc
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in foursquare_checkins/foursquare_checkins.dump.tar.gz.enc | tar xzvf
- Trip Advisor Attractions and Details [2020] [password protected]
Command to rejoin the file splits:
cat tripadvisor_attractions/tripadvisor2020.dump.tar.gz.enc.part* > tripadvisor_attractions/tripadvisor2020.dump.tar.gz.enc
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in tripadvisor_attractions/tripadvisor2020.dump.tar.gz.enc | tar xzvf
- Points of Interest from Foursquare [2022] [password protected]
- Points of Interest from Foursquare [2022] [password protected]
- Points of Interest from Foursquare [2022] [password protected]
- Points of Interest from OpenStreetMap [2024]
- Points of Interest from Foursquare [2022] [password protected]
- Points of Interest from Foursquare [2022] [password protected]
- Points of Interest from Foursquare [2022] [password protected]
- Points of Interest from Foursquare [2024] [password protected]
Code to encrypt file before splitting:
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 100000 -e file.tar.gz > file.tar.gz.enc