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Event Monitor

Event Monitor is a system for monitoring and analyzing events from VK (VKontakte) groups. It automatically collects posts, classifies them as event announcements, and extracts structured event information.


  • Automatic monitoring of VK group posts
  • Event announcement classification using AI
  • Event information extraction (date, time, location, etc.)
  • RESTful API for accessing event data
  • Modern web interface with real-time filtering
  • SQLite/PostgreSQL database support
  • Containerized deployment with Docker


The system consists of four main microservices:

  1. Parser Service: Periodically fetches posts from configured VK groups
  2. Classifier Service: Uses AI to identify event announcements
  3. Analyzer Service: Extracts structured event information from classified posts
  4. API Service: Provides RESTful access and web interface to the collected data

Межсервисное взаимодействие

Система построена на принципах микросервисной архитектуры со следующими правилами:

  1. Единая точка доступа к данным:

    • Все взаимодействие с базой данных происходит ТОЛЬКО через API Service
    • Остальные сервисы (Parser, Classifier, Analyzer) работают с данными исключительно через REST API
    • Прямой доступ к базе данных из сервисов, кроме API Service, запрещен
  2. Изоляция сервисов:

    • Каждый сервис работает независимо и не имеет прямого доступа к ресурсам других сервисов
    • Все взаимодействие происходит через четко определенные REST эндпоинты
    • Сервисы могут быть развернуты и масштабированы независимо
  3. Обработка ошибок:

    • Каждый сервис должен корректно обрабатывать ошибки API
    • При недоступности API сервис должен логировать ошибку и продолжать работу
    • Реализована стратегия повторных попыток для критичных операций
  4. Логирование:

    • Каждый сервис ведет собственное логирование
    • Взаимодействия с внешними API (VK, логируются через API Service
    • Все значимые события и ошибки фиксируются в логах


  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • Python 3.9 or higher (for local development)
  • VK API access token
  • API key
  • UV package manager (recommended installation via curl -LsSf | sh)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd event-monitor
  2. Copy the example environment file and configure your settings:

    cp .env.example .env
  3. Edit .env with your configuration:

    • Set your VK API access token
    • Configure your API key
    • Adjust other settings as needed
  4. Build and start the services:

    docker-compose up -d

Development Setup

Windows Installation

  1. Install UV package manager:

    # Using PowerShell (Run as Administrator)
    iwr -useb | iex

    Alternatively, you can download the latest release manually from:

  2. Create a virtual environment:

    # Create new virtual environment
    uv venv .venv
    # Activate the virtual environment
  3. Install dependencies:

    # Generate requirements.txt with all dependencies (including dev)
    uv pip compile --all-extras pyproject.toml > requirements.txt
    # Install dependencies from requirements.txt
    uv sync requirements.txt
  4. Configure environment:

    # Copy example environment file
    Copy-Item .env.example .env
    # Edit .env file with your settings
    notepad .env

Linux/macOS Installation

  1. Create a virtual environment:

    uv venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  2. Install dependencies:

    # Generate requirements.txt with all dependencies
    uv pip compile --all-extras pyproject.toml > requirements.txt
    # Install dependencies from requirements.txt
    uv sync requirements.txt

Web Interface

The web interface provides a modern, responsive dashboard for managing and monitoring events:


  • Real-time filtering of posts by:
    • Processing stage (Parsed, Classified, Analyzed, Not Events)
    • Group
    • Time period
  • Instant updates without page reloads
  • Responsive design for all screen sizes
  • Bootstrap 5 UI components
  • Loading indicators for better UX
  • Error handling with toast notifications


  • Dashboard: Overview of system statistics and recent activity
  • Posts: Real-time post management with filters
  • Events: Event listing and details
  • Groups: Group management interface

API Documentation

The API documentation is available at http://localhost:8000/docs when the API service is running.

Main Endpoints

  • GET /groups: List all monitored groups
  • GET /groups/{group_id}/posts: Get posts from a specific group
  • GET /events: List all extracted events
  • GET /events/{event_id}: Get details of a specific event
  • POST /llm_interactions: Log LLM API interactions
  • GET /llm_interactions: Get logged LLM interactions


Key environment variables:

  • VK_ACCESS_TOKEN: Your VK API access token
  • VK_API_VERSION: VK API version (default: 5.131)
  • NOVITA_API_KEY: Your API key
  • PARSER_INTERVAL_MINUTES: How often to check for new posts (default: 15)
  • DATABASE_URI: Database connection string (SQLite or PostgreSQL)
  • API_PORT: Port for the API service (default: 8000)

See .env.example for all available configuration options.

Package Management with UV

UV is used for fast, reliable Python package management. Key commands:

# Create and activate virtual environment
uv venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate  # or .venv\Scripts\activate on Windows

# Generate and install dependencies
uv pip compile --all-extras pyproject.toml > requirements.txt
uv sync requirements.txt

# Update dependencies
uv pip compile --upgrade pyproject.toml > requirements.txt
uv sync requirements.txt


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Create a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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