Hiya! I'm Samuel, a self-taught (or community-taught, your choice) software engineer based in Lagos, Nigeria.
The obstacle is the way. The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way
I am currently updating all my projects and it's a work in progress.
🔭 I’m currently working on Notezone, a Progressive Web App for taking notes in text and markdown
🌱 I’m currently learning Web3 concepts: decentralization and the blockchain (Bitcoin for now) via BTrust Builders and the Bitcoin Dev Project.
🌱 I'm also interested in how networks work, cybersecurity, and AI related subjects such as Neural networks and Computer Vision
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on apps that utilize Rust, Web Assembly, Artificial Intelligence or Web3 related tech.
⚡ Fun fact: In my spare time, I also teach kids to code. Passing on knowledge to the next generation is the greatest gift and a privilege.
⚡ I also love chess, though I've have never been able to figure out how to get to an endgame with enough pieces left to actually win.
- Language: Rust, Python, Javascript/Typescript
- Design: Figma, Canva
- System: Arch Linux, Ubuntu Server
- Editor: Neovim, VS Code
- Tools: Bash, JQ
- Databases: SQLite, Postgres, MongoDB
- To be continued (I'm tired) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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