qbm is an exploration tool for the low-level digit design. It performs boolean matching on the basis of quantified boolean formulae to compute or to disprove the existence of a configuration for a configurable hardware structure that implements a specific user function.
qbm features a generic, i.e. parameterized, specification of typically configurable logic structures that are compiled into a concrete component hierarchy for evaluation purposes. The compilation computes a set of clauses reflecting the functional behavior of the built circuitry. qbm then utilizes the QBF solver Quantor to determine an assignment to the available configuration variables that implements the desired user function if this is, at all, possible. If qbm cannot implement the desired function within the available circuit, this is, indeed, impossible. qbm thus implements a formal synthesis flow for combinational logic.
The fastest way to specify mapping tasks is by using the included description language QDL.
Basic Example:
// Generic description of a LUT with K inputs
component LUT<K>(x[K] -> y)
config c[2**K];
y = c[x];
// The top-level component instantiating a LUT and
// specifying the desired user function.
component top(x[3] -> y)
lut_0 : LUT<3>(x -> y);
y = x[2] ^ x[1] ^ x[0];
- lib/ - the place where Quantor and PicoSAT are downloaded and compiled
- src/model/ - the circuit representation
- src/qdl/ - the QDL frontend supporting a command-line work flow
- models/ - example QDL models
- bin/ - directory created when building binaries
Note that this tool uses external QBF and SAT solvers. These are downloaded in the course of the build process. The default configuration uses PicoSAT and Quantor both by Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria. Both these tools are patched so that PicoSAT can be plugged in as a dynamically linked IPASIR implementation. This allows for an easy substition by any other dynamically linked IPASIR-compliant SAT solver.
> git clone https://github.com/preusser/qbm.git
> cd qbm
> make
> bin/qdlsolve -?
bin/qdlsolve [-tTOP[<PAR0,PAR1,...>]] [-DNAME[=VALUE] ...] [-pFILE]
Parse a configurable circuit description from stdin and compute an implementing
configuration of the included user target function if it exists.
TOP name of the top-level module defining the circuit, default: top
PARi numeric generic parameters passed to the top-level module, default: none
NAME macro definition with optional VALUE for expansion before parsing
FILE print qdimacs formulation to FILE rather than solving the problem
> bin/qdlsolve < models/test.qdl
Compiling <top> ...
Compiling lut_s0 ...
Compiling lut_s1 ...
Compiling lut_s2 ...
Compiling fct ...
Solving ... using Quantor_3.2 (IPASIR patch) / PicoSAT_953
CHOOSE<2>/0 = "001";
lut_s0/c = "0110";
lut_s1/c = "1001001101101100";
lut_s2/c = "1110110010000000";
In essence, the provided example computes the truth tables for computing the individual output bits of an adder for two 2-bit operands.
> bin/qdlsolve -t'adder_xil<6>' -DSELECT=SELECT_COMPLETE -padder_xil6.qdimacs < models/adder_xil.qdl
Dumping problem to file 'adder_xil6.qdimacs'
This generates a QDIMACS representation of the mapping problem, for example, for evaluating external solvers.