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New Options Plus ‐ Multipage Options Menu with Faster Text, HP‐EXP Bar Speeds and Metric

Team Aqua's Hideout edited this page May 1, 2024 · 21 revisions

This is an improved options menu with the ability to scroll for more than the standard amount of options, developed by DizzyEgg. This implementation slighty changes SaveBlock2, but I've been extra careful, and as far as I can tell no problems with old savegames should occur.

image options_plus

The Original themed version on the left, the Archie - Mudskip Dark Theme on the right

Original Theme

Link to branch

Built in New Option Features:

Text speed: Slow, Mid, Fast, Fatser (based on the work of ella_trifle)

Unit system: Metric, Imperial

HP bar speed: 0-10(instant)

Exp bar speed: 0-10(instant)

You use git remote add and git pull commands to pull in a feature branch. That is,

git remote add xaman

git pull xaman tx_optionsPlus

Credits: If you use this, you have to give credit to all following people!





Original PokeCommunity Post By TheXaman

Archie - Mudskip Dark Theme

This is an alternate branch based on top of TheXamans that adds only graphical changes (other than the code to make said graphical changes), all the credits for the original branch are still required as they did the majority of the work for the UI. Mudskip did the new graphics, Archie added the graphics into the game. We wanted to make the bottom text box dark themed because it would look so much better, but it needs to be default so you can see the changes for the frame option assuming you keep that in your hack.

Pulling the branch works exactly the same:

You use git remote add and git pull commands to pull in a feature branch. That is,

git remote add team_aqua

git pull team_aqua thexaman_options_plus_dark_theme

(instructions from Pawkkie)

Credits: If you use this, you have to give credit to all following people!

DizzyEgg - Original Branch

Lunos - Original Branch

AsparagusEduardo - Original Branch

ella_trifle - Original Branch

Archie - Implement Theme in Code

Mudskip - Graphics

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