This Ruby on Rails application provides an interface for managing categories, products, and tracking customer orders. The app uses ActiveAdmin to offer an admin interface, enabling easy management of categories, products, and orders.
- Category Management: Add, edit, and delete product categories.
- Product Management: Add, update, and remove products linked to specific categories.
- Order Tracking: View and manage customer orders, including tracking details.
- Ruby on Rails: Backend framework.
- ActiveAdmin: Admin panel for managing data.
- SQLite3: Database management system.
- ActiveRecord: ORM for database interactions.
- Devise: For user authentication (optional).
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Ruby (version 3.1.2)
- Rails (version 7.0.8)
- SQLite3
- Bundler
- Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:prem-online/i-admin.git cd i-admin
- Install dependencies:
bundle install
- Set up the database: SQLite3 is used as the default database. Run the following command to set up the database:
rails db:create rails db:migrate
- Seed the database (Mandatory): Populate the database with some sample data:
rails db:seed
- Run the Rails server: Start the server and navigate to
:rails server
To access the ActiveAdmin interface, navigate to /admin
and log in using the default admin credentials. You can update these credentials by editing the seed file or through the admin panel.
- URL:
- Default Admin: [email protected]
- Default Password:
You can change the admin credentials by editing thedb/seeds.rb
file and running:
rails db:seed
Category Management
- Add, edit, or delete product categories via the admin panel.
- Each product can be linked to a category.
Product Management
- Admins can create, update, or delete products.
- Products have attributes such as name, price, description, stock, and category association.
Order Tracking
- Admins can track customer orders.
- View order details such as product quantity, total amount, and order status.