LIPS is powerfull and modern Lisp, based on Scheme written in JavaScript.
- Full lisp macros, backquote and macroexpand,
- Functions in lips are normal JavaScript functions,
- You can invoke native JavaScript functions and methods from Lips,
- Promises are treated as values they resolve to (so async code look like sync - like auto
), - Library agnostic - you can use it with any library,
- Easy extension using JavaScript using Macros or functions,
- RegExp-es are first class objects,
- BigInt support, if your browser don't support them, you will need to use bn.js,
- Almost everything is first class object including macros and functions,
- Functions code introspection/manipulation at runtime give more power to the programmer,
- Optional dynamic scope.
use npm
npm install @jcubic/lips
then include the file in script tag, You can grab the version from
or from rawgit
Simplest way is to include the lips code in script tag:
<script type="text/x-lips">
(let ((what "world")
(greet "hello"))
(display (concat "hello" " " what)))
or use src
<script type="text/x-lips" src="example.lips"></script>
Running programmatically:
var {exec} = require('@jcubic/lips'); // node
// or
var {exec} = lips; // browser
exec(string).then(function(results) {
results.forEach(function(result) {
More documentation in Getting Started Guide and in docs page.
if you install lips globally with:
npm install -g @jcubic/lips
you can run interpreter from terminal:
$ lips
LIPS Interpreter (Simple Scheme like Lisp)
Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Jakub T. Jankiewicz <>
lips> (define (square x)
... (* x x))
lips> (square 10)
One feature of LIPS REPL is that it auto indent the lines when you press enter and didn't finish the code.
You can also run code as string with:
lips -c '(let ((what "World")) (display (concat "Hello " what)))'
and you can run a file using:
cat > foo.lips <<EOF
(let ((what "World"))
(display (concat "Hello " what)))
lips foo.lips
You can also write executable files that use lips shebang
cat > foo.lips <<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env lips
(let ((what "World"))
(display (concat "Hello " what)))
chmod a+x foo.lips
cat <<EOF
if just example of using cat to create multiline file from bash, you should use proper editor for writing files.
Released under MIT license
Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Jakub T. Jankiewicz