A voice controlled home automation system, along with plugins for doing cool things.
It has two available listeners:
SNOWBOY It uses the amazing snowboy product (https://snowboy.kitt.ai/) for waiting for a keyword, and then executes actions based on a pre-determined json format.
WATSON STT It opens a websocket to watson speech to text service and continously listen for commands. When it detects a phrase starting with Jarvis name (configurable on jarvis.json), it will strip off the name and pass the remaining string to jarvis for processing.
Actions can be executed in parallel or sequentially, and can in turn return another actions. This simple framework allows complex actions to be executed with little effort.
There are two web interfaces available (jarvis.html and tjbot.html), which displays real time events and also plays messages. They allow user to interact with both text and voice as well, and they will use socket.io to display events.
It currently supports two backend systems: WATSON and WIT (in progress).
The implementation can be selected by modifying the processor config on jarvis.json config file:
"jarvis": {
"processor": "WATSON",
The messages will contain a list of actions, with a code which is mostly informative, an action which is one of the actions recognized by the framework (PLAY, HTTPGET, HTTPPOST, SCRIPT and MODULE) and a list of parameters which meaning will vary between modules. The messages will be executed sequentially or in parallel depending on the synchronous parameter.
Sample message for the music module:
"actions": [
"code": "playmusic",
"action": "PLAY",
"parameters": [
"ok, searching..."
"synchronous": true
"code": "playmusic",
"action": "MODULE",
"parameters": [
"synchronous": true
Action | Description | Parameters |
PLAY | Says a phrase | One parameter only with the phrase itself or a http url pointing to an mp3 |
HTTPGET | Do a HTTP GET | First parameter is the url, Any remaining ones will be passed as parameters in the url |
HTTPPOST | Do a HTTP POST | First parameter is the url, Second parameter is the body |
SCRIPT | Executes a shell script | First parameter is the script location. Any remaining ones will be passed as parameters to the same |
MODULE | Calls a module | First parameter is the module name. Any remaining ones will be passed as parameters to the same |
STOP | Stops processing | Stops the processing of all actions right away |
In case you want to skip the listeners and only use the apis (or the web interface), you can set the following parameter in jarvis.json:
"api_only_mode" : false,
which will make Jarvis to not start any listener (it won't listen for commands locally)
Jarvis uses a module system, where you can extend its capabilities by implementing new individual classes.
A plugin consits of:
- A class which inherits from JarvisModule and implements a method called process with an array as an argument;
- An entry on jarvis.json with at least a name and the location of the resource js file. Any other related config can be placed here and it will be automatically available during module runtime:
"modules": [
"name": "joke",
"resource": "default/joke",
"config": "value"
- module.exports should export a single function called getInstance which returns a new instance of the plugin, usually a singleton.
Name | Description | Parameters |
joke | tells a random joke | -NONE- |
weather | tells the current weather condition | -NONE- |
tv | controls a bravia tv | Action (netflix or turnoff) |
music | searchs for musics on youtube, | music/artist |
video | searchs for videos on youtube, | video |
news | displays current news | -NONE- |
wikipedia | looks for a term on wikipedia | term |
3dprinter | interfaces with a 3d printer | (add or remove),name or (list or clear) |
mqttevent | publishes a mqtt message | url,topic,data[username,password,clientId] |
mqttpull | subscribers to an mqtt topic | url,topic,[username,password,clientId] |
imagerecognition | tells what Jarvis is seeing | -NONE- |
Currently it can interface with MQTT by using the mqttevent and mqttpull modules. For example, it can respond to a command by publishing a mqtt message to a broker, which opens up the possibilities for interacting with any device supporting the MQTT protocol. The mqttpull module subscriber to a mqtt topic and expects a JSON message with the actions format supported by the framework, executing the actions when the message arrives.
Jarvis also exposes some RESTFull webservices in order for other systems to interact to it. This facilitates home automation allowing, for example, to trigger jarvis through a mobile application.
All services will reply with a json message in the following format:
{ status : code }
where code can be one of the following: "success", "an error message" or "busy"
Endpoint | Method | Description | Parameters |
/api/actions | POST | Process all actions | JSON list of actions (see format above in Message format section) |
/api/command | POST | Process a wav file | A wav file attached in a multipart/form-data with "command" as the contentId |
/api/text | POST | Process a command text | A text for jarvis to proces in json format. Sample: { "text" : "What time is it?" } |
/api/status | GET | Process a status request | Used for automation, it will reply with the current jarvis status (busy or available ) |
There are two methods of running jarvis: standalone and as a docker container:
- Docker container (currently only supported in api_only mode)
1.1 Build the docker image by running the following command in the jarvis root directory: docker build -t jarvis .
1.2 Run the generated container: sh docker_run.sh
After that you can stop and start jarvis by using docker stop jarvis and docker start jarvis.
- Standalone
Quick installation for the Raspberry Pi 2+
git clone https://github.com/pr3st00/jarvis.git
rename the sample config jarvis/config/jarvis_sample.json to jarvis/config/jarvis.json
edit the file and provide your details
rename the sample config jarvis/config/core_sample.json to jarvis/config/core.json
edit the file and provide your details
cd jarvis
npm install
npm start
ONLY APPLICABLE IF USING THE SNOWBOY LISTENER: A small tweak is needed on the wav module, since it has all options hardcoded. Please edit the file writer.js under node_modules/wav/lib and modify the parameters as seen below:
// TODO: allow/properly handle other WAVE audio formats
this.endianness = 'LE';
this.format = 1; // raw PCM
this.channels = 1;
this.sampleRate = 16000;
Currently there's a java client library available for home automation https://github.com/pr3st00/jarvis_client_library
[Fernando Almeida] ([email protected])