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I am an IT engeneering student at ECE Paris Lyon.

🙋‍♂️ About Me

  • 💻‍ I'm currently in informatics systems, cyber-security and big data major in my school. I am taught about operating system, data base, operational development, computer networks and web technologies.
  • 🔭 You will find in my repositories some are school projects
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I made an exchange semester at Ajou University in South Korea.
  • 🎓 Studied in Montreal (Canada), at ETS (École de Technologie Supérieure).

🤖 Languages & Tools

C C++ Go Java JavaScript Python NodeJS

Redis MongoDB MySQL

Linux MacOS Windows

VMware Docker K8s

Vagrant Ansible Terraform

Github Gitlab

Connect with me

LinkedIn Github Facebook Mail Telegram

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Popular repositories Loading

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  4. Room-Robot Room-Robot Public

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  6. Operating-System Operating-System Public

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