Luca is a component / container library for Backbone.js which encompasses all of the best practices for laying out a large app with many nested views and containers.
To run the sandbox:
bundle install
visit http://localhost:9292
# Gemfile
gem 'luca', :git => ""
javascript manifest
//= require luca-ui
stylesheet manifest
*= require luca-ui
Luca provides an augmented View and Collection class which encompass all of the Backbone.JS best practices and optimizations that I have personally come up with developing some rather large Backbone.js apps on top of Rails.
It assumes a style of progamming very similar to ExtJS where you define almost all of your views and components as large nested JSON structures.
Luca uses Twitter Bootstrap for a lot of styling, layout, CSS. Not so much for the JS. By default, bootstrap is enabled and Luca applies many of the necessary CSS classes, for example, in the Form View and in the various fields.
To disable Bootstrap, you can do
Luca.enableBootstrap = false
- a container for multiple views which get displayed side by side, or on top of one another, or in any other configuration.
- vertically split layout
- configurable widths via layout parameter
- example: layout: '25/25/25/25' for 25% width
- gives you a wizard style layout
- one active view at a time
- wrap your views in a twitter bootstrap modal container
- similar to card view, but with an automatically rendered tab selector widget, using bootstrap's css
- for full screen views
- configurable headers / columns
- custom renderers for cells
- scrollable grid component.
- automatically renders a backbone collection to a table
- build a complex form using any of the containers
- bind to model
- validation
- text, checkbox, radio, select fields
- bootstrap styling for css
Luca.View adds a bunch of functionality to the stock Backbone.View.
One thing to keep in mind, is any Luca.View subclass ( and in general you should be doing this anyway ) should call its super class' initialize method like such.
MyView = Luca.View.extend
initialize: ()->
# important to remember
Luca.View.prototype.initialize.apply @, arguments
Because many large applications consist of many views nested within views
any Luca.View subclass, has special handling around the render() method.
You automatically get beforeRender, afterRender methods on every View, and render() by default automatically appends the view's $(@el) to its @container
If you pass a deferrable property, which references a Backbone.Collection, it will automatically bind the render() method you define to the 'reset' event on the Collection, and will automatically call fetch() for you.
Every Luca.View subclass which defines a hooks property, will automatically bind functions named according to a CamelCaseConvention when these hooks are triggered. For example
Luca.components.GridView = Luca.View.extend
MyGridView = Luca.components.GridView.extend
beforeGridRender: ()->
console.log "We get called automatically"
Component views in Luca register themselves with the Component Registry, with a unique identifier. For example, the ColumnView has a "ctype" of column_view, and the SplitView has a "ctype" of split_view
This allows us to build complex, nested configurations of containers like such:
new Luca.containers.Viewport
layout: '50/50',
ctype: 'column_view',
ctype: 'split_view'
ctype: 'split_view'
And using lazy instantiation, these nested containers won't be created until they are needed.
To register a component in the registry, you can do
Luca.register "my_component", "Luca.components.MyComponent"
If you don't do this, but follow the standard CamelCase name convention, when a Luca Container comes across a component with a ctype 'my_unregistered_component' it will search all of the component namespaces for 'MyUnregisteredComponent'
To add your own views to the component registry,
MyApp.views.CustomView = Backbone.View.extend
Luca.registry.addNamespace "MyApp.views"
This will allow you to use the "ctype" of "custom_view" to nest this view within a container.
By defining a component with a 'name' attribute, that component will be accessible by
``coffeescript Luca.cache("my_component_name")
Luca Templates
If you use the luca gem in your rails app, and you include a file with
the .luca extension in an asset pipeline manifest,
then you will have a JST style template which is based on jst, haml, and
This allows you to do something client side like:
%h1 Welcome To Luca
<% if(include_list) { %>
%li <%= variable %>
<% } %>
if you include this markup in sample.luca, you will have available to you a function in the window.JST object.
The GridView provides a convenient way of turning a Backbone.Collection into a scrollable table. An example config:
new Luca.components.GridView
# default is true, but you can disable
# the scrollable overflow component by passing false
scrollable: true
# you can set the height of the scrollable area
height: 300
# you can also set the width
width: 500
# This will make the component accessible by
# Luca.cache('sample_grid')
name: 'sample_grid'
# handle the double click event on the row
rowDoubleclick: (grid, record, rowIndex)->
console.log "A row was double clicked"
# handle a single click event on the row
rowClick: (grid, record, rowIndex)->
console.log "A row was single clicked"
# This will create Luca.components.FilterableCollection
base_url: '/api/endpoint'
# convenient way of parsing an API who returns
# the results in a nested array
root: 'results'
header: "Title"
# by default, data will access the 'title' attribute on the model
data: "title"
header: "Publisher"
# you can even access nested attributes
data: ''
header: "Subject"
data: "subject"
# or you can supply a custom renderer
# which will pass you the model, column config, and index
renderer: (row, column, columnIndex)->
Luca.SocketManager is an abstraction around various websocket services such as faye.js,, now.js, etc.
It provides a common interface for adding push / async functionality to Collections, Models, and the like, regardless of the transport mechanism used.
Simply bind to it, and any message that comes across the channel you subscribe to, will be bubbled up as a Backbone.Event with the message contents as your argument