Environmental pollution is a problem that directly affects all of us. However, we can try to protect and improve our precious Earth.The plogging application is a solution for those who protect the environment and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Through this application, we can work together to improve our environment and create a better future at the same time.
- Good Health and Well-being
- Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Climate Action
- Life on Land

Plogus is an essential tool for users who enjoy environmental protection and a sustainable lifestyle. Together, we can create a healthier and more beautiful Earth by reducing trash and improving the environment. Download the PlogUs now and join our efforts!
1. A guide for waste recycling through photo recognition using AI
When a user takes a picture of the garbage they pick up, Plogus provides detailed instructions on how to separate the garbage. This reduces environmental pollution and promotes a sustainable recycling culture.
2. Plogging Path Recommendation (using Google Map Api)
Plogus recommends the best plogging path for users. This allows users to find the most efficient way to improve their environment in their area.
3. Save Plogging Points
Plogus allows users to earn points based on their activities. These points can be exchanged for a variety of rewards, motivating sustainable consumption or conservation activities.
4. A Daily plogging Quiz
The plogging quizzes, which come with different themes every day, allow users to improve their knowledge of environmental protection. This helps users to recognize their roles and act for a better environment.
- Spring
- Spring Security
- Google Cloud Platform
- Compute Engine
- Cloud Storage
- VPC network
- Google Maps Platform
- Docker
- Flutter
- GetX
- Tensorflow
- Keras
- Colab
- Github
- Notion
- Figma
- GitBook
- ERDCloud
update soon!
Frontend Developer | Frontend Developer | Backend Developer | ML Developer |
@2093ab | @hyo-4 | @melitina915 | @in3der |
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