Fork of auth0-spa-js to work in the service worker of web extensions in MV3.
NOTE: This library is still in pre-release and not recommended for production use yet. I'm actively working on a production release, so in the meantime feel free to test this library out and raise any issues/enhacements over on the issue tracker. This library is evolving quite rapidly, so any feedback is truly appreciated :)
Using npm
npm install auth0-web-extension
Using yarn
yarn add auth0-web-extension
Add the following code to your content script:
import { handleTokenRequest } from "auth0-web-extension";
In your manifest, you will need to add a couple items.
In your background script, create an Auth0Client
import createAuth0Client from 'auth0-web-extension';
const auth0 = createAuth0Client({
domain: '<AUTH0_DOMAIN>',
client_id: '<AUTH0_CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '<YOUR_REDIRECT_URI>',
Now, all you need to do to get an access token, is to call getTokenSilently
const token = await auth0.getTokenSilently(options);
- You will only be able to retrieve access tokens in your background script if there is at least one instance of your service worker running.
- We don't yet support refresh tokens
- The loginWithRedirect method has been replaced with the loginWithNewTab function, which behaves in almost the exact same way except opens our /authorize url on a new tab
- The createAuth0Client method does NOT call checkSession like in auth0-spa-js, this is because this call is highly unreliable especially if users create a client immediately when the background script starts up. Instead, we call checkSession before getUser, isAuthenticated, and getIdTokenClaims so the behaviour is nearly identical.
Check out this blog post I wrote over on my website for a breakdown of how the library works as well as some of the design decisions/considerations.
For support or to provide feedback, please raise an issue on the issue tracker.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.