I'm a microbiologist/bioinformatician with experience in microbial ecology and epedimiology. I enjoy building analysis workflows that are accesible to people with no coding background, and making resources for collagues to learn how to code! Iβve worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate on diverse projects (in the USA and UK), investigating bacterial and viral ecology (both DNA and RNA viruses) in environmental and agricultural. Currently, I work as a bioinformatician, where I focus on developing code and analyzing data for pathogen surveillance and diagnostics.
- π» Employment: Bioinformatician in the Diagnosis and Genomic Epidemiology of Pathogens (DxEpiPath) group, IGTP πͺπΈ
- π± Current project: A Nextflow workflow for epidemiological outbreak analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- π Broadly working on: SARS-CoV-2 and Mycobacterium tuberculosis surveilance, rapid diagnostics with Oxford Nanopore sequencing
- π Languages: BASH, R, Nextflow, Python
- π« How to reach me: [email protected] || Institutional GitHub
- Deep sea sponges yield new bacterial strains that may battle pathogens
- #FEMSmicroBlog: Searching for antibiotics in the deep sea
- Rule-breaking anoxic bacteria infected with viruses
- Dominance of recombinant DWV genomes with changing viral landscapes as revealed in national US honey bee and varroa mite survey
- Host-specific viral predation network on coral reefs
- Sacbrood viruses and select Lake Sinai virus variants dominated Apis mellifera colonies symptomatic for European foulbrood
- A semi-automated and high-throughput approach for the detection of honey bee viruses in bee samples
- Globally distributed bacteriophage genomes reveal mechanisms of tripartite phage-bacteria-coral interactions
- Inducible prophages modulate symbiotic phenotypes in Sargassum-associated bacteria
- Viruses of sulfur oxidizing phototrophs encode genes for pigment, carbon, and sulfur metabolisms
- Whole genomes of deep-sea sponge-associated bacteria exhibit high novel natural product potential
Data anf script utilised in the analysis and writing of my first-author publications, or any publication where it was my responcibility to make code and data available, can be found in the following repositories:
- FigShare | Dominance of recombinant DWV genomes with changing viral landscapes as revealed in national US honey bee and varroa mite survey
- GitHub | Sacbrood viruses and select Lake Sinai virus variants dominated Apis mellifera colonies symptomatic for European foulbrood
- To be uploaded to FigShare to reclaim storage on my personal github account π
- FigShare | A semi-automated and high-throughput approach for the detection of honey bee viruses in bee samples)
- FigShare | Viruses of sulfur oxidizing phototrophs encode genes for pigment, carbon, and sulfur metabolisms